- About
- Academics Overview
- Course Numberings
- Deadlines for Completing Your Program
Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations Overview
- Formatting Requirements
- Templates, Links and Tools
- Plain Language Abstracts
- Plagiarism
- Defending Your Thesis or Dissertation
- Converting Your Manuscript
- Requesting an Embargo
- Submitting
- Revising
- Finishing the ETD Process
- Bound Copies
- Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Thesis and Dissertation FAQs
- Policies and Procedures
- Forms and Requests
- Plan of Study
- Graduation Ceremonies
- Graduate School Interdisciplinary Program
- Admissions
- Cost and Aid
- Professional Development
- Student Services and Groups
Forms and Requests
All-digital Workflow for PDF Fillable Forms
The Graduate School is updating all of its forms to facilitate a completely digital workflow. To this end, we are adding detailed instructions to each form.
In general, to use all the interactive features in a PDF form (saving with completed fields, signing electronically, forwarding to key signers and submitting), you’ll get the best results following these steps:
Download and save the form to your computer or device and then open it using Adobe® Reader or Adobe® Acrobat. Not all interactive features may be available when you open a PDF form within your web browser, as PDF plugins (extensions) can vary from browser to browser.
Complete your portion of the form, including adding your digital signature if required. Read Adobe’s info about digitally signing PDFs and a how-to for creating a secure, certificate-based digital signature, which you can customize to include an image of your actual signature.
If the form requires input and/or signatures from more than one individual, please attach the form to an email to the first signer and ask them to sign and forward it to the next signer and so on.
The last signer should use the recipient email link or button on the form to route it to the administrator of that form. The recipient usually will be a Graduate School or Enrolled Student Services representative. If you, the form originator, need a copy of the completed form, you may request it as an email attachment from the final recipient.
If your form does not feature a “Submit” button or recipient link, the default recipient is GS_FORM_TEMP_PROCESS@LISTS.CLEMSON.EDU.
This workflow helps ensure that the Graduate School or Enrolled Services will receive just one completed form, signed by all parties.
Or, if circumstances permit, you can:
Print and complete the form by hand.
Have all signers sign manually.
Submit the completed hardcopy in person or by mail to the administrative office listed on the form, or you may scan the completed, signed form and send it as an email attachment.
Prospective Students
Recommendation form for admission to the Graduate School
Graduate Admissions
Appeal of dismissal or denied admission
International student financial certification
Form maintained by Office of International Services and linked at their Forms and Documents page
Office of International Services
Change of Term (deferral of admission)
The Change of Term form may be submitted online by a faculty or staff representative of the requesting program via Slate (login required).
Graduate Admissions
Current Students
Appeal of dismissal or denied admission
Committee Selection and Plan of Study
Online process
gs2help@clemson.eduIf you want to add a member to your committee who is not a Clemson faculty member, use this form.
Graduate Assistantship Contract
Word template or fillable PDF used to create graduate assistantship contracts
File within your program
Confidentiality agreement regarding Graduate Assistant FERPA training and personal information protection
Master’s/Specialist en route to Doctoral degree curriculum
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduResults of the doctoral degree comprehensive examination (file concurrently with form GS-ResearchApproval)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduAdvisory committee’s approval of student thesis or dissertation research proposal (file concurrently with form GS5D)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduRequest for senior enrollment in graduate courses
Scott Phillips
sphill8@clemson.eduRequest for combined bachelor’s/graduate education plan (formerly GS6BSMS)
Scott Phillips
sphill8@clemson.eduRequest for change of degree and/or major
Online process
Submit a defense schedule notice
Online process (form and calendar)
Clemson University name change request
Form maintained by Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar
Leave of Absence
The Graduate School no longer requires continuous enrollment so no leave of absence paperwork is required.
Titles and related information table for departmental graduate assistants (information sheet)
Request for enrollment in graduate course 7990
Form 7990 listserv GS-7990-form@lists.clemson.edu
Recommendation for course revalidation
Graduate academic integrity: Request to waive academic integrity hearing
Graduate academic integrity: Student rebuttal of charge
Graduate academic integrity: Report of finding
Academic grievance filing
Withdraw from the University
Office of the Registrar
Make use of the Academic Redemption Policy
Jen Charette
jcharet@clemson.edu -
Graduating Students
Application for graduation — This form is no longer used. You may now apply for graduation through your iROAR account. Choose “Apply for Graduation” under the “Student Record” menu
Results of the doctoral comprehensive exam and candidacy form (file concurrently with form GS-Research Approval)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduAdvisory committee’s approval of student thesis or dissertation research proposal—file with department and with Enrolled Services (file concurrently with form GS5D)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduFor master’s degree students: Final exam and thesis approval form. Do not include as a page in your thesis.
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduFor doctoral degree students: Dissertation defense and approval form (Do not include as a page in your dissertation)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduGraduate certificate curriculum form
Checklist before submitting your manuscript
Manuscript Review manuscriptreview-l@clemson.edu
Submit a defense schedule notice
Online process (form and calendar)
All Forms
Change of Term (deferral of admission)
The Change of Term form may be submitted online by a faculty representative of the requesting program (login required)
Graduate Admissions
grdapp@clemson.eduRecommendation form for admission to the Graduate School
Graduate Admissions
grdapp@clemson.eduAppeal of dismissal or denied admission
Clemson University name change request
Office of the Registrar
Leave of Absence
The Graduate School no longer requires continuous enrollment so no leave of absence paperwork is required.
International student financial certification
Form maintained by Office of International Services and linked at their Forms and Documents page
Office of International Services
Committee Selection and Plan of Study
Online process gs2help@clemson.edu
If you want to add a member to your committee who is not a Clemson faculty member, use this form.
Graduate Assistantship Contract
Word template or fillable PDF used to create graduate assistantship contracts
File within your program
Confidentiality agreement regarding Graduate Assistant FERPA training and personal information protection
Master’s/Specialist en route to Doctoral degree curriculum
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduResults of the doctoral degree comprehensive examination (file concurrently with form GS-ResearchApproval)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduAdvisory committee’s approval of student thesis or dissertation research proposal—file with department and with Enrolled Services (file concurrently with form GS5D)
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduRequest for senior enrollment in graduate courses
Scott Phillips
sphill8@clemson.eduRequest for combined bachelor’s/graduate education plan (formerly GS6BSMS)
Scott Phillips
sphill8@clemson.eduRequest for change of degree and/or major
Online process
Graduate application for re-entrance
Jen Charette
jcharet@clemson.eduRequest for academic renewal following absence of one full year or longer
Titles and related information table for departmental graduate assistants (information sheet)
Request for enrollment in graduate course 7990
GS forms listserv
Recommendation for course revalidation
Graduate academic integrity: Request to waive academic integrity hearing
Graduate academic integrity: Student rebuttal of charge
Graduate academic integrity: Report of finding
Academic grievance filing
Application for graduation — This form is no longer used. You now apply for graduation through your iROAR account. Choose the “Apply for Graduation” under the “Student Record” menu.
Enrolled Student Services
For master’s degree students: Final exam and thesis approval form. Do not include as a page in your thesis.
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduFor doctoral degree students: Dissertation defense and approval form. Do not include as a page in your dissertation
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduGraduate certificate curriculum planning form
Enrolled Student Services
gradESS@clemson.eduChecklist before submitting your manuscript
Manuscript Review manuscriptreview-l@clemson.edu
Submit a defense schedule notice
Online process
Request to receive a waiver for English proficiency based on your prior education at an English-speaking institution, expired scores, completion of ESL programs, U.S. employment or other factors
Graduate Admissions
grdapp@clemson.eduGraduate Student Plan for Success
This form replaces the GSR1 and GSR2
Graduate Student Success
gradss@clemson.eduWithdrawal from the University
Office of the Registrar
Make use of the Academic Redemption Policy
Jen Charette