Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Fast Stats
- At Clemson University, 9.2% of students have experienced a verbal threat within the last 12 months (NCHA, 2022).
- At Clemson University, 6% of students have experienced sexual touching without their consent within the last 12 months (NCHA, 2022).
Those numbers may not seem that high when in percentages, but if about 26,400 students attend Clemson University: 9.2% is 2,429 students experiencing a verbal threat; 6% is 1,584 students experiencing unwanted sexual touching without their consent – which is considered sexual assault under Clemson University’s Anti-Harassment and Non-Discriminatory Policy. Additionally, when you think about how many people are affected by interpersonal violence, it is many more than just the survivor; it is family members, friends and support systems, too.
It is not just a college problem – In 2021, South Carolina ranked 6th in the nation for violence against women and has ranked in the top 10 states every year since 2000 for deaths due to domestic violence in the United States (The Post and Courier, Violence Policy Center).
- On average nationally, at least 50% of college students’ sexual assaults are associated with alcohol use (Sexual Assaults on College Campuses Involving Alcohol, 2022).
- Research has shown that the time spanning from the start of a college Fall semester through Thanksgiving break is when more sexual assaults take place than any other time of the year. This period of time has been referred to as “the Red Zone” (Bauer-Wolf, 2019).
- Women and girls are the vast majority of victims: Over half have been raped in their lifetime.
- Men and boys are also at risk: 1 in 26 have been raped or have been a victim of attempted rape in their lifetime (CDC, 2020.)
- 8 out of 10 rapes are committed by someone known to the victim (Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics, 2024).
Sexual Assault Research at Clemson University
720 first-year female-identifying Clemson University students participated in a study funded by the National Institutes of Health and conducted by faculty in Public Health Sciences and Redfern Health Center. The study used behavioral-specific questions from the Sexual Experiences Survey to assess for sexual victimization. It assesses for completed rape, attempted rape, sexual coercion (intercourse subsequent to verbal pressure or misuse of authority) and unwanted sexual contact.
Approximately 20% of first-year women at Clemson University experience some type of sexual victimization.
- 6% experienced unwanted sexual contact (NCHA 2022)
- 1.3% experienced sexual coercion (NCHA 2022)
- 2.2% experienced attempted rape (NCHA 2022)
- 1.7% experienced completed rape (NCHA 2022)
- 3.1% of Clemson students reported within the last 12 months, a partner pressured them into unwanted sexual contact by threatening, coercing, or using alcohol or other drugs (Clemson NCHA 2022).
- Victims were more likely to report increased levels of depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms compared to non-victims, so it is very important they seek help.
- >6% of students have experienced sexual touching without their consent within the last 12 months (NCHA, 2022).
Thompson, M.P. & Kingree, J.B. (2010). Sexual victimization, negative cognitions, and adjustment in college women. American Journal Health Behavior, 34, 55-59.
Facilitator Question
Think of a couple that you know, that you feel demonstrates a healthy and happy relationship. This relationship can be family, friends, co-workers, etc. What are the qualities of this relationship?
Signs of an Abusive Relationship
Checking cell phones, emails or social networks without permission
Extreme jealousy or insecurity
Constant belittling or put-downs
Explosive temper
Isolation from family and friends
Making false accusations
Erratic mood swings
Physically inflicting pain or hurt in any way
Telling someone what to do
Repeatedly pressuring someone to have sex
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Clemson University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy includes:
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Sexual Harassment
The word “stalking” probably brings a certain image to your mind. However, stalking can happen in many different ways and may be more common than you think.
Stalking includes:
Sending/receiving multiple unwanted text messages.
Sending/receiving sexually explicit content.
Posting unwanted or sexually explicit messages on someone's online profile.
Sharing a sexually suggestive or private message with someone other than the person it was originally meant for.
Repeatedly showing up places where you are unwanted.
A pattern of behaviors that makes a person reasonably fearful.
- Sexual Health
Sexual Violence
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that sexual violence refers to sexual activity where consent is not obtained or not given freely. Sexual Violence (SV) is any sexual act that is perpetrated against someone’s will. SV encompasses a range of offenses, including rape, unwanted touching and threatened sexual violence, exhibitionism, and verbal sexual harassment. All of these involve victims who do not consent or who are unable to consent. As we talk about sexual violence, it is important to us that we all have a clear and concise understanding as to what consent is.
Consent is when a person agreed to do something or permission was given.
Although consent is clear when in the right state of mind, it begins to blur when alcohol and drugs are involved, especially in the context of consenting to sexual contact.
Consent requires:
Speech or conduct indicating a freely given, un-coerced agreement to engage in sexual contact.
May not be inferred from silence or passivity alone, and a current or previous relationship is not sufficient to constitute consent.
Cannot be legally given if one or both parties are intoxicated to the point where they do not know what they are doing.
May be withdrawn at any time by either person.
Body language alone is not considered consent.
Blue Seat Studios. (2015, May 13). Tea Consent. Retrieved from URL
One of your friends comes to talk to you and is very upset. They end up telling you about an incident that happened last night. Your friend was hanging out with a casual acquaintance they had met a time or two before. They were having a great time, and the acquaintance kept bringing your friend drinks. Before your friend realized it, your friend was highly intoxicated. Your friend started feeling sick, and the acquaintance offered to take your friend home. Your friend agreed and remembers getting into the acquaintance’s car. Your friend doesn’t remember much after that but woke up this morning and believes the acquaintance had sex with them.
The Federal Campus Sexual Assault Victims Bill of Rights
Survivors shall be notified of their options to notify law enforcement.
Accuser and accused must have the same opportunity to have others present.
Both parties shall be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding.
Survivors shall be notified of counseling services.
Survivors shall be notified of options for changing academic and living situations.
How to Get Help
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)*: CAPS is located in Redfern Health Center and can be reached by calling 864-656-2451 (an after-hours counselor can be reached by selecting option 2).
CU CARES*: CU CARES is an intervention program for students affected by relationship and/or sexual violence provided through Student Health Services’ Counseling and Psychological Services. This program aims to coordinate the emotional, medical and legal needs of victims of interpersonal violence.
*In cases of sexual violence or other types of sexual misconduct, medical and psychological records at Redfern Health Center or off-campus rape crisis centers are kept strictly confidential unless the victim gives permission to disclose or under a few exceptions as required by law. These exceptions include threat of harm to self or others, suspected child abuse, suspected abuse of elderly or disabled, or court ordered release of records.
CARE Network: While students on Clemson’s campus deal with many challenging situations every day, the CARE Network is designed to track those incidents that are deemed “critical” and/or which may indicate unusual or harmful student behavior or trends. A Clemson student, faculty, staff or parent can submit a CARE Network Referral Form. You will be asked to provide detailed information regarding the concern you are reporting. Once the form is received, a University professional in the CARE Network will review the information and take appropriate action, which may or may not include contacting the student, you and any witnesses you have identified. You are not required to provide your name when you make a report; however, if you are comfortable providing your name, this information can help CARE Network staff follow up with you about the concern.
Katherine Weathers, Clemson University Assistant Vice President and Title IX Coordinator: 864-656-3181
SANE/Forensic Nurses (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner)
SANE nurses specialize in evidence collection for domestic abuse, child abuse and sexual assault. Any hospital open 24 hours/7 days a week in the surrounding area can perform a rape kit even if the assault did not take place in South Carolina. Local hospitals with on-call SANE Nurses include Oconee Memorial Hospital (14 minutes away), Baptist Easley Hospital (24 minutes away), AnMed Health Medical Center in Anderson (29 minutes away) and Greenville Memorial Hospital (38 minutes away). All travel times are estimated from Clemson's main campus.
Local rape crisis centers that are free and confidential are Pickens County Advocacy Center and Foothills Alliance. Safe Harbor is our local domestic violence crisis organization. These centers can help you navigate campus, medical and legal options. Both Foothills Alliance and Safe Harbor offer 24/7 crisis hotlines.
Other national hotlines include:
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV): 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224
The following printable resource contains information for victims of interpersonal violence:
What to Do If You've Been Sexually Assaulted
Always advise someone who has been assaulted to get counseling and medical care if they have been sexually victimized; CAPS is a great resource. When you are talking with a person who has been assaulted, give that person options and power. It is very important to remember to not control the situation or try to make that person do something they do not want to do.