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Carpool Permits
To reduce traffic and improve air quality in the Clemson area, Parking and Transportation Services offers carpool permits to groups of two or more students or employees with similar commuting schedules. The program provides free permits and convenient parking locations across campus in addition to creating a more sustainable campus.
Carpool permits may take up to three business days to process and may take longer the first week of the semester.
Students and employees must purchase and display valid annual or temporary daily commuter or employee permits as needed to park on campus while they wait for their carpool applications to be processed. You may NOT park in a carpool space until you receive and display your new carpool decal.

How It Works
Each carpool group will receive one carpool hangtag that can be used on any vehicle registered to the group. Each individual participant in the carpool will receive a carpool permit decal like regular permits to place on their own vehicle. Any vehicle in the same carpool group may be used as long as the group's sole carpool hangtag is displayed and the carpool permit is placed correctly.
The carpool hangtag must be displayed hanging from the rearview mirror. The carpool permit must be permanently affixed to the outside left rear window or bumper.
The current vehicle being used to carpool must display the carpool hangtag and decal while parked in a carpool parking space. Vehicles registered in the Carpool Program cannot park in the 24-hour employee spaces.
Each participant is allotted five temporary permits every semester. If a participant in a carpool needs to drive separately from their registered carpool group, they are expected to use their temporary permit to park for the day, and they must park according to their normal designation (NOT in a carpool space). Participants may also purchase additional temporary permits at the standard rate of $4 per day. Vehicles parked in a carpool space with a temporary permit will be towed at the owner's expense. After 5 p.m., individuals may park their vehicles in an appropriate commuter or employee space until 7 a.m.

Space Locations
Carpool spaces are located in the following areas:
Cost = $0 for Groups of 2+
Commuting student — $0 per semester per member
Range 1 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 2 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 3 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 4 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 5 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 6 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 7 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 8 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Range 9 faculty/staff — $0 per semester
Carpool permits must be requested in the Parking and Transportation Services office and cannot be purchased through payroll deduction. Upon payment, each participant will receive a carpool decal to be placed on his or her personal vehicle and five temporary commuter or employee parking permits. One shared carpool hangtag will be issued to the group.
Eligibility and Application
Carpool Program Criteria
- The group must consist of at least two participants.
- Each participant must be either a Clemson University full-time permanent employee with an office address on the main campus or a full-time student with a majority of classes on the main campus between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Participants must share a ride to and from campus on a regular basis (at least four days a week).
- Motorcycles, motor scooters and mopeds are excluded from the carpool program. You may not obtain a carpool permit if you also have a motorcycle/moped permit.
- Participants must live along a reasonable commuting path.
Required Documentation
The following documents must be provided to the office.
- Each person in the carpool must complete their part of the carpool application available below.
- Each person must provide a copy of their Clemson University XID card.
- Each person must provide a copy of their driver's license.
- Each person must provide a copy of proof of local residency.
This can be any official document that includes the person's name, current local address and a recent date. Please try to conserve paper: DO NOT attach an entire lease agreement.
- Each carpool applicant must have and provide a copy of proof of their own separate vehicle ownership (vehicle registration).
- Each carpool applicant must provide verification of their weekly schedule from an adviser or supervisor if the applicant has a set schedule for on-campus employment, research or other duties not reflected in their iROAR class schedule (for confirmation that all participants in group share similar weekday schedules 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at least four days per week).
Obtaining Your Carpool Permit
Have a group member bring in the application to the Parking and Transportation Services office, along with copies of each participant's Clemson University XID card, proof of separate vehicle ownership, driver's license, proof of local residence and any supplemental schedule information. Upon approval, participants will receive an email with instructions on how to pick up the carpool permits.
Any changes to the carpool participants must be declared to Parking and Transportation Services within three business days. This includes deletion or changes to the members. Any loss of a carpool participant by change in affiliation or any abuse or deception by any member in the carpool program is grounds for surrendering the carpool permit. Any type of falsification or improper use of carpool parking permit or persistent violations are grounds for citations, impoundment of vehicle, or revocation of parking privileges for faculty, staff or students. Misuse includes, but is not limited to, displaying a hangtag in a vehicle not registered to the carpool and affixing a carpool permit to vehicles not registered in the carpool.
If the total participant count of the carpool falls below two, the carpool will be disbanded, and the members will be required to obtain normal parking permits.
Emergency Information
While participating in the carpool, the participants will be provided a ride through the Guaranteed Ride Home (GHR) program between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
All carpool participants are eligible for the guaranteed ride home program three times per semester. University holidays are excluded. Call Parking and Transportation Services at 864-656-2270 to arrange the emergency ride.
Guaranteed Ride Home Program may be used in the following instances:
- Family or personal illness or crisis.
- Unexpected request of supervisor to work past regular schedule without advance notice (requires verification).
- Driver of carpool had to leave due to an emergency.
Participants can be taken to one of the following destinations:
- Home.
- Destination related to the emergency.
- Hospital or doctor’s office in the event of sudden illness.
The Guaranteed Ride Home Program is not meant for the following:
- Preplanned medical appointments.
- Working late without supervisor’s request.
- Early departure due to weather conditions.