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Ashley Burns
4-H Youth Development Program Team Director
Associate Extension Specialist
4-H Youth Development Program Team
Office: 267A Lehotsky Hall, Clemson, SC 29634
Phone: 404-580-7984
Email: taberp@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Animal & Veterinary Sciences
Clemson University 2011
M.S. Animal Science & Industry
Kansas State University 2006
B.S. Animal Science & Dairy Science
University of Georgia 2004
Ashley serves as an Extension specialist and State 4-H Leader. She works closely with Extension agents, associates, specialists, and administration to provide statewide guidance and program development for 4-H. Ashley lives on a farm in Central with her husband Matt, daughter, and their dogs.
Epsilon Sigma Phi
NAE4-HA, STEM Task Force
SCAE4-HA, Advisor
Research Interests
Ashley's research interests focus on the impact of positive youth development programs on youth participants and adult volunteers, particularly those related to science and ag/natural resource areas.
Extension and Outreach
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
West, A. W., A. T. Phillips, S. T. Guynn, N. Nemire, J. Bible, and T. A. Burns. 2023. Response to continuing 4-H youth development in SC during a pandemic: The SC 4-H@Home program. The Journal of Extension, 61(1), Article 18. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.61.01.18
Kouba, J.M., T. A. Burns, S. K. Webel. 2019. Effect of dietary supplementation with long-chain n-3 fatty acids during late gestation and early lactation on mare and foal plasma fatty acid composition, milk fatty acid composition, and mare reproductive parameters. Animal Reproduction Science. 203: 33-44. pii: S0378-4320(18)30734-6. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.02.005.
Long, N. M., T. A. Burns, S. K. Duckett, D. W. Schafer. 2014. Reproductive performance and serum fatty acid profiles of underdeveloped beef heifers supplemented with saturated or unsaturated rumen bypass fat compared to an isocaloric control. Prof. Anim. Sci. 30(5): 502-509.
Long, N. M., T. A. Burns, G. Volpi Lagreca, M. Alende, S. K. Duckett. 2014. Palmitoleic acid infusion alters circulating glucose and insulin levels. J. Metabolic Synd. 3: 148.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, S. L. Pratt, S. K. Duckett. 2013. Inhibition of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 reduces lipogenesis in primary bovine adipocytes. Lipids. 48: 967-976.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, M. Miller, S. K. Duckett. 2013. Cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid is endogenously synthesized from palmitelaidic (C16:1 trans-9) acid in bovine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 1614-1623.
Pratt, S. L., T. A. Burns, M. D. Owens, S. K. Duckett. 2013. Isolation of Total RNA and Detection Procedures for miRNA Present in Bovine-Cultured Adipocytes and Adipose Tissues. Methods Mol. Biol. 936: 181-194.
Burns, T. A., S. K. Duckett, S. L. Pratt, T. C. Jenkins. 2012. Supplemental palmitoleic (C16:1 cis-9) acid reduces lipogenesis and desaturation in bovine adipocyte cultures. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 3433-3441.
Burns, T. A., A. K. G. Kadegowda, S. K. Duckett, S. L. Pratt, T. C. Jenkins. 2012. Palmitoleic (16:1 cis-9) and cis-vaccenic acid (18:1 cis-11) alter lipogenesis in bovine adipocyte cultures. Lipids. 47(12): 1143-1153.
Pratt, S. L., T. A. Burns, E. Curry, S. K. Duckett. 2010. Expression of microRNA during bovine adipogenesis. J. Nucleic Acid Invest. 1(1): e12.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts & Reports:
Sirizi, D., A. Burns, S. Griffin, M. Parisi, R. McCallus, and K. Cartmell. 2024. Development of a 4-H Project Workbook Curriculum to Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural Communities: A Formative Study Based Upon Qualitative Insight from 4-H Program Leaders, Volunteer Club Leaders and Youth. National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference. Concurrent Workshop. Greenville, SC. https://sched.co/1cGrH
Hobbs, K., C. Dierenfield, A. Burns, K. Knoepfli, L. Huebinger, D. Sarver, M. Franks, K. Culp, H. Bragg, H. Edwards, C. Proudfoot. 2024. How the VRKC will Help Your Program Thrive – Part I. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Two Oral presentations. Lafayette, LA. 9.
Hobbs, K., C. Dierenfield, A. Burns, K. Knoepfli, L. Huebinger, D. Sarver, M. Franks, K. Culp, H. Bragg, H. Edwards, C. Proudfoot. 2024. How the VRKC will Help Your Program Thrive – Part 2. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Two Oral presentations. Lafayette, LA. 10.
Knoepfli, K., C. Dierenfield, H. Bragg, L. Huebinger, T. A. Burns, K. Culp III, H. Edwards, C. Proudfoot, K. G. Hobbs, D. Sarver, M. Franks, D. Close, A. Dingman, and B. Babineaux. 2024. Ignite the Spark: Strategies Volunteer Engagement. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Poster presentation. Lafayette, LA. 15.
Burns, T.A., C. Dierenfield, K. Knoepfli, K. G. Hobbs, L. Huebinger, D. Sarver, M. Franks, K. Culp III, H. Bragg, and H. Edwards. 2024. Helping Volunteers THRIVE! Connecting the 4-H Thriving Model and updated VRKC resources. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Poster presentation. Lafayette, LA. 20.
Burns, T. A. and A. Phillips. 2023. Thriving Through CS Education - Unplugged. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 10.
Phillips, A. and T. A. Burns. 2023. Exploring the “E” in STEM! National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 12.
Burns, T. A. 2022. Using the 4-H Club Meeting Wheel to Balance Business with Learning and Fun. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 17.
Burns, T. A. 2022. Using the 4-H Club Meeting Wheel to Balance Business with Learning and Fun. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Live virtual presentation. 15.
McDonnell, J., E. Scruggs, H. Kolak, and T. A. Burns. 2022. Explorers of the Deep: Diving into the 2022 4-H STEM Challenge. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 12.
Burns, T. A. 2022. Inspiration for Learning Activities at 4-H Club Meetings. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Curricula share. 4.
Martin-Jones, R., A. Phillips, and T. A. Burns. 2022. Launch into 4-H Journey to Mars. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Curricula share. 4.
Scruggs, E., H. Kolak, and T. A. Burns. 2022. Dive into the 2022 4-H STEM Challenge. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Curricula share. 4.
Maher, M. and T. A. Burns. 2022. Youth and Pollinators: The Future of Agriculture. FoodFORWARD Research Symposium.
Burns, T. A. and R. D. Willey. 2022. Sparking Engagement in the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) in South Carolina. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Jekyll Island, GA. 17.
Burns, T. A. 2022. Launching into Computational Thinking Skills with South Carolina 4-H’s Journey to Mars. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Jekyll Island, GA. 19.
Franks, M., H. Bragg, T. A. Burns, K. Culp III, C. Dierenfield, H. Edwards, K. G. Hobbs, L. Huebinger, S. Kotzain, K. Knoepfli, C. Proudfoot, D. Sarver,. 2022. Connecting, Collaborating, and Caring: Southern Region 4-H Volunteers Supporting One Another Through a Pandemic. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Jekyll Island, GA. Poster presentation. 19.
Burns, T. A. 2021. Art & Science: Stringing it Together. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 13.
Burns, T. A. and R. Martin-Jones. 2021. Sparking STEM with Galactic Quest. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 11.
Martin-Jones, R. and T. A. Burns. 2021. 4-H STEM Challenge - Galactic Quest. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Curricula share. 3.
Burns, T. A. 2021. Educating Extension Volunteers using the 4 A Model for Adult Learning. National Extension Conference on Volunteerism. Lightning Talk.
Burns, T. A. and J. Lobley. 2021. Releasing the Updated VRKC Communications Domain – Make it an Integral Part of your Volunteer Development Plan Today! National Extension Conference on Volunteerism. Lightning Talk.
Franks, M., H. Bragg, C. Proudfoot, T. A. Burns, H. Edwards, and K. G. Hobbs. 2021. Connecting, Collaborating, and Caring: Southern Region 4-H Volunteers Supporting One Another During COVID-19. National Extension Conference on Volunteerism. Poster presentation.
Dailey, M., T. A. Burns, T. J. Savereno, R. Willey, A. Broom. 2020. Expanding Wildlife Education for Future Generations. National Association of County Agriculture Agents Annual Conference. Poster presentation.
Lobley, J., J. Morris, S. Torbert, and A. Burns. 2020. What is the VRKC and how can I use it in my Volunteer Development Plan? National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals Annual Conference. Research, Innovation, and Program Roundtable Discussion.
Burns, T. A. and A. Phillips. 2020. Mars Madness: Seeing the Possibilities. National 4-H Volunteer Conference.
Burns, T. A. and L. Davis. 2020. The Power of Purposeful Questions. National 4-H Volunteer Conference.
Burns, A. and R. Willey. 2020. Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) in South Carolina. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Lexington, KY. (accepted; cancelled)
Burns, A. 2020. Building Confidence in STEM through the SC 4-H Engineering Challenge. Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Lexington, KY. (accepted; cancelled)
Cathcart, M., and A. Burns. 2019. Activities for Animal Projects. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 7.
Burns, A. 2019. Animal ID: Create your Own Brand. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 5.
Bolt, B., and A. Burns. 2019. Livestock Judging Builds Character and Public Speaking Skills. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 5.
Cathcart, M., and A. Burns. 2019. 4-H Survival. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 5.
Burns, A., and D. Jamison. 2019. Exploring 4-H National Youth Science Day (NYSD). National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Workshop. 5.
Burns, T. A., C. Reas, M. Dailey and A. L. Thomas. 2019. South Carolina 4-H Jr. Naturalist: Impacts and Innovations. North American Association for Environmental Education annual conference. Poster presentation. 80.
Reas, C., T. A. Burns, M. Dailey, and A. L. Thomas. 2019. South Carolina 4-H Jr. Naturalist: Impacts and Insights. Environmental Educators of North Carolina. Research Symposium. Gastonia, NC. 13.
Scales, J., L. Burger, T. A. Burns, 2018. Connecting 4-H to Science: Kids in Nature. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Eatonton, GA. 10.
Carpenter, N., R. Chuvala, T. A. Burns, 2018. Design Challenge: Think, Design, Build. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Eatonton, GA. 12.
Thomas, L. and T. A. Burns, 2018. STEAM Fun. National 4-H Volunteer Conference. Eatonton, GA. 17.
Reas, C. and T. A. Burns. 2018. Impact of a Naturalist Program on Children’s Affinity for Nature. Environmental Educators of North Carolina. Research Symposium. Durham, NC. 11.
Burns, T. A. 2018. South Carolina 4-H is Buzzing about Pollinators! Southern Regional 4-H Biennial Conference. Gatlinburg, TN. 3.
Burns, T. A., E. P. Bowers, K. R. Burch, S. Lone, M. W. Thomas. 2017. Challenging the engineer in all of us. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents proceedings. 52.
Whitener, P. and T. A. Burns. 2017. Growing a path to sustainable school gardens. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents proceedings. 24.
Herndon, S., D. Stuckey, and T. A. Burns. 2017. Sole Hope: Making the world a better place one shoe at a time. Volunteer Conference of Southern States. Eatonton, GA.
Currence, R., D. Stuckey, S. Rochon, L. Lewis, T. A. Burns. 2017. Community STEM - Models for 4-H STEM programs in your community. Volunteer Conference of Southern States. Eatonton, GA.
Burns, T. A. 2017. Growing the South Carolina 4-H Volunteer Program. National Extension Conference of Volunteerism. April 10, 2017.
Burns, T. A., C. S. Hucks, A. W. West. 2016. Development of the South Carolina 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project. Southern Region Biennial Conference. Roundtable Discussion Abstract. April 6, 2016.
Burns, T. A., N. M. Long, M. Alende, G. Volpi Lagreca, A. K. G. Kadegowda, M. C. Miller, S. K. Duckett. 2013. Palmitoleic (C16:1) acid alters glucose and insulin metabolism in obese lambs. Amer. Soc. Nutr.: Innovate proceedings, P12.
Burns, T. A., N. M. Long, M. Alende, G. Volpi Lagreca, A. K. G. Kadegowda, M. C. Miller, S. K. Duckett. 2013. Palmitoleic (C16:1) acid alters glucose and insulin metabolism in obese lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 91 (E. Suppl. 2): 319.
Burns, T. A., A. K. G. Kadegowda, M. C. Miller, A. M. Wright, S. K. Duckett. 2013. Uptake of palmitoleic (13C16:1) acid in blood and adipose tissues of obese lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 91 (E. Suppl. 2): 320.
Long , N. M., T. A. Burns, S. K. Duckett, D. W. Schafer. 2013. Reproductive performance of beef heifers supplemented with saturated or unsaturated rumen bypass fat. J. Anim. Sci. 91 (E. Suppl. 2): 235.
Duckett, S. K., M. C. Miller, G. Volpi Lagreca, M. Alende, T. A. Burns, A. Wright, J. G. Andrae, N. M. Long. 2013. Effect of palmitoleic acid on body composition and adipocyte cell size in obese sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 91 (E. Suppl. 2): 319.
Duckett, S. K., T. A. Burns, M. C. Miller, K. J. Mercer, M. G. Burns, J. G. Andrae, F. N. Schrick, S. L. Pratt. 2013. Feeding ergot alkaloids to gestating ewes reduces lamb weight, organ size, and muscle mass. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci., Southern Section. 50.
Burns, T. A., S. K. Duckett, M. C. Miller, M. L. Wahlberg. 2012. Effects of finishing heifers on endophyte-free tall fescue, with and without grain supplementation, or alfalfa on carcass characteristics and fatty acid composition. Proceeding of the 66th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference. 16.
Burns, M. G., T. A. Burns, J. G. Andrae, S. L. Pratt, F.N. Schrick. 2012. Timing of exposure to toxic tall fescue negatively affects reproductive success in two- and three-year old beef cows. Proceeding of the 66th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference. 15.
Burns, T. A., M. C. Miller, A. K. G. Kadegowda, S. M. Calcatera, H. M. Stowe, S. K. Duckett. 2012. Tripalmitolein infusion in finished lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3): 183.
Burns, T. A., M. C. Miller, H. M. Stowe, S. M. Calcatera, S. L. Pratt, S. K. Duckett. 2012. Subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression in bulls fed ergot alkaloid-containing fescue seed. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3): 297.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., M. C. Miller, T. A. Burns, A. Wright, S. K. Duckett. 2012. Nutritional milieu of preadipocytes determines the differentiating capabilities of bovine primary stromal vascular cultures. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3): 183-184.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, S. K. Duckett. 2012. Exogenous palmitic and palmitoleic acids respond differently in stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1) inhibited bovine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3): 543.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, N. Tharayil, S. L. Pratt, S. K. Duckett. 2012. Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) inhibition decreases de novo fatty acid synthesis in primary bovine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3): 543.
Burns, T. A., C. M. Klein, S. K. Duckett, S. L. Pratt, T. C. Jenkins. 2011. Palmitoleic acid (C16:1), not an elongation product, decreases lipogenesis and desaturation in bovine adipocyte cultures. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1): 244-245.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, M. Miller, S. K. Duckett. 2011. Effect of trans-palmitoleic acid (trans-C16:1 n-7) on lipid metabolism and cellular proliferation in primary bovine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E. Suppl. 1): ii-iii.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, S. L. Pratt, S. K. Duckett. 2011. Effect of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 inhibiters on lipid metabolism and cellular proliferation in primary bovine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1): 244.
Kadegowda, A. K. G., T. A. Burns, S. L. Pratt, S. K. Duckett. 2011. Palmitoleic acid regulation of lipid metabolism in primary bovine adipocytes could involve genes associated with fatty acid oxidation. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1): 557.
Duckett, S. K., M. C. Miller, T. A. Burns, M. L. Wahlberg. 2011. Effect of finishing heifers on tall fescue, tall fescue with grain, or alfalfa on: I. carcass and LM quality. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1): 569-570.
Duckett, S. K., M. C. Miller, T. A. Burns, M. L. Wahlberg. 2011. Effect of finishing heifers on tall fescue, tall fescue with grain, or alfalfa on: II. Fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation in ground beef. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1): 570.
Burns, T. A., S. K. Duckett, and S. L. Pratt. 2010. Primary preadipocytes can be isolated, propagated, and differentiated from bovine intermuscular fat harvested 48 h postmortem. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (E. Suppl. 2): 633.
Burns, T. A., S. K. Duckett, and S. L. Pratt. 2010. Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) changes fatty acid profiles and alters gene expression in bovine adipocyte cultures. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (E. Suppl. 2): 758.
Pratt, S. L., T. A. Burns, and S. K. Duckett. 2010. Two messenger RNA targets, Programmed Cell Death Protein 4 and Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog, of microRNA-21 are expressed in cultured bovine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (E. Suppl. 2): 632.
Pratt, S. L., E. Curry, T. A. Burns, and S. K. Duckett. 2010. MicroRNA-21 and its messenger RNA targets Programmed Cell Death Protein 4 and Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog are expressed in bovine adipose tissue. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (E. Suppl. 2): 632.
Burns, A., V. Da Silva, A. C. Martin, M. McLellan, C. Montero, L. Ritchie, L. Steed, K. Swartzel, T. Tomich. 2010. Workshops Summary. National Agricultural Biotechnology Council Report. 22: 11-13.
Hellberg, R., W. Kuldamrong, A. Burns, R. Cuthbert, V. Da Silva, K. Gui, M. Lalpuria, A. C. Martin, C. Montero, L. Ritchie, S. Shiratori, L. Steed, J. Zhao. 2010. Student Voice Report. National Agricultural Biotechnology Council Report. 22: 243-245.
Burns, A. P., S. K. Duckett, S. L. Pratt, and S. E. Ellis. 2009. Linoleic acid changes fatty acid profiles and alters gene expression in bovine adipocyte cultures. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (E. Suppl. 2): 235.
Pratt, S. L., A. P. Burns, and S. K. Duckett. 2009. Expression of microRNA in bovine preadipocytes and adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (E. Suppl. 2): 240.
Burns, A. P., S. K. Duckett, S. L. Pratt, S. E. Ellis. 2008. Effects of linoleic acid and insulin supplementation on fatty acid profiles and gene expression of differentiated, bovine preadipocytes. 6th International Congress on Farm Animal Endocrinology. Abstract 4: 25.