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Office of Access Compliance and Education

Pregnancy and Parental Status

Pregnant or Parenting? You are Protected

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes pregnancy, parenting and all related conditions, in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding. 

Title IX specifically prohibits discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions.

How can I request accommodations?

  1. Fill out the Pregnancy-Related Accommodations Request Form.
  2. Advise the Title IX Coordinator of a potential need for Title IX accommodations as soon as possible after you learn that you are pregnant.
  3. Communication between the student, instructors, and the Title IX Coordinator must begin immediately.

Accommodations and Adjustments

Clemson University’s Title IX team works to explain and provide guidance regarding Title IX protections and accommodations for pregnant or new parents to comply with the provisions of Title IX. Some of these rights include:

  • Pregnant students are allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before their medical leave began, which includes allowing them to make up any work missed while they are out.
  • Pregnant students cannot have their academic or athletic scholarships withdrawn or face any other form of financial punishment because of their pregnancy.
  • Pregnant students are given excused absences due to pregnancy or childbirth for as long as their doctor says it is necessary.
  • Instructors must provide reasonable adjustments for pregnant students.
  • Instructors may not refuse to allow pregnant students to submit work after a deadline missed because of pregnancy or childbirth. When a teacher’s grading includes class participation or attendance as part of their requirements and a pregnant student misses class because of pregnancy or childbirth, she is allowed to make up the participation or attendance credits she didn’t have the chance to earn.
  • The University must provide pregnant students with the same special services it offers to students with temporary medical conditions. These services include homebound instruction/at-home tutoring/independent study.
  • Professors, administrators, athletic directors and coaches cannot pressure pregnant or parenting students to get an abortion or alter their educational plans.
Mother and child hold hands at a Clemson athletics event

Lactation Resources

See Lactation and Additional Resources for more information.

Lactation Network at Clemson University

Title IX Coordinator

For employees seeking consultation on applying Title IX accommodations or adjustments, contact Katherine Weathers, Clemson University’s Interim Title IX Coordinator, at 864-656-3181 or

Additional Resources

You may find additional information about your rights and resources as a pregnant and parenting student through the following links: