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- Food Science & Human Nutrition
- Forest Resources Management
- Horticulture
- Packaging Science
- Plant and Environmental Sciences
- Turfgrass
- Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
Graduate Programs
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- Agricultural and Applied Economics (MS)
- Agricultural Education (MAgEd)
- Agriculture (MS, PhD)
- Animal & Veterinary Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Entomology (MS, PhD)
- Food, Nutrition and Culinary Sciences (MS)
- Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences (PhD)
- Forest Resources (MFR, MS, PHD)
- Packaging Science (MS)
- Plant and Environmental Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (MWFR, MS, PhD)
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Supporting Industry Advancement

Urban Entomology at Clemson University combines academic training with cutting-edge research to address the needs of this essential, growing industry. Pest problems impact health, well-being and comfort, and they require management to prevent and eliminate infestations. Pest control is essential to economic viability in the state. A critical part of our mission as a land-grant university, Clemson’s Division of Public Service and Agriculture and Cooperative Extension Services provides public outreach and service programs throughout South Carolina, home to some of the top pest control companies in the United States.
Education & Continued Training
The Urban Entomology Program at Clemson University encompasses the many insect pest problems in and around structures used by people every day. Clemson University is responding to the needs of the industry through education in Urban Entomology, especially through a training program for pest management professionals. The academic program has taught over 3,000 undergraduate students in general Entomology. Urban Entomology Extension also serves practicing professionals with training opportunities including:
Apprentice Termite Technician Program
Master Termite Technician Program
Wood Infestation Report Training
Master Pest Control Technician Course
Clemson Fall Forum (one-day conference)
Additional training programs by industry request
Education & Community & Research Driven

Products being used by the pest control industry have their roots in research conducted at Clemson - and are routinely tested and improved by the University. Clemson University remains committed to the $500M pest control industry in South Carolina through the dedication of our faculty and by focusing on key initiatives:
Driving research to address industry-wide challenges like insecticide resistant strains of insects and changing environmental requirements.
Generating opportunities to train a qualified workforce for this growing industry.
Providing expertise and Extension services for pest control.
Pest control plays critical role in industries including travel, food service, construction, healthcare and manufacturing. To date, the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) has received nearly $3 million towards our $5 million goal from industry partners and individuals. Thanks to leaders like Dr. Eric Benson and Dr. Pat Zungoli, who are both Emeritus faculty members within the Entomology discipline, Clemson continues to lead the way in fundamental, industry-applicable research.
Initiatives & Education & Goals
Partnerships with key stakeholders and industry leaders are vital to ensuring the continued success of Urban Entomology at Clemson.
Pest control plays critical role in industries including travel, food service, construction, healthcare and manufacturing. To date, the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) has received nearly $3 million towards our $5 million goal from industry partners and individuals. Thanks to leaders like Dr. Eric Benson and Dr. Pat Zungoli, who are both Emeritus faculty members within the Entomology discipline, Clemson continues to lead the way in fundamental, industry-applicable research.
Your support will help us meet our $5 million goal so that we can directly impact the pest control industry in the state of South Carolina and beyond.
To ensure continued success in meeting the needs of the industry, Clemson University will play a vital role in educating students and producing top quality research and Extension education.
To achieve these goals, while addressing current, pressing industry needs and priorities, Clemson University has developed a comprehensive approach to drive the long-term growth and sustainability of the Urban Entomology Program that includes:
Faculty funding for an Urban Entomologist with research and teaching responsibilities.
Support for graduate assistants to help advance research.
Support for undergraduate students interested in the field.
Lab and facilities upgrades.
Endowed Professorship for Urban Entomology
To continue the success of Urban Entomology at Clemson, attracting top talent with research experience is vital. Qualified faculty are essential to recruit and sustain students in Entomology. An endowed professorship will drive cutting edge research in Urban Entomology as well as train the scientists of the future. The Endowed Professor for Urban Entomology will act as a liaison to the industry, ensuring a feedback loop between academia and industry when identifying research and curriculum priorities. Funding this initiative is one of the key accelerators for the future of Urban Entomology at Clemson University and South Carolina.
Graduate Fellowships to Drive Future Innovation
To develop a pipeline of trained scientists and future industry leaders, Clemson University is working to fund endowed graduate fellowships to address pressing industry issues and opportunities. Graduate fellowships will offer needed support for students as they further their education at Clemson.