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Park-N-Ride (PnR) provides a more economical parking option for Clemson students and employees.
Park-N-Ride permit holders will park in lot P-6, P-7 or P-8 and catch a shuttle to campus every 7-18 minutes. East and West Park-N-Ride shuttles run Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. There is no park-n-ride transit operating on Fridays. On Fridays, employee PnR permit holders may park in unrestricted employee spaces and commuter PnR permit holders may park in commuter spaces on main campus. All PnR permits are valid in unrestricted employee and commuter space from 4:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday-Friday and all day Saturday-Sunday according to campus parking regulations.
Your assigned lot (P-6 in West Campus or P-7 and P-8 in East Campus) is based on the location you select while purchasing your permit. *Note at this time P-5 is closed.
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Park-N-Ride Permit RatesView Annual Park-N-Ride Service Calendar

Park-N-Ride Routes and Details
East Campus Park-N-Ride
There are 559 parking spaces in P-7 and P-8 for students and staff with East Campus Park-N-Ride, Commuter or Employee Permits to use. The departure schedule is linked below and the shuttle route for East Campus Park-N-Ride can be found on TigersCommute.com.
How to Use East Campus Park-N-Ride
Park in P-7 or P-8, located at the intersection of Hwy 76 and SC 93, if you are commuting to campus from the direction of Central or Pendleton.
A shuttle picks up passengers from the P-7/P-8 bus stop only and makes stops at Hendrix Center, Edwards Hall, Redfern Health Center, Academic Success Center and Cherry Rd at Bryan Circle. The route may deviate due to campus roadway construction impacts.
To return to your vehicle, board a shuttle that says, “East Park-N-Ride.”
West Campus Park-N-Ride
There are 112 parking spaces in P-6 for students and staff with West Campus Park-N-Ride Permits to use, and the shuttle route for West Campus Park-N-Ride can be found on TigersCommute.com.
How to Use West Campus Park-N-Ride
Park in the Snow Family Fitness and Wellness Complex Lot (P-6) if you are commuting to campus from the direction of Seneca or Six Mile.
The shuttle picks up passengers from the P-6 gravel lot and makes stops at Sikes Hall, Brackett Hall, McAlister Hall and Fike Recreation Center.
To return to your vehicle, board a shuttle that says, “West Park-N-Ride.”
Exchange an Annual Permit for a Park-N-Ride Permit
- Bring your parking permit to Parking and Transportation Services.
- Pay for your new permit.
- Employee Note: If you have an employee permit and are enrolled in payroll deduction, you will need to complete a new payroll deduction form to obtain a Park-N-Ride permit. If you paid in full for your permit, the refund amount of your permit can be used to pay for the new permit.
- Pay a $6 permit exchange fee.