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Qiong Su
Assistant Professor
Agricultural Sciences Department
Office: 242 McAdams Hall
Phone: 864-656-4057
Email: qsu@clemson.edu
Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/qiongsu/home
Educational Background
Ph.D. Water Management and Hydrological Science
Texas A&M Universtiy
M.S. Environmental Science
Peking Univeristy
B.S. Computer Science
Ocean University of China
B.S. Environmental Science
Ocean University of China
Courses Taught
AGM 2210: Land Surveying
AGM 4020/6020: Irrigation Design
Research Interests
My research expertise spans from basic science (evapotranspiration and soil-plant-water relationships) to applied agriculture with management (state-of-the-art irrigation tools and decision support systems) for multi-scale agricultural water management. Additionally, my work employs crop modeling and the integration of advanced technologies, such as machine learning and remote sensing, into agricultural system simulations.
1. Singh, V.P., and Su, Q., 2022. Irrigation Engineering: Principles, Processes, Procedures, Design, and Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, the U.K., ISBN-13: 978-1316511220.
1. Singh, V.P., and Su, Q., 2022. Water: How Secure Are We Under Climate Change? In: Sustainability of Water Resources: Impacts and Management. Basant Yadav, Mohit Prakash Mohanty, Ashish Pandey, Vijay P. Singh, R. D. Singh (Eds). Water Science and Technology Library, # 116. Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 9783031134661.
2. Singh, V.P., and Su, Q., 2022. Irrigated agriculture under climate change. In: Case studies: insights on agriculture innovation 2021 (IAAS Series). Lee, T.R. Vital Wellspring Education Pte. Ltd.
3. Kambale, R.D., Q. Su, R. Karthikeyan, J. Adelberg, and B.R., Jeong 2024. Enhancing resilience in hydroponic crops with silicon: Insights into growth enhancement and stress mitigation. In: de Mello Prado, R., Etesami, H., Srivastava, A.K. (eds) Silicon Advances for Sustainable Agriculture and Human Health. Sustainable Plant Nutrition in a Changing World. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-69876-7_18
1. Singh, V.P., and Su, Q., 2022. Solutions Manual to “Irrigation Engineering: Principles, Processes, Procedures, Design, and Management.” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, the U.K., ISBN-13: 978-1316511220.
[*corresponding-author, †co-first author]
35. Su, Q., Ale, S.*, Himanshu, S.K., Singh, J., and Singh, V.P. (2025). Calibration and bias correction of seasonal weather forecasts of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) for real-time regional crop modeling. The Journal of Agricultural Science. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859625000139
34. Xu, W.Y., Yang, R., Karthikeyan, R., Shi, Y., and Su, Q.* (2025). GBiDC-PEST: A novel lightweight model for real-time multiclass tiny pest detection and mobile platform deployment. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.017
33. Singh, V.P.*, and Su, Q. (2025). Empirical relations in hydrology derived using entropy theory. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-6506
32. Su, Q.*, Kambale, R.D., Tzeng, J., Amy, G.L., Ladner, D.A., and Karthikeyan, R.* (2025). The growing trend of saltwater intrusion and its impact on coastal agriculture: challenges and opportunities. Science of the Total Environment. 966, 178701. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2025.178701
31. Su, Q., and V.P. Singh*, 2024. Advancing irrigation management: integrating technology and sustainability to address global food security. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 196, 1018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-024-13145-5
30. Sapkota, B.R., C.B. Adams*, Q. Su, and S. Ale, 2024. Remote detection of water stress in cotton using a center pivot irrigation system-mounted sensor package. Scientific Reports. 14, 23436. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-74092-2
29. Su, Q.*, R. Srinivasan, and R. Karthikeyan*, 2024. SC. HAWQS: a user-friendly web-based decision support system for regional water resources management under a changing climate. Water Resources Management. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-023-03719-2
28. Su, Q.*, Rohila. J., Ranganathan, R., and Karthikeyan, R.*, 2023. Rice yield and quality in response to daytime and nighttime temperatures increase– a meta-analysis perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 165256. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165256
27. Lin, Y., Wang, Y., Hsieh, J., Jiang, J., Su, Q., and Zhang, R., 2023. Assessing the destructiveness of tropical cyclone by anthropogenic aerosols under an atmosphere-ocean coupled framework. EGUsphere [preprint].
26. Ale, S.*, Su, Q., Singh, J., Himanshu, S.K., Fan, Y., Stoker, B., Gonzalez, E., Sapkota, B.R., Adams, C., Biggers, K., Kimura, E., and Wall. J., 2023. Development and evaluation of a decision support mobile application for cotton irrigation management. Smart Agricultural Technology. 100270. doi: 10.1016/j.atech.2023.100270
25. Xu, W.Y., Xu, T., Thomasson, J.A., Chen, W., Karthikeyan, R., Tian, G., Shi, Y., Ji, C., and Su, Q.*, 2023. A lightweight deep learning method for detection of sugarcane aphids in unstructured natural environments. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 211, 107961. doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2023.107961
24. Su, Q.*, and Karthikeyan, R., 2023. Regional water stress forecasting: effects of climate change, socioeconomic development, and irrigated agriculture – a Texas case study. Sustainability. 15(12), 9290. doi.org/10.3390/su15129290
23. Su, Q.*, and Singh, V.P., 2023. A calibration-free Priestley-Taylor method for reference evapotranspiration estimation. Water Resources Research. 59(3), e2022WR033198 doi: 10.1029/2022WR033198
22. Su. Q.*, H. Dai, H., S. Xie, X. Yu, R. Karthikeyan, and V.P. Singh, 2023. Water-energy-carbon nexus: greenhouse gas emissions from integrated urban drainage systems in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(5):2093-2104.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c08583 doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c08583
21. Wang. J., Lin, Y., McFarquhar, G.M., Park, E., Lee, K.W., Gu, Y., Su, Q., Fu, R., Lee, K.W., and Zhang T.H., 2023. Soil moisture observations from shortwave infrared channels reveal tornado tracks: A case in December 10-11, 2021 tornado outbreak. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1029/2023GL102984
20. Su. Q.,* V.P. Singh, and R. Karthikeyan, 2022. Selection and implementation of reference evapotranspiration methods for estimation of regional irrigation water demand. Agricultural Water Management. 274:107979. doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107979
19. Singh, V.P., and Su, Q., 2022. Water-Environment-Energy-Food Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities under Climate Change. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. 50(3):177-189.
18. Singh, V.P., and Su, Q., 2022. Industry note: Irrigated agriculture for food security. International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology, and Globalisation. 3(1):87-93.
17. Xu, W.Y., J.A. Thomasson, Q, Su, C. Ji, Y. Shi, J. Zhou, and H. Chen, 2022. A segmentation algorithm incorporating superpixel block and holistically nested edge for sugarcane aphids images under natural light conditions. Biosystems Engineering. 216:241-255.
16. Singh, V.P., and Q. Su, 2021. Role of hydrology in natural resources conservation and management. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. 49 (3): 153-162.
15. Lin, Y., Y. Wang, B. Pan, J. Hu, S. Guo, M, Zamora, P. Tian, Q. Su, Y. Ji, J. Zhao, M. Gomez-Hernandez, M. Hu, and R. Zhang, 2021. Formation, radiative forcing, and climatic effects of severe regional haze, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics., 22(7):4951-4967.
14. Zhang, Y., Z. Wu, V. P. Singh, Q. Su, H. He, H. Yin, Y. Zhang, and F. Wang, 2021. Simulation of crop water requirements and consumption considering irrigation effects based on coupled Hydrology-Crop Growth model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.13(11): e2020MS002360.
13. Chen, H., A.M. Rücker, Q. Su, G.D. Blosser, X. Liu, W.H. Conner, and A.T. Chow, 2020. Dynamics of dissolved organic matter and disinfection byproduct precursors along a low elevation gradient in woody wetlands. Water Research. 181, 115908.
12. Su. Q, H. Dai, H. Chen, Y. Lin, Y. Xie, and R. Karthikeyan, 2019. General equilibrium analysis of co-benefits and trade-offs of carbon mitigation on local industrial water use and pollutants discharge in China. Environmental Science & Technology. 53 (3): 1715–1724.
11. Xu, W., H. Chen, Q. Su, C. Ji, W. Xu, M.S. Memon, and J, Zhou, 2019. Shadow detection and removal in apple image segmentation under natural light conditions using an ultrametric contour map. Biosystems Engineering, 184, 142-154.
10. Chen H., K.P. Tsai, Q. Su, A.T. Chow, and J. Wang, 2019. Throughfall dissolved organic matter as a terrestrial source of disinfection byproduct precursors. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3,8,1603-1613.
9. Su. Q, H. Dai, Y. Lin, H. Chen, R. Karthikeyan, 2018. Modeling the carbon-energy-water nexus in a rapidly urbanizing catchment. Journal of Environmental Management. 225, 93-103.
8. Cao, C., S. Liu, Z. Ma, Y. Lin, Q. Su, H. Chen, and J. Wang, 2018. Dynamics of multiple elements in fast decomposing vegetable residues. Science of the Total Environment. 616, 614-621.
7. Chen, H., Y. Lin, Q. Su, L.Cheng, 2017. Spatial variation of multiple air pollutants and their potential contributions to all-cause, respiratory, and cardiovascular mortality across China in 2015-2016. Atmospheric Environment. 168, 23-35.
6. Su, Q., H.P. Qin, and G.T. Fu, 2014. Environmental and ecological impacts of water supplement schemes in a heavily polluted estuary. Science of the Total Environment. 472C: 704-711.
5. Qin H.P., Q. Su, S.T. Khu, and N. Tang, 2014. Water quality changes during rapid urbanization in the Shenzhen River catchment. Sustainability. 6(6): 7433-7451.
4. Qin H.P., Q. Su, and S.T. Khu, 2012. Assessment of environmental improvement measures using a novel integrated model. Journal of Environmental Management. 114: 486-495.
3. Qin H.P., Q. Su, and S.T. Khu, 2011. An integrated model for water management in a rapidly urbanizing catchment. Environmental Modelling & Software. 26(12): 1502-1514.
2. He L.Y., Y. Lin, X. Huang, S. Guo, L. Xue, Q. Su, M. Hu, S. Luan, and Y. Zhang, 2010. Characterization of high-resolution aerosol mass spectra of primary organic aerosol emissions from Chinese cooking and biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 10(23): 11535-11543.
1. Su, Q., H.P. Qin, and Z.J. Zhao, 2009. Modeling effects of regional industrial structure adjustment on water resource balance and water quality improvement. China Environmental Science. 29(7): 767-772.
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