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Robert (Bobby) Greco
PhD Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science
Office: 270 Lehotsky
Email: rmgreco@clemson.edu
Educational Background
M.S. Biology
University of North Florida 2022
B.S. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Connecticut 2015
Bobby is a Rocky Hill, CT native with a deep passion for all things relating to herpetofauna. He is a Ph.D. student in the James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, advised by Dr. Jim Anderson, and a member of the Crocodile Research Coalition (CRC). Bobby’s dissertation will focus on population and community dynamics of American crocodiles in Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic to provide pertinent information for long-term conservation of the species and its habitat.
Bobby began applying his love for herpetofauna while earning is B.Sc. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut. During undergrad, he began assisting with herpetofauna projects in Dr. Tracy Rittenhouse’s lab and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP). The most notable projects included: assessing the impacts of road salt and elevated temperature on wood frog tadpole growth and development, assessing the effects of urbanization on stream salamander species assemblages, wood turtle surveys, and acoustic surveys for the recently described Atlantic coast leopard frog. After graduating, he spent a few years gaining more experience conducting research abroad with Morelet’s and American crocodiles in Belize with CRC, working in husbandry with American alligators at Gator Country in Southeast Texas, conducting translocation and behavior research dunes sagebrush lizard in Northwestern Texas for Texas A&M, and assisting in managing herpetofauna populations in Connecticut with CT DEEP and Quinn Ecological. While working for CT DEEP and Quinn Ecological, he worked on a water quality project with common snapping turtles as the model species, assisted in a state-wide snake fungal disease project, conducted a state-wide spotted turtle survey, managed bog turtle habitat, and monitored rare herpetofauna populations across the state.
During his internship with CRC, he developed a close relationship with his friend and mentor Dr. Marisa Tellez. She posed an opportunity to him to assist the Dominican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR) and local NGOs with their declining American crocodile population in Lago Enriquillo. Bobby took this opportunity and made it into his master’s thesis and joined Dr. Adam Rosenblatt’s lab at the University of North Florida (UNF). For his master’s thesis, he conducted the first nationwide population survey of American crocodiles in Dominican Republic (DR) since the 1980s as a large-scale collaboration with MENR, local NGO’s, CRC, and UNF. Besides his thesis research, Bobby worked on various other projects in the Rosenblatt lab, most notably a diet study of American alligators in urban habitat versus natural habitat.
Between finishing his M.Sc. and beginning his Ph.D., he spent a year in the private sector with a consulting firm in Jacksonville, FL. He worked on a wide array of projects including: coral and seagrass surveys for the US Army Corps of Engineers, herpetofauna, mist net, and Bachman’s sparrow surveys for the US Navy, and monitoring manatee and gopher tortoise on construction projects.
In his free time, Bobby enjoys herping, hiking, wildlife photography, music, riding his motorcycle, and travel.
Greco, R., Tellez, M., Brocca, J., Perez, R.P., Rosenblatt, A.E. (2023). Population status of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Dominican Republic. Journal of Herpetology, 57(4), 418-427.
Greco, R., Tellez, M., Brocca, J., Perez, R.P., Rosenblatt, A.E. (2023). American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) diet in Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic. Herpetological Review, 54(3), 460-461.
Rosenblatt, A. E., Greco, R., Beal, E., Colbert, J., Moore, Y., Baglin, V., & Nifong, J. C. (2023). Golf course living leads to a diet shift for American alligators. Ecology and evolution, 13(9), e10495.
Popular Publication:
Greco, R. 2019. Using snapping turtles to gauge water quality in CT watersheds. Connecticut Wildlife 39:16-17.