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Charles Privette, III
Department Chair & Professor
Agricultural Sciences Department, SC Water Resources Center
Office: 247 McAdams Hall
Phone: 864-656-6247
Fax: 864-656-0338
Email: privett@clemson.edu
Vita: Download CV
Educational Background
Ph.D. Civil Engineering
University of South Carolina 2005
M.S. Biosystems Engineering
Clemson University 1998
B.S. Agricultural Engineering
Clemson University 1997
Courses Taught
AGM 2210: Land Surveying
AGM 4020/6020: Irrigation Design
AGM 472: Capstone Design
BE 475: Biosystems Capstone Design
BE 322: Hydrology and Sedimentology
BE 422: Advanced Hydrology
BE 222: Geomeasurements
CE 341: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
LARCH 462: Landscape Architecture Design III
Research Interests
Previous research projects include: real-time monitoring of road construction on the Foothills Parkway for water quality assessment, modeling urban growth and its impacts on both water quantity and quality, developing BMPs for SCDOT on turbidity control, remote sensing of surface soil moisture using reflected satellite signals, and monitoring surface runoff from agricultural fields for nutrients and pesticides. Other areas of interest include BMP development for sediment and stormwater control, TMDLs, and low impact designs.
Extension and Outreach
CSPR- Certified Stormwater Plan Reviewer
CEPSCI – Certified Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Inspector
Cengiz, K, A. B. Koc, C. V. Privette, C. B. Sawyer. 2018. In-Situ water quality measurements using a UAV System. Water.10 (264).
Privette, C., C. Sawyer, J. Berry, J. Hayes, and W. Bridges. 2017. Reductions in turbidity and Escherichia coli density using passive polymer treatment in simulated stormwater runoff. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 19(3).
Cole, S., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Privette, C., Schlautman, M., Cope, M. 2017. “Comparing SSURGO data versus geospatial field measurements to estimate soil texture and infiltration rate classes in glaciated soils.†Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Vol 48, 11 (1309-1318).
Privette, C., Smink, J. 2017. Assessing the Potential Impacts of WWTP Effluent Reductions within the Reedy River Watershed. Journal of Ecological Engineering. Vol 98 (11-16).
X. Qiao, A. Khalilian, J. O. Payero, J. M. Maja, C. V. Privette, Y. J. Han. 2016. Evaluating Reflected GPS Signal as a Potential Tool for Cotton Irrigation Scheduling. Journal of Advances in Remote Sensing. Vol. 5 No. 3.
Privette, C., Khalilian, A, Bridges,W., Katzberg, S, Torres,O., Han, Y., Maja, J Qiao, X. 2016. Relationship of Soil Moisture and Reflected GPS Signal Strength. Journal of Advances in Remote Sensing. Vol. 5 No. 1.
Privette, C., Taylor, S., Hayes, J., Hallo, L., Nix, H. 2015. Forecasting the impacts of future development on water quantity and quality within the Reedy River Watershed. Journal of Land Use Policy. Vol 44 (1-9).
Privette, C., Taylor, S., Hayes, J., Hallo, L., Nix, H. 2014. Costs Associated with Mitigating the Impacts on Water Quality of Future Development within the Reedy River Watershed Using Various BMPs. Journal of Ecological Engineering. Vol 71 (326-334).
Kunkel, E., Privette, C., Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. 2013. Transport and Fate of Escherichia coli in sediment layer and water column of basins on active construction sites. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 56(6).
Huber, M., Willis, D., Privette, C., and J. Hayes. 2013 A private incentive based stormwater mitigation program to enhance stormwater management control beyond current minimum standards in residential subdivisions. Watershed Science Bulletin, August 2013.
Kunkel, E., Privette, C., Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. 2013. Attachment of Escherichia coli to fine sediment particles within construction sediment basins. Journal of Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology: Special Issue E.coli Theories and Perspective. Vol.4 No. 3A.
Privette, C., Khalilian, A., Tores, O., Katsberg, S. 2011. Utilizing space-based GPS technology to determine hydrological properties of soils. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 pp 3582-3586.
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
Cengiz, K, A. B. Koc, C. V. Privette, C. B. Sawyer. 2018. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Water Quality Monitoring. CIGR 2018 / XIX. World Congress of CIGR. Antalya, Turkey. April.
Qiao, X, Khalilian, A., Privette, C., Han, Y., Payero, J. 2014. Soil Moisture Mapping Utilizing Space-Based GPS Technology Developed by NASA. SC Water Resources Conference, October.
Sawyer, C., Pike, J., Hagan, D., Privette, C., Hallstrom, J., Eidson, G. 2104. Restoring Hunnicutt Creek: Perspectives and Preliminary Results from a University Campus Project. SC Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC. October.
Resler, K., Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. Privette, C. 2012. Sediment Based Turbidity Analysis for Representative South Carolina Soils. SC Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC. October.
Berry, J., Sawyer, C., Privette, C., Hayes, J., Bridges, W. 2012. Passive Polymer Application for Turbidity Reduction. SC Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC. October.
Hayes, J.C., Privette III, C.V., Sawyer, C.B., Price, J.W. 2011. Eroded Particle Size Distributions for Southeastern U.S. Soils. World Environmental and Water Resources Conference Proceedings. ASCE. Palm Springs, CA.
Privette, C.V., Taylor, S.W., Hayes, J.C. 2011. Forecasting Benefits for Implementation of LID Practices in Future Developments within the Reedy River Watershed. World Environmental and Water Resources Conference Proceedings. ASCE. Palm Springs, CA.
Lowdermilk, J. Privette, C. Templeton, S. 2010. Estimation of the Costs and Economic Analysis of the Use of Sediment Controls at Construction Sites. SC Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC. October.
Willis, D., Huber, M., Hayes, J. Privette, C. 2010. Incentive Combatable Policies to Promote the Voluntary Use of Enhanced Stormwater BMPs in New Residential Developments. SC Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC. October.
Hayes, J., Privette, C., Tempel, E. 2010. Enhancing Land Development Decision-Making to Reduce Water Quality Impacts. SC Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC. October.
Huber, M. C., Willis, D.B., Hayes, J.C., Privette III, C.V. 2010 “Incentive Policies to Promote the Use of Enhanced Stormwater BMPs in New Residential Developmentsâ€. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 42(3):588, August 2010.
Professional Proceedings
Hollowell, R., Sawyer, C., Privette, C., Pike, J. 2017. An integrative study of past stream restoration projects in the upstate of South Carolina for potential use in future stream restoration projects.†2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. July.
Privette, C., Sawyer, C., David, D. 2016. Linear sediment control BMPs effect on stormwater runoff turbidity from highway construction. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE #162458164. July.
Qiao, X., Khalilian, A., Payero, J., Maja, J., Privette, C., Han, Y. 2016. Utilizing Space-based Technology for Cotton irrigation Scheduling. 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. International Society of Precision Agriculture. July.
Burkey, J., Privette, C., Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. 2015. Longevity of Polyacrylamide for Turbidity Reduction of Simulated Stormwater Runoff. 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE #152181705. July.
Qiao X., A. Khalilian, J. Payero, C. Privette, Y. Han. 2014. Developing an effective sensor-based irrigation scheduling technique for cotton production in coastal plain soils. 2014 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, pp. 457-462, National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
Linvill, D., Privette, C. Managing Lake Hartwell through Modeling of Lake Water Surface Elevations. 2014 ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE #141908128. July, 2014.
Qiao, X., A. Khalilian, J. O. Payero, Y. J. Han, C. Privette, 2014. Optimum Sensor Location for Irrigation Scheduling of Cotton in a Field with Variable Soil; ASABE: #141896615.
Boatwright, J., Kirk, K. Privette, C., Sawyer, C. 2013. Siphon System Retrofits Guide, 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE #131620446. July.
Taylor, I., Sharp, J., White, D., Hallstrom, J. Eidson, G., Oehsen, J., Duffy, E., Privette, C., Cook, C., Sampath, A., Radhakrishnan, G. 2013. Monitoring Sensor Measurement Anomalies of Streaming Environmental Data Using a Local Correlation Score. 2013 Fourth International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application.
Privette, C., Hayes, J., Taylor, S. 2012. Predicting Water Quantity and Quality Based on Estimated Development Within the Reedy River Watershed, 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE #121338039. July.
Resler, K., Sawyer, C., Privette, C., Hayes, J. 2011. Accuracy and Precision of Portable Turbidity Meters. International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution. ASABE #11014. Anchorage, AK.
Tempel, E., Privette III, C., Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. 2011. Survival, Behavior, and Fate of Indicator Bacteria in Sediment Basins. International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution. ASABE # 11011. Anchorage, AK.
Lowdermilk, J. Templeton, S. Privette, C., Hayes, J. 2011. An Economic Analysis of Sediment Control at Construction Sites: The Case of Greenville County, South Carolina. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 24-26.
Privette, C., Khalilian, A., Torres, O., Katzberg, S. 2010. Utilizing Space-Based GPS Technology to Determine Hydrological Properties of Soils for Watershed Management. 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE #1009187. June.
Bellamy, C., Khalilian, A., Farahani, H., Privette, C. 2010. Sensors for Effective Irrigation Scheduling and Improved Water use Efficiency of Cotton Cultivars. XVII World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, June.
Hayes, J., Privette, III, C., Tempel, E., Willis, D., Huber, M. 2010. Low Impact Development Decision-Making to Evaluate Impacts of BMP Selection. Proceedings of 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference, Earth University, Costa Rica, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. February.
Bellamy, C., Khalilian, A., Farahani, H., Privette, C., Henderson, W. 2009. Sensor Based Soil Water and Crop Monitoring in Cottom Production. 2009 Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Antonio, Texas. January.
Privette III, C.V., Weeber, B. L. Nutrient and Metal Removal Efficiency of an Anaerobically Enhanced Bioretention Cell. 2008 ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE #084209. July.