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Office of Access Compliance and Education

Support and Resources

Our Commitment

Clemson University provides an array of services for students, faculty and staff who have been affected by sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and conduct that creates a hostile environment. All University employees are bound by FERPA to protect student privacy no matter what they are categoried.

Additionally, off-campus resources are also available for the University community.

Confidential Resources

Confidential reporting locations do not disclose the information you share to the university, the policy or anyone else without permission or extenuating circumstances.

On-Campus Confidential Resources

  • Counseling and Psychological Services

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), the mental health department of Student Health Services, offers a wide array of services along a continuum of intensity for various psychological issues. CU CARES is a CAPS program that provides services for survivors of trauma. The program provides both individual and group counseling services by providers specialized in trauma treatment. Interventions are evidenced based and specifically target trauma and its impact. CU CARES services can be initiated by calling CAPS at 864-656-2451 and asking to schedule a CU CARES appointment.

  • Employee Assistance Program

    ComPsych Guidance Resources benefit provides you and your dependents 24/7 support, resources, and information from no-cost, confidential counseling and legal support to financial information and personalized work-life resources. For assistance contact the Office of Human Resources at 864-656-2000.

  • Ombuds Office

    An ombuds is an independent, informal, neutral, and confidential resource who provides assistance to members of the University community in exploring options to resolve problems, complaints, and conflicts when normal processes and procedures have not worked satisfactorily. Contact phone numbers 864-656-4353 (Faculty and Students) and 864-646-5353 (Staff).

    *Confidentiality is subject to the Ombuds Office charter.

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

  • Pickens County Advocacy Center

    The purpose of the Pickens County Advocacy Center is to provide immediate 24-hour response to sexual assault victims and their families through medical, court, and law enforcement escort, educational programs, information and referral, legal advocacy, and support services. PCAC also provides training for medical personnel, social service agencies and law enforcement on the dynamics of sexual assault and trauma-informed care. All services provided by Pickens County Advocacy Center are confidential and at no charge to our survivors and their families. For assistance, please call 864-442-5500.

  • First Light

    First Light is a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency that consists of three programs sexual trauma center, child advocacy center and prevent child abuse. Services include a 24/7 crisis hotline, emergency room advocacy, volunteer program, treatment and advocacy for survivors of abuse and assault and clinical services. To speak to a victim advocate please call 864-231-7273.

  • Julie Valentine Center

    Julie Valentine Center is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides free, confidential services to victims of sexual assault and child abuse. Julie Valentine Center offers a variety of services such as 24/7 rape crisis hotline, advocate and law enforcement accompaniment, group, and individual therapy. For assistance, please call 864-331-0560.

  • Safe Harbor

    Safe Harbor is a private 501(c)3 non-profit organization that offers a continuum of services for survivors of domestic violence and their children in Greenville, Anderson, Pickens and Oconee Counties. Our services include a 24/7 help line, safe emergency shelters, counseling for survivors and their children, case management, assistance with filing for an Order of Protection, transitional housing, domestic violence education and parenting classes, and group support.

  • MARYS House

    MARYS House is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that offers emergency services, counseling services, legal, financial, and housing assistance. MARYS House exists to ensure safety, advocacy and independence for victims of domestic violence, providing faith-based family services. For assistance, please call 864-859-9191.

Private Resources

Private resources honor student’s privacy as good stewards of information and per the policies and practices of this University. Information can be shared here as a safe space, but there are specific reasons that may require a consultation, or direct report from and/or to other department(s). These reasons would include extenuating circumstances that raise safety concerns for the individual student and/or the Clemson community.

Private Resources on Campus

Interpersonal Violence Response Coordinators
Interpersonal Violence Response provides support, resource connection and advocacy for Clemson students who have been impacted by interpersonal violence, such as dating violence, sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking, etc. For assistance, please call 864-656-1136.

Non-Confidential Resources

Non-confidential locations must disclose confidential information to the university with or without prior written consent of the reporting party regarding allegations of sexual harassment.

On-Campus Non-Confidential Resources

  • Title IX Office

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (amending the Higher Education Act of 1965) is a federal gender equity law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive federal funding. Sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence and other forms of nonconsensual sexual misconduct, is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited under this law. The wishes of the Complainant are always considered and weighed against community safety. Disclosure of private information is limited to reasonable necessity when assessing matters.

    Interim Title IX Coordinator: Katherine Weathers, 864-656-3181

    Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Monique Harmon, 223 Bracket Hall, 864-656-8575

    Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Latoya Daniels, 108 Perimeter Road, 864-656-2000,

  • CUPD Victim Assistance

    The professionals in this department are trained to help ensure that all rights of a crime victim are protected. CUPD Victim Advocates offer support to those campus and community members who have been a victim or witness to a crime by providing assistance, emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding needed resources, and assistance in filling out crime victim related forms. In addition, they serve as the victim/witness liaison with social services agencies and the courts.

    For more information about victim's rights and services call Sergeant Michelle Young at 864-656-5256 or email

  • Office of Advocacy and Success

    The Office of Advocacy and Success is under the Division of Student Affairs at Clemson University. The purpose of this office is to serve all current Clemson students as a trusted place for care, advocacy and referrals to campus and community partners. They are located at 202 Hendrix Center and can be contacted at 864-656-0471.

  • Office of Community and Ethical Standards

    The Office of Community and Ethical Standards is dedicated to serving students, faculty, and staff. We offer programs on student rights, Clemson community standards, ethical decision-making, safety and living in a community. The Office of Community and Ethical Standards administers Clemson's student discipline program. The staff investigates reported violations of student regulations, arranges for cases to be adjudicated, and maintains confidential student discipline records. They are located in 912 University Union and can be contacted at 864-656-0510.