- About
- Academics Overview
- Course Numberings
- Deadlines for Completing Your Program
Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations Overview
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- Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Thesis and Dissertation FAQs
- Policies and Procedures
- Forms and Requests
- Plan of Study
- Graduation Ceremonies
- Graduate School Interdisciplinary Program
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Graduate School Courses
View a complete list of courses offered at the University in the Course Catalog. (Choose “Graduate Catalog” from the drop-down box.) Check with your department to verify scheduled offerings.
Graduate CatalogWhat Makes a Course Graduate-Level?
View a complete list of courses offered at the University in the Course Catalog. (Choose “Graduate Catalog” from the drop-down box.) Check with your department to verify scheduled offerings
3000- and 4000-level Courses
These courses are primarily for advanced undergraduates, but are offered also for graduate credit when they carry the corresponding 6000-level number. To receive graduate credit in these courses, students must do extra graduate-level work as determined by the department and are graded according to graduate standards.
7000-level Courses
Courses numbered 7000 or above are restricted to graduate students and certain qualified Clemson University seniors. The 7000-level courses are designed primarily for degrees that emphasize professional practice rather than research.
A secondary listing of a course in parentheses means that the course is cross-listed with another program.
Special Courses
These courses do not count toward a graduate degree, and no letter grades are given
GS 7990: Comprehensive Studies, 1–15 Credits (1–15 and 0)
Independent Studies in Preparation for Comprehensive Examinations: Credit hours to be determined by the department head or program chair. A letter grade is not given, but satisfactory completion is indicated by a grade of “Credit.”
GS 8000: Research Proposal Development Seminar, 1 Credit (1 and 0)
Principles and Techniques for the Preparation of Research Proposals: Graded on a credit/no credit basis. Does not count toward a graduate degree. Prerequisite: Second year or graduate standing in current major.
Course Prefixes
Course | Prefix |
Accounting | ACCT |
Agricultural Education | AGED |
Agricultural Mechanization & Business | AGM |
Animal & Veterinary Sciences | AVS |
Anthropology | ANTH |
Applied Economics | APEC |
Architecture | ARCH |
Art | ART |
Art & Architectural History | AAH |
Astronomy | ASTR |
Athletic Leadership | AL |
Audio Technology | AUDIO |
Automotive Engineering | AUE |
Biochemistry | BCHM |
Bioengineering | BIOE |
Biology | BIOL |
Biomolecular Engineering | BMOL |
Biosystems Engineering | BE |
Chemical Engineering | CHE |
Chemistry | CH |
City & Regional Planning | CRP |
Civil Engineering | CE |
College of Architecture, Arts & Humanities | CAAH |
College of Engineering & Science | CES |
Communication Studies | COMM |
Computer Science | CPSC |
Construction Science & Management | CSM |
Crop & Soil Environmental Science | CSEN |
Digital Production Arts | DPA |
Early Childhood Education | EDEC |
Economics | ECON |
Education | ED |
Educational Counseling | EDC |
Educational Foundations | EDF |
Educational Leadership | EDL |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | ECE |
Elementary Education | EDEL |
Engineering & Science Education | ESED |
English | ENGL |
Entomology | ENT |
Environmental & Natural Resources | ENR |
Environmental Engineering & Science | EES |
Environmental Science & Policy | ENSP |
Environmental Toxicology | ETOX |
Executive Leadership & Entrepreneurship | ELE |
Experimental Statistics | EXST |
Family & Community Studies | FCS |
Finance | FIN |
Food Science | FDSC |
Food Technology | FDTH |
Forestry | FOR |
Forestry & Natural Resources | FNR |
French | FR |
Genetics | GEN |
Geography | GEOG |
Geology | GEOL |
German | GER |
Course | Prefix |
Graduate Studies | GS |
Graphic Communications | GC |
Health Care Genetics | HCG |
Health | HLTH |
Health, Education & Human Development | HEHD |
Historic Preservation | HP |
Historic Preservation (College of Charleston) | HSPV |
History | HIST |
Horticulture | HORT |
Human Centered Computing | HCC |
Human Resource Development | HRD |
Humanities | HUM |
Industrial Engineering | IE |
Integrated Pest Management | IPM |
Landscape Architecture | LARCH |
Language | LANG |
Law | LAW |
Literacy | EDLT |
Management | MGT |
Marketing | MKT |
Master of Business Administration | MBA |
Master of Health Administration | M H A |
Materials Science & Engineering | MSE |
Mathematical Sciences | MTHS |
Mechanical Engineering | ME |
Microbiology | MICRO |
Middle-Level Education | EDML |
Music | MUSC |
Nursing | NURS |
Nutrition | NUTR |
Packaging Science | PKSC |
Pan African Studies | P A S |
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management | PRTM |
Philosophy | PHIL |
Physics | PHYS |
Planning, Design & the Built Environment | PDBE |
Plant & Environmental Sciences | PES |
Plant Pathology | PLPA |
Policy Studies | POST |
Political Science | POSC |
Political Science (USC) | POLI |
Psychology | PSYCH |
Public Administration | PADM |
Real Estate Development | RED |
Religion | REL |
Rhetorics, Communication & Information Design | RCID |
Rural Sociology | RS |
Secondary Education | EDSC |
Sociology | SOC |
Spanish | SPAN |
Special Education | EDSP |
Systems Engineering | SYSE |
Theatre | THEA |
Vocational-Technical Education | VTED |
Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | WFB |
Women's Studies | WS |