On-Campus Resources
Student Health Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): clemson.edu/caps
CAPS is located in Redfern Health Center and is the University's only facility for personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation. An after-hours counselor is available and can be reached by calling CAPS and selecting option 2 from the menu.
Healthy Campus: clemson.edu/healthy-campus
- Clemson University Police Department (CUPD)
Office of Advocacy and Success
CARE Network: The CARE Network is a service of the Office of Advocacy and Success that offers individualized assistance for all Clemson students by assessing needs, identifying support networks, and offering referrals to campus and community resources. We encourage any person who is concerned about a student to complete our referral form so that we can outreach to the student and offer support.
- Division of Community, Engagement, Belonging and Access
- Student Accessibility Services
- Center for Career and Professional Development