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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Matthew Cutulle

Associate Professor of Vegetable Weed Science
Vegetable Weed Science
Horticulture Program Team, Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, Coastal Research and Education Center

Office: Coastal Research and Education Center, Charleston
Phone: 843-402-5399

Vita: Download CV
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Educational Background

Ph.D Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute 2011

M.Sc Plant Science
The University of Tennessee 2008

B.S. Biology
Salisbury University 2004


I have a research focused appointment in vegetable weed control along with a 20% extension component. My goal is to improve weed control in both conventional and organic vegetable production.

Selected Awards: 2012 Robert D. Sweet Outstanding Ph.D student award (Northeastern Weed Science Society)
2010 Louis Brooking Graduate Student Turfgrass Research Award (Virginia Turf Foundation)

Research Interests

Evaluation of chemical, cultural, variety selections, and mechanical practices for sustainable weed control in vegetables. Elucidation of environmental parameters that influence herbicide carry over, volatility and drift in vegetables crops. Customization of emerging technologies such as robotics for weed control in vegetable production through collaboration with agricultural engineers. Integrated pest management strategies emphasizing herbicide plant-pathogen interactions. Weed control in organic vegetable production systems.

Extension and Outreach

Provide support to growers, agents, and master gardeners by disseminating vegetable weed control strategies at grower meetings, regional commodity conferences, and field days. Further characterize past and emerging weed control technologies in extension bulletins and publications.


During time at Clemson

1. Cutulle, M.A., J.M. Maja. 2021. Determining the Utility of an unmanned ground vehicle in specialty crop systems. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 16:1865.

2.Caputo, G., P. Wadl, J. Adelberg, C. Saski, and M.A. Cutulle. 2021. Impact of tank mixing plant hormones with bentazon and mesotrione on sweetpotato injury and weed control Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment.

3. Danahoo, T., L. Zhang, M.A. Cutulle, A. Hajihassani. 2021. Economic Analysis of Grafting and Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Tomato Production in South Carolina. 31: 615-624.

4. Caputo, G., S. Branham, M.A. Cutulle. 2021. Evaluation of Chemical Seed
Treatment to Reduce Injury Caused by Preemergent Herbicides on Direct-seeded Turnips and Collard Greens. HortScience. 56:1516-1520.

5. Lewis, D.G., R. Schmidt-Jeffris, M.A. Cutulle, C. Blubaugh. 2020. Better together? Combining cover crop mulches, organic herbicides, and weed seed biological control in reduced-tillage systems. Environmental Entomology (Accepted)

6. Caputo, G., L.B. McCarty, J. Adelberg, K.M. Jennings and M.A. Cutulle. 2020. In-Vitro Safening of the herbicide bentazon by melatonin in sweetpotato. Hortscience (Accepted)

7. Katuuramu, DN, WP Wechter, ML Washington, M Horry, MA Cutulle, RL Jarret and A Levi. 2020. Phenotypic diversity of root traits across 335 Citrullus spp. genotypes and identification of superior germplasm with potential in breeding for robust root system architecture in watermelon. Hortscience (In Press)

8. Cutulle, M.A., H.T. Campbell, M. Farfan, and P. Wadl. 2020. A hydroponics assay distinguishes between S-metolachlor tolerant and sensitive sweetpotato cultivars. Hortscience. 55:1022–1025

9. Wadl, P., M.A. Cutulle, M. Jackson, and H.F. Harrison. 2020. Evaluation of the USDA sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] germplasm collection for tolerance to the herbicide clomazone. Genetic Resources Crop Evolution. 67:1107-1113.

10. Cutulle, M., H.T. Campbell, D. Couillard, and M.W. Farnham. 2019. Pre Transplant herbicide application and cultivation to manage weeds in southeastern broccoli production. Crop Protection.

11. Schmidt-Jeffris, R.A., and M.A.Cutulle. 2019. Non-target effects of herbicides on Tetranychus urticae and its predator, Phytoseiulus persimilis implications for biological control. Pest Management Science.

12. Fennimore, S.A., and M.A. Cutulle. 2019. Robotic Weeders can Improve Weed Control Options for Specialty Crops. Pest Management Science. DOI 10.1002/ps.533

13. Kerr, R.A., L.B. McCarty, M.A. Cutulle, W. Bridges, C. Saski. 2019. Goosegrass control and turf grass injury following metribuzin and topramezone application with immediate irrigation. HortScience. 54:1621-1624.

14. Kerr, R.A., L.B. McCarty, W.C. Bridges, M. Cutulle. 2018. Key Morphological Events Following Late Season goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Germination. Weed Technology. (In Press)

15. Cutulle, M., J. Derr, D. McCall, A. Nicholas, and B. Horvath. 2018. Impact of Mowing Height and Nitrogen Fertility on Crabgrass Cover in 'RTF' Tall Fescue. J. of Environmental Hort. (In Press)

16. Ward, B.K., R.J. Dufault, R. Hassell, and M.A. Cutulle. 2018. Affinity of Hyperammonia-Producing Bacteria to Produce Bioammonium/Ammonia Utilizing Five Organic Nitrogen Substrates for Potential Use as an Organic Fertilizer. ACS Omega (In Press)

17. Cutulle, M.A., G.R. Armel, D.A. Kopsell, H.P. Wilson, J.T. Brosnan, J.J. Vargas, T.E. Hines, R.M. Koepke-Hill. 2018. Several Pesticides Influence the Nutritional Content of Sweet Corn. J. of Ag. Food Chem. (In Press)

18. Cutulle, M.A., H.F. Harrison, C.S. Kousik, P.A. Wadl and A. Levi. 2017 Bottle Gourd Genotypes Vary in Clomazone Tolerance. HortScience. 52: 1687-1691.

19. Ward, B.K., R.J. Dufault, R. Hassell, and M.A. Cutulle. 2017. Upscaled Bioammonium/Ammonia Production by Clostridium aminophilum with Soy Protein Isolate. J. Agric. Food Chem. 65: 2930-2935.

Meet Matthew Cutulle

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |