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Clemson Nightline (CNL)

Get free, safe, on-demand transportation around campus by requesting a ride using the Clemson Nightline app. This is a rideshare program so not all trips will be direct transport from point A to point B. Wait and ride times vary based on call volume. Operating hours: Sunday-Thursday 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. and Friday-Saturday 6 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Route details
Hours of operation
6 p.m.-2 a.m., Sunday-Thursday
6 p.m.-3 a.m., Friday-Saturday
Clemson Nightline (CNL) does not operate when Clemson University is not in session and may be unable to provide service during peak traffic times surrounding home football games.
How to get a ride
CNL rides must be requested on a phone using the Clemson Nightline app.
Make sure to select a location defined by the system. Also, be sure to include the number of people in your party. By using the Clemson Nightline app and allowing notifications, you can track once a vehicle is assigned to your trip and receive notifications when it is close.
How it works
Clemson Nightline system
Clemson Nightline (CNL) is dispatched automatically using algorithms within Clemson Nightline. Drivers cannot alter their assigned rides or drop-offs. Additional requests, cancellations and no-shows affect the algorithm and ride order. Cancellations are the most disruptive to the system.
Rider notification — in the queue
Being in the queue means you are waiting to be assigned an available bus based on the algorithm's routing. Do NOT cancel your ride and re-request it. You will lose your place in line and go back to the bottom of the queue.
Rider notification — the bus is on the way
The Clemson Nightline app notifies you when "the bus is on the way." This message means you are locked onto that bus assignment, and it is on its way to you. Minor delays (zero-five minutes) from the given ETA may still occur due to no-show riders, traffic, stoplights, re-routings, etc.
Rider Notification – the driver can’t see you
The Clemson Nightline app notifies you when “the driver can’t see you at your requested pick-up location.” This message means the driver cannot see you and you have 30 seconds to board the bus. Failure to board in the allotted time will result in your reservation being marked as a “no-show”. You will have to re-request your ride if this occurs.
Tracking your bus
You can track your bus within the Clemson Nightline app after being notified that your bus is on the way. Please make sure you are visible as the Tiger Transit vehicle approaches. This includes waving a flashlight, raising your arm or walking quickly to the vehicle so the driver realizes you are their pickup.
If you called for a ride and saw a Tiger Transit bus pass your pickup location, it is because that bus was not assigned to you. You can track the live ETA and bus location for your ride on the Clemson Nightline app as it comes to you.
Rules to Remember
- Transportation is only provided to and from on-campus locations.
- Each rider must board the bus specifically assigned and dispatched to them.
- No open food or drinks are not permitted on the bus. Any drink must be sealed completely.
- Transportation is not provided for persons visibly intoxicated.
- Be ready and at the specified pickup location when Tiger Transit arrives.
- If you decide a ride is no longer necessary, please cancel your request online.
- Rides may be delayed by traffic or inclement weather; please be patient.
Tiger Transit reserves the right to refuse transportation to persons who behave improperly during transport, are abusive to Tiger Transit personnel or who abuse the service.