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Student Experience

Connecting CAFLS students to future employers

Student Resources

At the Bookhart Student Services Center, we are here to help you navigate the career development process. From internship searches to full-time placement, resumes and cover letters, we are committed to providing you with tools to help you meet your goals.

  • How Do I Improve My Resume?

    The goal of your resume is to effectively market yourself to potential employers and to obtain an interview. Our staff is available to assist you in developing a resume tailored to our related industries. 

    Follow the links below for more information

  • How Do I Prepare for an Interview?

    A great way to improve your interviewing technique is to practice. Staff members are available to role-play the interview process with you and then will provide valuable feedback. Mock interviews are available for professional and graduate school as well as job-related interviews.

    Follow the link below for more information.

  • Where Do I Find Job and Internship Postings?

    Clemson has a variety of resources to get you connected with employers.

    1. CAFLS Job Posting Newsletter
      CAFLS sends out weekly email newsletters to students by major so you should always be up to date on new opportunities for your major. These newsletters are sent by major, you can request to add yourself to additional majors by emailing
    2. CareerShift
      CareerShift is a fantastic resource available to you as a Clemson Student is CareerShift. It offers the most comprehensive online resource, designed to support the #1 request of job seekers: an easy-to-use website to conduct and organize their job search.
    3. ClemsonJobLink
      In addition, an extensive number of single job vacancies are posted online through ClemsonJobLink.
    4. GoinGlobal
      GoinGlobal is the ultimate international job seeker’s guide! Updated continually, this massive research tool contains more than 10,000 resources for finding employment at home and abroad. Students seeking internships and employment abroad will value the country guides found within GoinGlobal.
    5. UPIC
    6. Ag and Food Career Guide
      The Food & Agriculture Career Guide is a career resource for students and professionals across North America interested in careers within the industry. The guide provides branding recognition for elite agriculture and food organizations, a direct connection to students and professionals interested in agriculture and food careers, and educational content that engages and sustains readership.
      • This links it to an animated PDF. If you have difficulty accessing the content in this file, please email the publisher to request an alternate viewing source
  • Are There Any Opportunities On Campus?

    Approximately 100 employers conduct over 250 interviews with our students in a typical year. There are different possibilities for each major. These interviews include positions for internships, co-ops and permanent opportunities. Not all companies recruit on campus therefore it is suggested you explore all alternative ways for job searching. Feel free to make an appointment to explore all of these options with a career coach.

Paula Beecher

paula Beecher

Title: Alumni and Career Services
Office Location: Bookhart Student Services Center


Internships are a key to gaining employment upon graduation -- participation in one or more internships introduces CAFLS students to potential workplaces and the real-world experiences that employers value.

Get Career Guidance

CAFLS Career Services can help you progress with your career by helping you define your goals, assist you in developing a resume tailored to our related industries and get connected with a company offering internships.

a bunch of students talking at the career fair

Upcoming Career Events

Date Event Location Description

September 8-10, 2024

AFA Policy Institute

Washington, D.C.


September 18, 2024; 1-5 PM

CAFLS Fall Career Fair

The Madren Conference Center

The CAFLS Career fair highlights career opportunities for the 12 majors housed in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences. This day is not just for seniors exploring full-time positions, but also for all students to explore internships and further understand career paths. All Clemson students are invited and encouraged to attend. 

November 7-10, 2024

AFA Leaders Conference

Kansas City, MO

AFA and its partners cover hotel, meals and event material costs. The only cost to students selected for AFA events is travel (CAFLS may be able to assist with this, come by the Bookhart Student Services Center for information). The four-track program at AFA Leaders Conference is designed to provide you with different personal and professional development opportunities based on where you are in your collegiate experience.

January 28-30, 2025



More details and registration will be available in October

Career Services
Career Services | W.B. Bookhart Student Services Center | F153 Poole Ag. Center