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Margaret Condrasky
4- H Healthy Lifestyles Program Specialist
4-H Youth Development Program Team, Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences Department
Office: A 216 Poole Agricultural Center
Phone: 864-656-6554
Fax: 864-656-0331
Email: mcondra@clemson.edu
Educational Background
EdD Vocational and Technical Education
Clemson University 1993
MS Food and Nutrition
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 1983
BS Medical Dietetics
Pennsylvania State University 1977
Courses Taught
FDSC 4100/6100 Product Development
FDSC 3070 Restaurant Management
NUTR 2030 Principles of Human Nutrition
Creative Inquiry (Culinary Nutrition and Healthy Food Development for children)
Throughout a background in culinary nutrition education from the high school, technical college and University levels; Dr. Condrasky has pioneered the collaborative nature of food, nutrition, and culinary arts. Credentials as a Registered Dietitian and Certified Culinary Educator support her research, education and outreach endeavors within the state, the country as well as internationally.
Research Interests
Research is focused in culinary nutrition with projects supported by the National Culinary Nutrition research within: faith based, school nutrition programs, and pre-school groups funded by the Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Agriculture provide the foundation for outreach education.
Extension and Outreach
Work with undergraduates in student led research projects within Creative Inquiry teams have focused on developing healthy food products and services for children, culinary nutrition outreach within the community as practical experience for nutrition majors as well as partnerships with business and industry.
Brazilian Cooking Skills Questionnaire evaluation of using/cooking and consumption of fruits and vegetables. Nutrition. www.nutritionjrnl.com. Nutrition 95 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2021.111557. Jomori, Manuela; Condrasky, Margaret; Caraher, Martin.
Experiential Student Learning Through Culinary Nutrition Techniques on Heirloom Vegetables. Land-Grant Press Teaching Section by Clemson Extension. Margaret Condrasky and Joel Hamilton. LGP 1138. 2022.
Leading a Faculty Learning Community to Teach Teamwork Skills to Prepare Undergraduate Students to be Ready for Work, abstract accepted for oral presentation at NACTA 2022. Condrasky, M and DiBenedetto, C. Ohio June 2022.
Regional American Cooking for 4-H South Carolinians, CI team Spring semester 2022. Condrasky, M. instructor. Presented at Focus on Creative Inquiry (FoCI at Clemson University April 7, 2022).
Condrasky, M., Sharp, J., Hegler, M., Carter, C., Komar, G. (August 2015) Opinions, Knowledge, and Current Practices of Culinary Arts Instructors and Professionals in Regards to Healthy Food Techniques. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 13: 287-302.
Condrasky. M., Sharp J., Buckner, M., Komar, G. (2015) School Food Service Professionals Training Model with Nutrition Educator and Chef Team, Published in "A Selected Anthology of Manuscripts on Opportunities and Challenges for Food and Eating in Society" Editors Charles Feldman & Douglas Murray, International Culinary Arts and Sciences global, and national perspectives. P 40-47, ISBN 978-0-692
Condrasky, M., Johnson, G., Corr, A., Sharp, J. (April 2015) Cook Like a Chef 1- and 4- Week Camp Models. Journal of Extension. Volume 53, Number 2, Feature Article # 2FEA8.
Dixon, E., Condrasky, MD, Corr, A, Kemper, K, Sharp, J. (2014) Application of a Menu-Planning Template As a Tool for Promoting Healthy Preadolescent Diets. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 47-56.
Dixon, E., Corr, A., Sharp, J., Condrasky, M., (2013) Cooking Confidence and Healthy Eating Choices of Pre-adolescent Participants at a Cooking Camp, Topics in Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 28.1 page 21-33.
Condrasky, M., Baruth, M., Wilcox, S., Carter, C. (July – Sept. 2013) Predictors of Change in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in a Faith -Based intervention with African American adults. Family & Community Health. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 236-247.
Pate, R., O’Neill, J.R., Liese,A., Janz,K., Granberg, E., Colabianchi N., Harsha D., Condrasky, M., O’Neil, P., Lau, E., Taverno, R. (August 2013) Obesity Reviews, Factors associated with development of excessive fatness in children and adolescents: a review of prospective studies. Obesity Reviews, doi:10.1111/obr.12035. p 645- 658.
Condrasky, M., Corr., Dixon, E., Sharp, J., (2013) Conference Proceedings 8th ICCAS (International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences) Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences (FCNAUP) and the Portuguese Nutritionists Association (APN) at Porto University, Portugal June 19-21, 2013. Paper: Enhancing Self-Efficacy to teach Culinary Nutrition for Dietetic Undergraduates. ISBN: 978-989-8631-08-4.
Wilcox, S., Parrott, A., Baruth, M., Laken, M., Condrasky, M., Saunders, R., Dowda, M., Evans, R., Addy, C., Warren, T.Y., Kinnard, D., Zimmerman, L. (2013). The Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Program: A randomized controlled trial in African American Churches. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(2), 122-31.
Condrasky, M., Baruth, M., Wilcox, Carter, C., Jordan, J., (Dec 13, 2012) Cooks Training for Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Project with AME churches in SC, Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. Vol 37 pgs. 43-49. www.elsevier.com/locate/evalprogplan
Jones, G.,Bouton, A., Jones,K., Cauble, A., Laffitte, L., Dawson, P., Sharp,J., Condrasky, M. (August 31, 2012) Journal of Culinary Science & Technology 10:3,259-270.
Warmin, A., Sharp, J, Condrasky, M. (2012). A Culinary Nutrition Program for College Aged Students, Topics in Clinical Nutrition, Volume 27.2.
Dave JM, Evans AE, Condrasky MD, Williams JE (2012). Parental social support specific to their child’s fruit and vegetable intake: reliability and validity of measures. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 44(2), 132-139.
Bingjie, L., Norman, W., Condrasky, Shoot, Taste and Post: An Exploratory Study of Food and Tourism Experiences in an Online Image-Share Community. ENTER2012 Travel and Tourism Conference International e-journal (2012)
Condrasky, M., Williams, M., Michaud P., Griffin, S. (2011) Development of psychosocial scales for evaluating the impact of a culinary nutrition education program on cooking and healthy eating, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 43, (6), 511-516.
Baruth, M., Wilcox, S., Condrasky M. Perceived Environmental Church Support Is Associated with Dietary Practices among African American Adults.(2011) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111 (6), 889-893.
Condrasky, M, Hegler M, Sharp, J (2011). Application of Cooking with a chef for School Food Service Professionals, Topics in Clinical Nutrition, Volume 26 (2), 171-177.
Condrasky, M., Corr, A., Sharp, J., Hegler, M., Warmin (2010) A Culinary Nutrition Camp for Adolescents assisted by Dietetic Student Counselors, Topics in Clinical Nutrition. Volume 25, (4), 362-369.
Bebee, E., Marsh, C., Riemann, L., Ying, T., Condrasky, M (2010). The Culinary and Nutritional Aspects Surrounding the Newfound Sport of Tailgating. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. Volume 8 (1).
Condrasky, M., Frost, S., Lee, A., Simmons, S., Hrabski, T.(2010). What’s Cooking?: A Culinary Nutrition Research Program With Dietetic Interns. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. Volume 25-Issue 3-p 280-288.
Obbagy, J., Condrasky, M., Roe, L., Sharp, J., Rolls, B. (2010). Chefs’ opinions about reducing the calorie content of menu items in restaurants. Obesity.
Wilcox,S, Laken, M, Parrott AW, Condrasky M, Saunders R, Addy CL, Evans R, Baruth M, Samuel M. (2010) The Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) Program: Design of a faith-based participatory research intervention to increase physical activity and improve dietary habits in African American adults. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Volume 31, No 4.
Condrasky, M., Hegler, M. (2010). How Culinary Nutrition Can Save the Health of a Nation, Journal of Extension. Volume 48, No 2, Commentary, www.joe.org/joe/2010april/comm1.php
Condrasky, M., Griffin, S., Michaud, P., Clark, C., (2010). Cooking with a Chef: A Formative Evaluation and Lessons Learned through a Culinary Nutrition Intervention Program Designed to Improve Dietary Intake Patterns of Low-Income Caregivers and their Families, Journal of Extension. Volume 48, No 2, Feature Articles,
Borchgrevink, CP., Sciarini, M., Condrasky, M. (2009) Changing Culinary Occupations: Surfacing the Life of Research Chefs, In J. Carlsen, M. Huges, K. Holmes, & R. Jones (eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Annual CAUTHE Conference. Canning Bridge, Western Australia: Promaco Conventions.
Condrasky, M., Parisi, M., Kirby, E., Michaud, M., Graham, K., Wall-Bassett, E., Clifford, A., (2009) Application of the Process Evaluation Model to the Cooking- with- a-Chef Program, Topics in Clinical Nutrition,24(2), pp. 152-160.
Reinhardt-Howarth, E., Cason, K., Condrasky, M., (2009).Comparison of 2 Cooking Education Strategies for Adults: The Recipe and Pantry Methods, Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 24:1.
Condrasky, M., Shaffer, Barrett, Raines, Stancil, Reimann, (2008). Preference for salts in cooking as perceived by culinary arts students and professional chefs, Journal of Foodservice. 19, pp. 317- 321.
Tanner, A., Duhe, S., Evans, A., Condrasky, M. (2008). "Using Student-Produced Media to Promote Healthy Eating" A Pilot Study on the Effects of a Media and Nutrition Intervention, Science Communication Journal - Linking Theory and Practice
Volume 30, Number 1, pp. 108- 125.
Kamps, J., Condrasky, M., Cason, K. (2008). What’s Cooking? Culinary nutrition education at the supermarket, The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues e-journal (FFCI) ISSN 1505273.
Overview of Faith,Activity, Nutrition trainingCooks training for FAN