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- Agricultural and Applied Economics (MS)
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- Animal & Veterinary Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Entomology (MS, PhD)
- Food, Nutrition and Culinary Sciences (MS)
- Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences (PhD)
- Forest Resources (MFR, MS, PHD)
- Packaging Science (MS)
- Plant and Environmental Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (MWFR, MS, PhD)
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Sarala Giri
Graduate Research Assistant
Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, Edisto Research and Education Center
Office: 64 Research Rd. Blackville, SC, 29817
Phone: 839-569-8959
Email: sgiri@clemson.edu
Educational Background
M.S. Plant pathology
Clemson University 2022-present
B.S. Agriculture and animal Science
IAAS, Tribhuvan University 2017
I am a second year Masters student under Dr. Daniel J. Anco. My research explores the interrelationship between ring nematode, Aspergillus flavus and subsequent aflatoxin contamination.
Research Interests
My research interest lies in the mycology, mycotoxicology, disease development and management of fungal and bacterial pathogens, host-pathogen interaction at population, molecular and cellular levels and mechanism of resistance