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Snow Complex Parking
Through a partnership with the City of Clemson, Clemson University offers public parking at the Snow Family Outdoor Fitness and Wellness Complex from Memorial Day to Labor Day and some University holidays. The public must purchase a permit to park at the Snow Complex and park in a valid parking space in the P-06 Parking Lot.

Where to Park
P-06 Parking Lot
Public parking is available in the P-6 Parking Lot only between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily during the parking season (Memorial Day - Labor with additional dates as listed below). A parking permit is required. Each visitor must park in a valid parking space.
Parking Options Include:
- Seasonal Permit = $52 for the season
- Daily Permit = $7.50 per day
A daily or seasonal permit does not guarantee a visitor access. Access shall be available on a first come, first serve basis, and shall be based on available parking parking.
NOTE: Public parking is not permitted in the Electric Vehicle (EV) parking spaces. Use of the electric vehicle chargers is not permitted unless an additional parking placard is purchased from the Parking and Transportation Services office during normal business hours Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Parking Permit Options
2024-2025 Public Access Season
Public Access parking permits are valid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily during the 2024-2025 season which includes the following dates:
- Memorial Day (May 27. 2024) - Labor Day (Sep 2, 2024)
- CU Fall Break (Oct 12-15, 2024)
- CU Christmas Break (Dec 14-22, 2024 and Dec 28, 2024 - Jan 7, 2025, excluding Jan 1, 2025)
- CU Spring Break (Mar 15-23, 2025)
Community events sponsored by the City of Clemson or Clemson University Campus Recreation shall be open to the public (i.e. movie nights, concert series, education course, etc.) for free, unless otherwise noted.
Note: Clemson University reserves the right to close the entire Snow Complex for special events. It is not anticipated that the facility/beaches would be closed for more than one day at a time, excluding any DHEC safety closures which are outside the control of the University.
Seasonal permits are $52 for the season.
Seasonal permits must be purchased at Parking and Transportation Services located at 310 Klugh Ave, Suite B during normal business hours Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. View directions to the office.
A parking placard will be issued to season pass holders at time of purchase valid for the P-6 parking lot.
Snow Complex Seasonal Parking Permit ApplicationThis permit is not valid for use by CU employees or students at any time.
Online Daily Visitor Permit are $7.50.
Daily parking permits may be purchased online in advance or same day for $8 per day. You will need the following information to complete your purchase:
- License plate number
- Make, model, color, and year of your vehicle
To park a vehicle on Clemson University campus you are REQUIRED to purchase a permit. This permit must be printed and clearly displayed on the dash of your vehicle, or you may be issued a parking citation.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PURCHASE: Select "Manage My Account" in the purple header at the top of this page and click "Guest Login." To create an account, click “create one”. Complete all required fields and click “Create Account”. Registration is now complete. Click “Proceed to log in to your new account”. Enter your email address and the password to log in to purchase your parking permit.
Payment options include Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
This permit is not valid for use by CU employees or students at any time.
Note: This permit is non-refundable and not transferable to a different date.
Daily permits via Text to Park are $7.50.
Daily Permits may be purchased in the parking lot via the Text to Park system. Scan the QR code on the signs in the lot, enter your license plate information, and complete your purchase.
CU faculty, staff, and students who do not have a current campus parking permit may use this permit option to park in the P-06 lot.
Note: This permit is non-refundable and not transferable to a different date.
Rules and Requirements
- An access fee will only allow access to the parking areas and beach access in the designated areas. Visitors are not allowed on the playing fields or in Andy’s (Andy Quattlebaum Outdoor Education Center). Anyone found in these areas, without proper ID, will be asked to leave the property. Repeat offenders may be denied access for the remainder of the Season.
- Visitors shall be allowed beach access in designated areas.
- Restroom facilities located in close proximity to the beach will be available during times when the property is open for use.
- Access to Andy’s or University equipment is limited to those with University ID.
- No alcohol is allowed on the premises. All other external food and drink will be permitted. If individuals are found with alcohol, they will be asked to leave. Repeat offenders may be denied access for the remainder of the Season.
- No glass bottles or containers are allowed on the premises.
- No overnight camping will be permitted on the Snow property.
- No fires are allowed on the Snow property.
- Individuals should use trash receptacles provided or “pack it in, pack it out.”
- No animals are allowed on the property.
- Clemson University reserves the right to modify these rules at any time.
- Any visitors are subject to all policies and regulations of Clemson University.
- This area is under the jurisdiction of Clemson University Police Department.