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Accessible Parking and Transportation Options
Parking and Transportation Services is committed to the maintenance and expansion of accessible parking and transportation options for Clemson University. Campus partnerships are used to vet all medical documentation for approval in the use of any of the following services.
The Process
Approval Process
Student Approvals
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is used to vet all student medical documentation for approval in the use of any of the following services. Before accessing mobility accommodations, students will need to submit to Student Accessibility Services the following documents:
- Appropriate medical documentation (PDF) related to the mobility impairment or temporary mobility condition. The document should specifically state how long the transportation accommodations will be needed and provide a rationale for the need.
- Students must submit the short-term transportation request form (PDF) and return it to Student Accessibility Services.
Required documents can be emailed to CUSAS@clemson.edu or hand delivered to Student Accessibility Services at Academic Success Center Building, Suite 239. Student Accessibility Services requests 72 hours to process any request. Have more questions, give them a call at 864-656-6848.
Employee Approval
Office of Access Compliance and Education (ACE) is used to vet all employee medical documentation for approval in the use of any of the following services. To request a short-term parking pass, scooter rental or point-to-point transportation, a Request for Short-Term Transportation Accommodations (PDF) must be filed. Employees must present full documentation of a mobility-related disability along with the completed request form to the University ADA Coordinator by email to cuace@clemson.edu or fax to 864-656-4235.
Temporary Medical Parking Permits
With approval, students, faculty and staff with temporary mobility impairments can obtain a time-limited disability access parking permit from Parking and Transportation Services. All users must have already purchased or will need to purchase and display a current Clemson University parking permit, along with the temporary disability access parking permit in order to park in accessible parking spaces on campus. When these are properly displayed, parking is permitted in handicap, employee, student, and metered parking spaces.
Individuals who need accessible parking for longer than four months or who desire to park in off-campus disability accessible spaces must obtain a state permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Individuals already using a state issued accessible parking tag, must register the hangtag with Parking and Transportation Services prior to use. The request to register the state-issued permits prior to use is expected to reduce the incident of unauthorized use, thereby increasing access to disability access parking space by legitimate users.
Accessible Parking
TigersCommute.com is a platform to connect you with all things Parking and Transportation Services related for Clemson University.
Mobility Accommodations

Mobility Scooters
Mobility Scooters are available for students, faculty, and staff to use to maneuver around campus independently while experiencing temporary and/or permanent mobility impairments. These scooters are rented for a fee of $20 per week from Parking and Transportation Services. Approval based on medical documentation is required prior to renting.
NOTE: Mobility scooters may be used in conjunction with other transportation and/or parking accommodations. The scooters are meant to be used inside and outside and can be driven into elevators, classrooms, residence halls, and onto transit buses. Scooters need to be charged regularly for optimal daily use.
SAS or ACE approval required before renting from PATS.
Campus Transit Routes
Campus Routes are open to any faculty, staff or student and are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Click on the bus route name below to see the detailed time schedule.
- Blue Route: C-1 Lot to Academic Success Center
- Purple Route: C-2 Lot to Brackett Hall
- Orange Route: C-3 Lot to Brackett Hall
- East Park-N-Ride: P-7/P-8 Lot to Academic Success Center
- West Park-N-Ride: P-6 at the Snow Center to Brackett Hall

Clemson Area Transit (CATBus)
CATbus has accessible buses and multiple routes. Routes and maps are available at www.catbus.com. CATbus routes are free to students, faculty/staff, visitors, and community members. A real-time bus tracker app is now available for download by visiting the CAT bus website! To be approved for paratransit service, please contact CATbus at 864-654-2287. CATbus will need the Reasonable Request for Accommodation Form completed. It is the last page of the Clemson Area Transit ADA plan.
Tiger Assist Point-to-Point Service
For individuals with temporary and/or permanent mobility impairments, in which little to no walking is permitted for a given length of time, Tiger Assist is available. Once approved, the individual will be contacted by a Tiger Transit team member to coordinate dates, times, and locations that individualized transportation is needed.
This service is available from Monday - Friday from 7:15 AM to 5:45 PM.
SAS or ACE approval required before scheduling rides with PATS.

Clemson Night Line (CNL)
After 6 pm, accessible transportation is available using Clemson Nightline, Clemson University's on-demand, shared ride, nighttime safety service. This service is available Sunday - Thursday from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. and Friday - Saturday from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Request a wheelchair lift equipped vehicle by selecting "ADA Accommodation" in the Clemson Nightline app when you request your ride. If you do not need a lift, do not select this option.
For transportation emergencies after-hours, contact CUPD at 864-656-2222.
More Transit Questions?
Have further questions about transit routes and services. Check out the Transit Resource page for a complete listing of routes, transit rules, and links to all bus schedules or contact us via email at transit@clemson.edu.