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Digital Accessibility


Headings in Canvas


The Rich Content Editor (RCE) in Canvas provides several text formatting features. By default, the Page Title is a level 1 heading (H1). Within the RCE, authors can provide additional structure to page content using headings. To change paragraph text to a heading:

  1. Select the text.
  2. Select the Paragraph dropdown from the toolbar.
  3. Select your desired heading level.
screenshot of heading options in canvas


Canvas automatically provides heading structure for quizzes. The Quiz Title is presented as a level 1 heading (H1). Quiz Instructions and Questions are structured as level 2 headings (H2).

If additional structure is needed for quiz instructions or question text, use level 3 or 4 headings (H3, H4).

Instructor View: Editing a Quiz

screenshot of heading structure for quizzes options in canvas

Student View: Viewing a Quiz

screenshot of canvas quiz preview mode showing heading structure

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Digital Accessibility
Digital Accessibility | Barre Hall