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Mandeep Tayal
Carl and Ruby Nettles Fellow
Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
Email: mtayal@clemson.edu
Personal Website: http://www.mandeeptayal.com
Educational Background
Ph.D. Entomology
Clemson University 2024
M.S. Biology
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 2020
B.S. Agriculture (Hons.)
Punjab Agricultural University 2018
Courses Taught
1. Teaching Assistant with Dr. Mike Ferro for ENT 3010/3011- Insect Biology and Diversity Lab (Fall 2022)
2. Lead lab instructor: Biology 4415- Entomology (Spring 2020) *Received Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
3. Lead lab instructor: Biology 1406- General Biology (Fall 2019) *Received Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
I am originally from Punjab, India where I did my undergraduate from Punjab Agricultural University. In Fall 2018, I joined Dr. Rupesh Kariyat's lab at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley to pursue a Master degree where I studied the effects of purple corn pericarp on the growth and development of Manduca sexta and led another project on Buzz pollination. In Fall 2020, I got Carl and Ruby Nettles Memorial Fellowship to work with Dr. Elizabeth Cieniewicz to understand the role of insects in the transmission of pollen-borne viruses in peaches.
Research Interests
My research focuses on investigating the role of flower-visiting insects in the transmission of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and prune dwarf virus (PDV) in peach orchards in Southeastern US.
13. Taggar, G.K., Rains, G.C., Tayal, M., Khokhar, S., Taggar, M.S., Kaur, J., Sharma, R., Saini, T., Gandham, K.R., and Kariyat, R. (2023). ¬Bioengineering plant volatile emissions: Prospectus for plant protection against insect herbivores. Entomologia Generalis. https://doi.org/10.1127/entomologia/2024/2431
12. Tayal, M., Wilson, C., Marquez de la Plata, Z., and Cieniewicz, E. J. (2024). Bee diversity and abundance during peach bloom in South Carolina. Journal of Applied Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jen.13353
11. Tayal, M, Rodriguez, F. B, Powell, G, and Cieniewicz, E. J. (2023). Pollen-borne ilarviruses of peach: Biology, ecology, and disease management. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmae016
10. Tayal, M., Ratay, A., Swift, N., Kaur, S., Russo, O., Kariyat, R., and Cieniewicz, E. J. (2023). Examining the effects of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and prune dwarf virus (PDV) on peach (Prunus persica) pollen health. Phytofrontiers. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTOFR-08-23-0112-R
9. Robinson, M. L., Hahn, P.G. ......Tayal, M....., (187 co-authors) (2023). Latitude, traits, and phylogeny determine variability in herbivore attack. Science, 382,679-683. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adh8830
8. Tayal, M., Wilson, C. and Cieniewicz, E. J. (2023). Bees and thrips carry virus-positive pollen in peach orchards in South Carolina, United States. Journal of Economic Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toad125
7. Rodriguez, F. B., Tayal, M., Melgar, J. C. and Cieniewicz, E. J. (2023). Insights on the directional movement of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus between peach and wild Prunus species. Journal of Plant Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-023-01450-w
6. Tayal, M., and Kariyat, R. (2021). Examining the role of buzzing time and acoustics on pollen extraction of Solanum elaeagnifolium. Plants, 10, 2592. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10122592
5. Bhullar, M. S., Tayal, M., Kashyap, S., & Sandhu, R. (2021). Novel Whole-Grain Foods: Nutritional and Phytochemical properties for Healthcare. In Cereals and Cereal-Based Foods: Functional Benefits and Technological (1st ed., pp. 151–166). Apple Academic Press Inc.
4. Tayal, M., Somavat, P., Rodriguez, I., Thomas, T., Christoffersen, B., & Kariyat, R. (2020). Polyphenol-Rich Purple Corn Pericarp Extract Adversely Impacts Herbivore Growth and Development. Insects, 11(2), 98. doi: 10.3390/insects11020098
3. Tayal, M., Chavana, J., Kariyat, RR (2020). Efficiency of using electric toothbrush as an alternative to a tuning fork for artificial buzz pollination is independent of instrument buzzing frequency. BMC Ecology, 20, 8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12898-020-00278-7
2. Tayal, M., Somavat, P., Rodriguez, I., Bobani, L., & Kariyat, R. (2020). Cascading effects of polyphenol-rich purple corn pericarp extract on pupal, adult and transgenerational offspring of tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta). Communicative and Integrative Biology, 13:1, 43-53. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420889.2020.1735223
1. Gandhi, A., Chapa, C., Tayal, M., Kariyat, R., Sahoo, N. (2020) Tobacco Hornworm (Manduca sexta) Oral Secretion Elicits Reactive Oxygen Species in Isolated Tomato Protoplasts. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 8297. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21218297