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Special Event and Departmental Parking Requests
Special Events
To provide the greatest amount of flexibility and convenience to the University community, we are now offering the option of requesting event parking spaces online.
Event coordinators should review their parking needs as an initial part of the event planning process. We recommend that all planners schedule any upcoming events with our office as soon as possible as some requests may not be approved for certain lots due to space constraints. Parking area maps are available online and upon request.
Your request needs to be made at least ten (10) business days before the event. If you are mailing the permits to the attendees, the request needs to be submitted at least fifteen (15) business days before the event.
Parking and Transportation Services will do their best to accommodate requests not made in the appropriate time, but please know that your attendees may be at risk of receiving a parking citation.

Clemson University Affiliates
A request must be sponsored by a full-time staff or faculty member. For University affiliates, there will be a $5 per permit per day charge. Please complete the Special Event Parking Request form online if requesting 10 or more parking permits. Please come to the office to pick up your permits after a customer service representative has confirmed they are ready for pickup.
Non-University Affiliates
For nonaffiliates of the University, there will be a $7 per space per day charge. Please complete the Nonaffiliate Event Parking Request form online if requesting parking permits to park on campus for an event. You must come to the Parking & Transportation Office to make the payment before the permits are issued.
Departmental Guest Parking
Departments may purchase daily Departmental Guest Permits for $8 per day for guests. Departmental Guest permits are valid at metered spaces and unrestricted employee and student spaces. To purchase permits, departments must complete the online departmental guest permit request form and be ready to provide a chartfield string.
Departmental Space Reservations
If a department would like to provide a reserved parking space for their guests, arrangements can be made with Parking and Transportation Services for $8 per space per day using the online Departmental Space Reservation Form.
A guest must display a Departmental Guest Permit (purchased separately) provided by the department once parked. Advanced notice of a minimum of three business days is required to ensure the space reservation.
A member of Parking and Transportation Services will reserve a space at the requested location using our "Event Parking" barricades in preparation for the guest's arrival. A representative from the requesting department should be present when the guest arrives to move the barricade.