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Employee Permits for Graduate Assistants
Employee passes are available for graduate students with continuing research or job duties over summer or winter breaks with a written request from a faculty member or supervisor.
Winter Break - December 20, 2024 - January 5, 2025
Due to the surplus of parking over the winter break, graduate students with a valid student parking permit may obtain a temporary employee pass allowing them to park in unrestricted (no 24-hour) green spaces. Students approved for this pass will receive an additional placard that must be displayed on the dash in addition to a valid student parking permit on the vehicle.
Based on current construction projects, parking lots available for assignment are E-03 EXT, E-22, E-27, or E-37.

Students With Graduate Assistant (GA) Parking Permits
Students with GA parking permits are permitted to park in the above-stated lots from Friday, December 20,2024 to Sunday, January 5, 2025 without completing the application below. Displaying a valid GA permit is sufficient.
REMINDER: No parking permitted in 24-Hour employee spaces.
Students Without a GA Parking Permit
Students without a GA parking permit will need to bring in the required paperwork to Parking and Transportation Services during business hours. Applications are accepted December 12 to December 20, 2024.
How to Obtain This Parking Permit
To obtain such a pass, the requesting student must submit all of the following information to Parking and Transportation Services. Parking and Transportation Services is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is located at 310 Klugh Ave, Suite B.
- Written certification from the faculty adviser or supervisor on departmental letterhead that the student is performing research or work for them throughout the summer. This letter shall include:
- Name of the student and XID number.
- Work location and schedule.
- Reason for the request.
- Make, model and license plate of the student’s vehicle. (Note: Supplemental permits are limited to one vehicle.)
All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and parking assignments are based on availability.
Applicant must bring all information with them in order to obtain a pass. The pass shall be displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard in conjunction with a valid University student parking permit on the vehicle.
Permit applications will be accepted December 12 - 20, 2024 during normal business hours.