Get Ready for SUMMER

Get ready for Summer 2024 with Clemson Online!
Clemson Online is your Summer teaching partner! We have new opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation, teaching with Canvas, and the Quality Matters course improvement process. Instructors can choose from the options below based on their needs and experience, all geared toward making this your best Summer semester yet!
Pre-requisites for all trainings:
- Participants must have clear, specific, measurable learning objectives for their course.
- Participants must also have a set of learning objectives for each unit of instruction or module in the course.
For assistance preparing a list of learning objectives prior to starting training, self-enroll in our QM at Clemson site and see our page on writing learning objectives.
Faculty Success & TPR Reporting:
For applicable participants, these trainings can be listed on annual reviews in the Faculty Success system. Check with your department for specific details. Badges are available for completing courses (see sample images next to each course description below).
If you have any questions about these training opportunities or any aspect of Quality Matters at Clemson, please email our QM Coordinator.
Training Options
Instructors who will be teaching online for the first time:

Building Your Canvas Course (BYCC)
Participants will meet in groups over Zoom to learn the fundamentals of online teaching and course design, based on Quality Matters' "Bridge to Quality" framework. Each session will be divided between the presentation of pedagogy and design principles and hands-on workshop time for instructors to develop their Canvas sites. We will discuss course alignment, engaging learners, and connecting course components while empowering you with the tools you need for creating a successful online course.
Instructors who have previously taught online at Clemson:

Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
This asynchronous workshop explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of online courses. Participants use the QM Rubric to review their own online courses and develop a course improvement plan. Participants come away with a plan for course improvement, so enrolling in the workshop with a pre-developed online or hybrid course is required.
Instructors who need training in teaching face-to-face (F2F) with Canvas:

COFFEE: House Blend
- participants will enroll in this ongoing, self-paced course to learn and apply effective principles for integrating Canvas into the F2F classroom, including setting up a course site and creating active learning opportunities. Participants will complete assigned learning tasks in one of their own course sites, to be reviewed by the facilitator. Participants must also schedule a mandatory one hour consultation with CO staff at the conclusion of the course. Facilitated by Sharyn Emery, PhD.