- About
- Academics Overview
- Course Numberings
- Deadlines for Completing Your Program
Theses and Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations Overview
- Formatting Requirements
- Templates, Links and Tools
- Plain Language Abstracts
- Plagiarism
- Defending Your Thesis or Dissertation
- Converting Your Manuscript
- Requesting an Embargo
- Submitting
- Revising
- Finishing the ETD Process
- Bound Copies
- Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Thesis and Dissertation FAQs
- Policies and Procedures
- Forms and Requests
- Plan of Study
- Graduation Ceremonies
- Graduate School Interdisciplinary Program
- Admissions
- Cost and Aid
- Professional Development
- Student Services and Groups
Preparing to Apply
Selecting a Program
The Graduate School at Clemson University offers 140 graduate degree programs in 85 disciplines. Before you apply, be sure that the program meets your educational and career goals. You also need to determine if you are a degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking student (see definitions below).
All graduate students, whether degree-seeking or non-degree, must have completed a minimum of a bachelor’s degree before beginning graduate courses.
Have a question for Graduate Admissions or need to drop off Transcripts?
Schedule an Appointment with the Graduate Admissions office so we can be prepared to give you the best service.

Degree Seeking Students
Applicants who wish to pursue a graduate degree at Clemson University are considered “degree-seeking students.” This includes all applicants seeking a master’s, doctorate or any professional degree. On the "Program Selection" application page, you will be prompted to select the degree type before selecting your program.
Non-degree Seeking Students
Admission to the “non-degree” category is limited primarily to those who may benefit professionally from additional study at the graduate level. Students working towards a teaching certificate or recertification or an add-on certificate to augment professional credentials would be non-degree students. As a non-degree student, you must receive permission from the program coordinator or the department chair of your program before you enroll in any graduate course.
Senior Citizen Enrollment for South Carolina Residents
South Carolina senior citizens may enroll in courses as an Auditor or for credit at no charge. There is no limit to the credit hours allowed. Enrollment is subject to the following conditions:
- You are 60 years of age or older
- You are a South Carolina resident for 12+ months
- Enrollment is based on space availability
Inquire in 102 Sikes Hall, email the Registrar's Office or call 864-656-2171.
Supporting Materials
All application-support materials required by the graduate school should be uploaded as digital files to the online application for admission. These may include:
- Personal statements.
- Unofficial copies of transcripts.
- Resumes/CVs.
Based on the guidelines provided by your program(s) of interest you may also submit other supporting materials, such as your portfolio.
Please note that official transcripts are only required of those applicants who are offered admission. Please do not mail in an official transcript unless you’ve received an offer of admission.