- About
- Academics Overview
- Course Numberings
- Deadlines for Completing Your Program
Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations Overview
- Formatting Requirements
- Templates, Links and Tools
- Plain Language Abstracts
- Plagiarism
- Defending Your Thesis or Dissertation
- Converting Your Manuscript
- Requesting an Embargo
- Submitting
- Revising
- Finishing the ETD Process
- Bound Copies
- Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Thesis and Dissertation FAQs
- Policies and Procedures
- Forms and Requests
- Plan of Study
- Graduation Ceremonies
- Graduate School Interdisciplinary Program
- Admissions
- Cost and Aid
- Professional Development
- Student Services and Groups
Award Recipients
Each year the Graduate School and other units recognize outstanding student researchers, teaching assistants, and more.
The important role of graduate student support from faculty and staff is also highlighted.
- Distinguished Doctoral Mentoring Award
- Distinguished Graduate Student Support Staff Award
- Frankie O. Felder Graduate Student Award of Excellence
- Norsaadah Husain International Graduate Student Support Award
- Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
- Phil and Mary Bradley Graduate Student Award for Mentoring in Creative Inquiry