Senior Lecturer
432 Brackett
Ph.D. Geological Sciences, 2019, University of British Columbia
H.B.Sc. Geological Sciences, 2014, Queen’s University
Classes | Publications | Presentations | Honors | CV
Faculty Overview
Dr. Scribner’s research interests are spread between two realms: mineralogy and geoscience education. Her mineralogy research focuses on the rare-element pegmatites, specifically those that are thought to have been contaminated by their host rocks. Contamination can modify the chemical signature and mineralogy of pegmatites through the introduction of chemical elements from the host rock. Her geoscience education research involves the development of concept inventories, which are validated assessments that can be used to measure conceptual understanding.
Class Information
For current syllabi, please search the Clemson University Syllabus Repository.
GEOL 1120 Earth Resources
GEOL 1140 Earth Resources Laboratory
GEOL 1200 Natural Hazards
GEOL 4750 Hydrogeology Field Camp
Bosi, F., Pezzotta, F., Altieri, A., Andreozzi, G.B., Ballirano, P., Tempesta, G., Cempírek, J., Škoda, R., Filip, J., Copjaková, R., Novák, M., Kampf, A.R., Scribner, E.D., Groat, L.A., James Evans, R., 2022. Celleriite, □(Mn22+Al) Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH) 3(OH), a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup. Am. Mineral. 107, 31–42. doi:10.2138/AM-2021-7818
Scribner, E.D., Cempírek, J., Groat, L.A., James Evans, R., Biagioni, C., Bosi, F., Dini, A., Hålenius, U., Orlandi, P., Pasero, M., 2021. Magnesio-lucchesiite, CaMg3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new species of the tourmaline supergroup. Am. Mineral. 106, 862–871. doi:10.2138/AM-2021-7496
Scribner, E.D., Cempírek, J., Groat, L.A., Evans, R.J., Biagioni, C., Bosi, F., Dini, A., Hålenius, U., Orlandi, P., & Pasero, M. (2021) Magnesio-lucchesiite, CaMg3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new species of the tourmaline supergroup. American Mineralogist, 106(6), 862–871. DOI: 10.2138/am-2021-7496
Scribner, E.D. & Harris, S.E. (2020) The Mineralogy Concept Inventory: a statistically validated assessment to measure learning gains in undergraduate mineralogy courses. Journal of Geoscience Education, 68(3), 186–198. DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1662929
Scribner, E.D., Groat, L.A., & Cempírek, J. (2018) Mineralogy of Ti-bearing, Al-deficient tourmaline assemblages associated with lamprophyre dikes near the O’Grady Batholith, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Geosciences, 63(2), 123–135. DOI: 10.3190/jgeosci.259
Scribner, E.D., Groat, L.A., & Cempírek, J. (2017) Mineralogy of the Ash Mountain Sn-bearing skarn, Tuya Range, northern British Columbia, Canada. The Canadian Mineralogist, 55(2), 333–347. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1600064
Selected Presentations
Scribner, E.D., Lazar, K.B., Brame, S., Fidler, M.K., & Murdoch, L.C. (2020) Real-time streaming of field camp experiences. Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. Online.
Scribner, E.D. & Harris, S.E. (2018) The Mineralogy Concept Inventory: a statistically validated concept inventory to measure learning gains. Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. Indianapolis, USA.
Jolley, A.J., Gilley, B.H., Holland, T., Sherman, S.B., Scribner, E.D. & McMillan, R. (2018) Teaching and learning about teaching and learning: UBC’s graduate course in evidence-based pedagogy. Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. Indianapolis, USA.
Scribner, E.D., Cempírek, J., & Groat, L.A. (2017) Uvite and feruvite from lamprophyre dikes and metasediments near the O’Grady batholith in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Tourmaline 2017. Skalský dvůr, Czech Republic.
Scribner, E.D., Cempírek, J., & Groat, L.A. (2017) Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Rau pegmatite group, Yukon Territory, Canada. 8th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites. Kristiansand, Norway.
Scribner, E.D. & Sherman, S.B. (2017) Development of a knowledge assessment for an introductory petrology course. UBC Science Education Open House. Vancouver, Canada.
Sherman, S.B., Scribner E.D., Kennedy, L., & Kopylova, M. (2016) How to help students get the most out of labs: benefits and challenges of pre-lab assignments. UBC Science Education Open House. Vancouver, Canada.
Scribner, E.D., Groat, L.A., & Cempírek, J. (2016) The Ash Mountain tin-bearing skarn in northwestern British Columbia. Joint Assembly of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada. Whitehorse, Canada.
Scribner, E.D., Groat, L.A., & Cempírek, J. (2015) The effect of in situ contamination on the rare-element mineralogy of pegmatite dikes in the Rau pegmatite field, Yukon Territory, Canada. 7th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites. Książ Castle, Poland.
Scribner, E.D., Peterson, R.C., Groat, L.A., Wilson, B., & Joy, B. (2014) Chemical evolution of tourmaline from a granitic pegmatite in the Nááts’ihch’oh igneous complex, Northwest Territories, Canada. Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. Vancouver, Canada.
Awards & Honors
Provost Junior Special Rank Outstanding Teaching Award, Clemson University, 2023
Guest Professor, Clemson Football, 2022
Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Killam Laureates and the University of British Columbia, 2018