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College of Education

Teacher Residency Program

Two women smiling and posing with signs that read "Mentor" and "Resident" in front of an orange backdrop with paw print designs and the word "EDUCATION."

The Teacher Residency Program is a combined degree program with a BA/BS in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, Modern Languages Education, Secondary Education, Science Teaching, Mathematics Teaching, or Special Education and a MAT in Teacher Residency in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, Modern Languages Education, Secondary Education, or Special Education.


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Kirstin Segars (formerly Kirstin Bull) didn't expect to combine teaching and mentoring so soon after finishing her teaching degree and graduating from Clemson's teacher residency program. Segars is one of the first teacher residency alumni to become a mentor in the program. We spent the day with Segars and her resident, Ellison Pruitt, before one of their many "role-playing" lessons on sentence diagramming. Segars and Pruitt went through a costume change and donned scrubs before having their students "scrub in" to diagram sentences on several patients throughout the room. For the full story on Segars and Pruitt, click here.


  • Overview

    The MAT in Teacher Residency in either Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, Modern Languages Education, Secondary Education, or Special Education is a 30-credit program that can be completed in three semesters. It consists of a mix of face-to-face and hybrid courses along with a rich, immersive, year-long field experience component. Current undergraduate students who are studying P-12 educational fields such as early childhood, elementary, middle level, secondary (English, history, science or mathematics), modern language (French, Spanish, and American Sign Language) and special education teacher preparation programs are the target participants for the Teacher Residency Program. The curriculum plan is based on the combined bachelors to masters combined program philosophy, in such, that qualified students will take 12 hours of graduate coursework their senior year in place of a traditional student teaching experience (9 hours) and capstone seminar (3 hours). Students are expected to graduate from their undergraduate program as planned (May or August, senior year). During the 5th year, students will complete the remaining hours toward their MAT degree. Students will be recommended for initial teaching certification after successfully completing their graduate teacher residency field experience.

  • Admissions Requirements

    To enter into the combined program, students must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum of 90 credits. Students in the combined degree program are conditionally accepted to the graduate program until completion of the BA/BS degree requirements and also bypass the application fees and GRE/MAT testing requirement. According to Clemson University’s policy on Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Plan, the student must complete a total of 150 credit hours between the two degree programs. Students will be advised of the requirement and, if necessary, additional coursework may be required.

  • Program Requirements

    During the fall of their senior year, students will meet with an academic advisor to complete the final paperwork necessary to transition into the teacher residency program.  Students will complete the GS6 Bachelor-to-Graduate from, complete the change of major form indicating they will move into the non-certification concentration area of their undergraduate degree, and check previous forms (application and intent forms) for accuracy.  At the time of advising, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.4 and a minimum of 90 credits to enter the program and register for spring graduate courses.  Therefore, students must meet these benchmarks by the end of summer following their junior year.  Students must complete a total of 150 credit hours between the two degree programs (BA/BS and MAT). Therefore, to complete the program as we have planned, students should have 120 hours by the end of fall, senior year and 132 hours by the end of spring, senior year.

    During the spring of their senior year, students will take 12 hours of graduate coursework in education. Courses will be held on main campus and follow Clemson’s academic calendar. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their MAT/graduate coursework. In conjunction with the coursework, students will be placed in a clinical field placement with a minimum of 2 days in the placement required. Students will also need to take and pass PRAXIS II (PLT and subject assessment) prior to beginning the fall residency internship. Students will not meet the S.C. Department of Education requirement for initial teacher certification through their undergraduate program and will not be recommended for initial teacher certification by the Clemson University College of Education until they have completed their graduate teacher residency field experience. 

    Spring - Senior year of student’s BA/BS program:
    ED 8250 – Cultural Diversity in Education (3 hrs)
    ED 8400/8401 – Classroom Learning Environments (3 hrs)
    ED 8650 – Curriculum Theory (3 hrs)
    EDSP – 8230- Teaching Individuals with Disabilities in Integrated Settings (3hrs)
    Other Program Activities – Teacher Residency Kickoff Meeting and 1-2 workshops with assigned master teacher

    Please note: If you have any unfinished course requirements in your undergraduate program, other than the 12-hours of student teaching and capstone seminar, you must register for and successfully complete these unfinished courses to be awarded your undergraduate degree.  With completion of undergraduate requirements, undergraduate degree should be awarded in May or August, senior year to continue with program.

    The remaining 18 hours of graduate coursework during the 5th year has three primary components: 1) residency experience, 2) residency seminars, and 3) advanced instructional methods courses. The residency experience involves interactions between students, master teachers, university supervisors, and school leaders. Residency experiences start in the fall when the master teachers with whom the resident is placed return to school for teacher workdays. The seminars focus on course assignments, reflection, and readings to support growth during the fall and spring. Finally, all students will engage in several advanced instructional courses that focus on assessment and differentiation of instruction. Courses during the residency year will be offered at the University Center in Greenville.

    5th Year-First semester MAT Teacher Residency Program:
    EDF 8080 – Contemporary Issues in Assessment (3 hrs)
    ED 8090 – Teacher Residency Internship (3 hrs)
    ED 8480 – Teacher Residency Seminar (3 hrs)

    5th Year-Second semester MAT Teacher Residency Program:
    ED 8820 – Differentiation in Instruction and Student Work Analysis (3hrs)
    ED 8090 – Teacher Residency Internship (3 hrs)
    ED 8480 – Teacher Residency Seminar (3 hrs)

  • Tentative Timeline
    • Information Sessions: January, junior year
    • Application Released: January, junior year
    • Application and Recommendations Due: March, junior year
    • Faculty Review Completed: March, junior year
    • District Review Completed: April, junior year
    • Notification of Conditional Acceptance Status: April, junior year
    • Meetings to Sign Intent Forms: April, junior year
    • Meet with Advisors to Complete Remaining Paperwork: October or November, senior year
    • Begin Graduate Coursework: January, senior year
  • Financial Aid and Teacher Residency Fellowships

    Graduate assistantships are not available for this program. Applicants seeking financial aid should visit Clemson’s Student Financial Aid site. Those interested might also consider applying for a Teacher Forgiveness Loan.

    Eugene T. Moore Teacher Residency Fellowships

    The Eugene T. Moore Teacher Residency Fellowships were established to increase the number of underrepresented and underserved students who are enrolled in the teacher residency program in Clemson’s College of Education. Awardees for the Teacher Residency Fellowships  will receive living stipend awards during their fifth year of the teacher residency program (2 semesters) based on eligibility.  Stipends will be awarded in the amount of $3000 per semester of the yearlong placement (August 1st-April 30th) for a total of $6000.  Teacher residency fellows will be selected through a rigorous process by a committee of advisors and faculty, chaired by the COE Teacher Residency Director.

    Selection Criteria

    1. Have demonstrated evidence of financial need
    2. Preference will be given to
      1. South Carolina residents
      2. Underrepresented minorities
      3. Majors identified as a critical needs subject area as defined by the South Carolina Department of Education and identified each year in the CERRA Annual Supply and Demand Report

    Fellowship Application Timeline

    Junior Year:  Applicants are not eligible for a teacher residency fellowship until they have been accepted into the teacher residency program and completed the initial intent form in March/April of the junior year.  You will indicate your desire to apply for a Teacher Residency Fellowship on the teacher residency application form.

    Senior Year (after being accepted into the teacher residency program spring of Junior year)

    • September: Residency Fellowships Announced
    • October: Complete official paperwork to enter the teacher residency program (GS6 form)
    • January-May: Complete 12 credit hours of graduate coursework towards MAT, Teacher Residency degree

    Fifth Year

    • Fall Semester: Residency Fellowship awarded ($3000) in August
    • Spring Semester: Residency fellows who continue to meet the eligibility requirements receive an additional $3000 award in January.
  • Information Sessions & Calendar

    Review our College of Education Graduate Calendar to view upcoming events and information sessions.

  • Find Out More

    For more information about this program, contact Dr. Laura Eicher at

College of Education
College of Education | 101 Gantt Circle