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Rabia El-Hawaz
Research Associate, Ph.D.
Agricultural and Environmental Science Department, Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
Office: Biosystem Research Complex
Phone: 864-650-0615
Email: rabiae@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Clemson University 2015
Plant physiology
Garyounis university 2009
Garyounis university 2004
• Minor in statistic.
• Skilled in plant cell and tissue cultures and acclimatization plants at a greenhouse.
• Researched, experimental designed, and data analysis of different projects in plant science field.
• Expert in DOE and multi-dimensional designs and statistical analysis for improving processes.
• Skilled at developing mineral nutrition for in vitro and ex vitro growth.
• Have an experience in plant analytical techniques.
• Skilled at Microsoft office, Photoshop Adopt, JMP, SAS, ImageJ analysis.
Research Interests
Plant tissue culture. Plant physiology. Analytical technique. Plant mineral nutrition. Design of experiment (DOE). Transformation.
• El-Hawaz, R.F., Bridges, W.C., and Adelberg, J.W. (2015). In vitro growth of Curcuma longa L. in response to five mineral elements and plant density in fed-batch culture systems. PLoS ONE. 10(4): e0118912. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118912
• El-Hawaz, R., Tharayil, N., Bridges, W., and Adelberg, J. (2016). Mineral nutrition of Curcuma longa L. in bioreactors affects subsequent development of curcuminoids following Transfer to the greenhouse. Industrial Crops & Products. 83: 186-193. Doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.11.063
• El-Hawaz, R., Park, D., Bridges, W., and Adelberg, J. (2016). Optimizing in vitro mineral nutrition and plant density increases greenhouse growth of Curcuma longa L. during acclimatization to greenhouse. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 126(1):33-42. Doi:10.1007/s11240-016-0974-9
• El-Hawaz, R.F., Bridges, W.C., and Adelberg, J.W. (2016). Nutrition in fed-batch bioreactors affects subsequent size and productivity of turmeric during six months in greenhouse. Acta Hort. 1113:59-65. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1113.8
• El-Hawaz, R., Grace, M., Janbey, J., Ann Lila, M., Adelberg, J. (2018) The correction to: In
vitro mineral nutrition of Curcuma longa L. affects production of volatile compounds in
rhizome after transfer to the greenhouse. BMC Plant Biology (18):122.
Adelberg, J.W., Naylor-Adelberg, J.A., and El-Hawaz, R.F. (2019) Optimizing a novel micropropagation system for Poacea in a single, multifactor experiment. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 138:79–88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-019-01604-8
El-Hawaz, R., Naylor-Adelberg, J., Eisenreich, R., Meij, J., and Adelberg, J. (2019) The effect of slow-growth strategy on a production of Petunia microcuttings. In Vitro Cellular & Development Biology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11627-019-09996-0
Adelberg, J.W., Tanner, C., El-Hawaz, R., Tharayil, N. (2021) Shade and Fertilizer Affects Yield and Quality in a Clonal Plantation of Yaupon Holly. Journal of Medicinally Active Plants 10, (3):42-51. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/jmap/vol10/iss3/2