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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Venkat Ganaparthi

Graduate student
Coastal Research and Education Center




Educational Background

M.S Plant Sciences
North Dakota State University 2020

B.S Agriculture

Research Interests

I am interested in understanding the genetics of disease resistance and breeding for quantitative traits. My current work focuses on developing high-throughput molecular markers for Fusarium wilt race 2 resistance and developing cultivated watermelon lines with Fusarium wilt race 2 resistance.


Ganaparthi V.R., Rennberger G, Wechter WP, Levi A, Branham SE. 2023. Genome-wide association mapping and genomic prediction of Fusarium wilt race 2 resistance in the USDA Citrullus amarus collection. Plant Disease. Accepted.
Ganaparthi, V. R., Adhikari, S., Marais, F., Neupane, B., & Bisek, B. (2023). The use of PI 277012-derived Fusarium head blight resistance QTL in winter wheat breeding. Heliyon, 9(4).
Francois Marais, Jason Fiedler, Hongbin Tao, Seyed Pirseyedi, Justin Hegstad, Venkata Ganaparthi, Yuan Liu, Bradley Bisek, and Xuehui Li (2020). Homoeology of Thinopyrum distichum Single Chromosome Additions in Triticale and Wheat. Crop science, 61, 1254-1267.


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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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