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students walking into the pool and agriculture building
Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Peter Adler

Plant and Environmental Sciences Department

Office: Cherry Farm Insectary
Phone: 864-656-5044
Fax: 864-656-5069

Personal Website:


Educational Background

Ph.D. Entomology
Pennsylvania State University 1983

M.S. Zoology
Pennsylvania State University 1979

B.S. Biology
Washington & Lee University 1976

Courses Taught

Insect Morphology
Insect Taxonomy
Insect Behavior

Research Interests

Ecology of medically important insects and their pathogens; interactions of blood-feeding insects with endangered vertebrates; ecology, cytogenetics, and systematics of black flies (Simuliidae); and the butterfly proboscis as a model for nanofluidic medical probes.


College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |