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Fanny M. Coutelot

Fanny CoutelotResearch Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Rich Lab 342 Computer Court
Anderson, SC 29625
864.656.3276(o), 803.998.6220 (c)

Ph.D. Earth Science, Bordeaux Montaigne University, France, 2014
M.S. Environmental Management, Valuation and Analysis, University Aix-Marseille, France, 2010
B.S. Earth Science, J. Fourrier University, France, 2008

Publications | CV

Faculty Overview

Coutelot is a Research Assistant Professor at Clemson University. She has prior experience as a postdoc at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, where she examined the geochemical behavior of radionuclides at the Savannah River Site. Particularly interested in the fate and transport of contaminants in the redox transition zone of the subsurface environment, working with large data sets, coupling laboratory experiments, field observations, and geochemical modeling to describe and predict how elements and molecules move in the natural environment.

Selected Publications

Coutelot, F.M., Riss, M., Wang, D.L., Olive, D., Schnurr, A., Powell, B.A., 2024. Np(V) sorption to montmorillonite as a function of temperature (25 55 °C) and ionic strength (NaCl 0.01M to 1M).

Wasserman, N.L., Merino, N., Coutelot, F., Kaplan, D.I., Powell, B.A., Kersting, A.B., Zavarin, M., 2023. Sources, seasonal cycling, and fate of plutonium in a seasonally stratified and radiologically contaminated pond. Sci. Rep. 13, 11046.

Merino, N., Wasserman, N.L., Coutelot, F., Kaplan, D.I., Powell, B.A., Jiao, Y., Kersting, A.B., Zavarin, M., 2023. Microbial community dynamics and cycling of plutonium and iron in a seasonally stratified and radiologically contaminated pond. Sci. Rep. 13, 19697.

Coutelot, F., Wheeler, J., Merino, N., Kaplan, D.I., Owings, S., Taillefert, M., Zavarin, M., Kersting, A.B., Powell, B.A., 2023. Temporal evolution of Pu and Cs sediment contamination in a seasonally stratified pond. Sci. Total Environ. 857, 159320.

Kugler, A., Brigmon, R.L., Friedman, A., Coutelot, F.M., Polson, S.W., Seaman, J.C., Simpson, W., 2022. Bioremediation of copper in sediments from a constructed wetland ex situ with the novel bacterium Cupriavidus basilensis SRS. Sci. Rep. 12, 17615.

Rhodes, O.E., Bréchignac, F., Bradshaw, C., Hinton, T.G., Mothersill, C., Arnone, J.A., Aubrey, D.P., Barnthouse, L.W., Beasley, J.C., Bonisoli-Alquati, A., Boring, L.R., Bryan, A.L., Capps, K.A., Clément, B., Coleman, A., Condon, C., Coutelot, F., DeVol, T., Dharmarajan, G., Fletcher, D., Flynn, W., Gladfelder, G., Glenn, T.C., Hendricks, S., Ishida, K., Jannik, T., Kapustka, L., Kautsky, U., Kennamer, R., Kuhne, W., Lance, S., Laptyev, G., Love, C., Manglass, L., Martinez, N., Mathews, T., McKee, A., McShea, W., Mihok, S., Mills, G., Parrott, B., Powell, B., Pryakhin, E., Rypstra, A., Scott, D., Seaman, J., Seymour, C., Shkvyria, M., Ward, A., White, D., Wood, M.D., Zimmerman, J.K., 2020. Integration of ecosystem science into radioecology: A consensus perspective. Sci. Total Environ. 740, 140031.

Baker, M.R., Coutelot, F.M., Seaman, J.C., 2019. Phosphate amendments for chemical immobilization of uranium in contaminated soil. Environ. Int. 129, 565–572.

Coutelot, F., Thomas, R.J., Seaman, J.C., 2019. Using Porous Iron Composite (PIC) Material to Immobilize Rhenium as an Analogue for Technetium. Environment International.

Coutelot, F.M., Seaman, J.C., Baker, M., 2018. Uranium(VI) adsorption and surface complexation modeling onto vadose sediments from the Savannah River Site. Environ. Earth Sci. 77, 148.

Awards and honors

Isteb Early Career Travel Award, 2018