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Office of Access Compliance and Education

Employee Prevention and Training

Clemson University conducts comprehensive educational programming to prevent domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Educational programming includes primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and new employees and ongoing awareness and prevention campaigns for students and faculty. Among other points, the educational programming:

  • Identifies domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking as prohibited conduct;
  • Defines what behavior constitutes domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking under university policies;
  • Includes the definitions of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in South Carolina;
  • Defines behavior and actions which constitute consent in the State of South Carolina;
  • Provides safe and positive options for bystander intervention that an individual may carry out to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of harm to a person other than the bystander;
  • Provides information on risk reduction so that students and employees may recognize warning signs of abusive behavior and ways to avoid potential risks;
  • Provides primary prevention programs that aim to prevent violence before it occurs;
  • Provides general information and University policies regarding sexual misconduct; including specific information on procedures victims should follow to report crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and
  • Provides University and area resources for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.


One Clemson: Equitable Treatment and Civility in the Workplace

This training is a professional development program that provides a comprehensive approach to fair employment practices designed to help supervisors learn to deal constructively with workplace issues and relationships on the job. It provides an interactive, skills-based approach to learning that will help to ensure that decision-making is done in a legal, fair and reflective manner based on the University’s policies and procedures. The program also emphasizes the responsibility each member has to create the healthy workplace environment necessary to reach organizational goals.

Title IX/VAWA Training: Building Supportive Communities

Clemson University is committed to providing an educational and work environment in which all persons are treated with dignity and respect.  Sexual discrimination, which includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking and domestic and/or relationship violence, is unacceptable and has no place in Clemson’s community. Consistent with its obligations under Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the University prohibits discrimination, including sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, in all its programs and activities, including academics, employment, athletics, and other extracurricular activities.

All employees are required to complete Title IX/VAWA training as part of the University’s annual required training modules. The training has topics and describes hypothetical scenarios as a learning tool that may be challenging to think about, and may feel especially sensitive and personal to some.  Employees may opt-out of the online Title IX/VAWA training, if they are having difficulties completing the training, and be enrolled in an alternate in-person training that does not include hypothetical scenarios.  Please email your request to opt out of the online training to or Employees will not be subjected to any disciplinary action nor any other repercussions for opting out of the online training.

Additional Trainings

SUNY-SCI Emblem for Institutional Members

Policies and Procedures for Equitable Treatment

As part of Clemson University’s overall program to ensure illegal discrimination does not occur, all faculty, staff and student employees are asked to acknowledge the University’s policies on equitable treatment. The Office of Access, Compliance and Education (ACE) is charged with the responsibility of ensuring universitywide compliance. All members of the university community are encouraged to govern themselves in accordance with these objectives.

View ACE Policies and Procedures.


The University encourages and supports victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking in reporting incidents. See our resources, information and guidance on reporting incidents to determine your next step.

Learn How to Report an Incident.

Office of Access Compliance and Education
Office of Access Compliance and Education |