- About
- Academics Overview
- Course Numberings
- Deadlines for Completing Your Program
Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations Overview
- Formatting Requirements
- Templates, Links and Tools
- Plain Language Abstracts
- Plagiarism
- Defending Your Thesis or Dissertation
- Converting Your Manuscript
- Requesting an Embargo
- Submitting
- Revising
- Finishing the ETD Process
- Bound Copies
- Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Thesis and Dissertation FAQs
- Policies and Procedures
- Forms and Requests
- Plan of Study
- Graduation Ceremonies
- Graduate School Interdisciplinary Program
- Admissions
- Cost and Aid
- Professional Development
- Student Services and Groups
Custom workforce development and talent acquisition
The Accelerate to Industry (A2i) program is a bold approach to enhancing industry workforce readiness in South Carolina and beyond. We invite you to join the Clemson University Graduate School in developing a consistent pipeline of exceptional future leaders for your company. The A2i model includes opportunities to directly interact with Clemson's talented and diverse graduate, postdoctoral, and alumni communities through targeted, meaningful recruitment activities that we tailor to your company’s needs. The A2i approach utilizes a variety of modules which bring our graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and alumni together with industry partners whose missions require a highly motivated and educated workforce.
Please email a2i@clemson.edu if you don't see what you need.
What can you do with A2i?
Identify and recruit talent
- We will work with your talent acquisition team to identify graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and alumni whose interests, skills, and values align with their company’s culture and talent needs.
- We can facilitate recruiting, on-site interviewing, and on-campus marketing for our sponsors.
- We can also provide a curated biography portfolio of the A2i students.
- A2i offers modules and experiences designed to introduce you to these talented graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (such as the company site visit or immersion experience).
Develop a next-generation workforce
- We will help you tailor internships and other opportunities that will help you address contemporary problems with students from our diverse, interdisciplinary cohorts. These are excellent opportunities to create excitement and enthusiasm about the prospects your company affords.
- By sponsoring A2i, you'll have the opportunity to share your company’s unique perspective, culture, and approach with students to kickstart your near-future workforce.
Tell us what you need
- We offer targeted recruiting services that are tailored to our industry member’s hiring needs.
- Sponsor companies can choose the events that will help them meet their own hiring and development needs by choosing a package of modules or by selecting individual events a la carte.
- Corporate sponsors collaborate with the director to co-create the A2i programming.