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Andrew R. Metcalf

Associate Professor
Andrew MetcalfOn Campus: 448 Brackett Hall
Off Campus: 110 CETL
342 Computer Court
Anderson, SC 29625

Ph.D., Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2012
M.S., Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2007
M.S., Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2005
B.S., Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2005

Classes | PublicationsCV

Lab Group Website: Clemson Air Quality Laboratory

Faculty Overview

Dr. Metcalf’s teaching and research interests are in the area of air pollution and air quality, with a particular focus on atmospheric aerosol particles.  Dr. Metcalf’s lab, the Multiscale Atmospheric Measurements Laboratory, approaches air pollution measurements from many scales - from microscale measurements performed on a microscope in the laboratory to in situ measurements conducted during large-scale field projects.  Current work is underway to bridge these measurement scales by developing methods to collect atmospheric aerosol particles in the field and bring them to microfluidic experiments in the lab while preserving the contents of the atmospheric samples.

Class Information

For current syllabi, please search the Clemson University Syllabus Repository.

EES 4300/6300 Air Pollution Engineering
EES 8330 Air Pollution Control Systems

Selected Publications

McCracken, T., Chen, P., Metcalf, A. and Fan, C. 2024. Quantifying the impacts of Canadian wildfires on regional air pollution networks. Science of The Total Environment 928, 172461.

Xia, Y., McCracken, T., Liu, T., Chen, P., Metcalf, A. and Fan, C. 2024. Understanding the Disparities of PM2.5 Air Pollution in Urban Areas via Deep Support Vector Regression. Environmental Science & Technology 58(19), 8404-8416.

Roberts, F.A., Van Valkinburgh, K., Green, A., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Commodore, S., Pearce, J.L., Metcalf, A.R., 2022. Evaluation of a new low-cost particle sensor as an internet-of-things device for outdoor air quality monitoring. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 72, 1219–1230. doi:10.1080/10962247.2022.2093293

Van Valkinburgh, K., Nafchi, A.M., Mousavi, E., Blouin, V., Kaye, N., Metcalf, A.R., 2022. Assessing Mitigation Strategies to Reduce Potential Exposures to Indoor Particle Release Events. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 22, 220054. doi:10.4209/AAQR.220054

Roberts, F.A., Van Valkinburgh, K., Green, A., Post, C., Mikhailova, E., Commodore, S., Pearce, J.L., Metcalf, A.R., 2022. Evaluation of a New Low-Cost Particle Sensor as an Internet-of-Things Device for Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. doi:10.1080/10962247.2022.2093293

Nafchi, A.M., Blouin, V., Kaye, N., Metcalf, A., Van Valkinburgh, K., Mousavi, E., 2021. Room HVAC Influences on the Removal of Airborne Particulate Matter: Implications for School Reopening during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Energies 2021, Vol. 14, Page 7463 14, 7463. doi:10.3390/EN14227463

Bhattacharya, A., Metcalf, A.R., Nafchi, A.M., Mousavi, E.S., 2020. Particle dispersion in a cleanroom – effects of pressurization, door opening and traffic flow. 49, 294–307. doi:10.1080/09613218.2020.1720500

Commodore, S., Metcalf, A., Post, C., Watts, K., Reynolds, S., Pearce, J., 2020. A Statistical Calibration Framework for Improving Non-Reference Method Particulate Matter Reporting: A Focus on Community Air Monitoring Settings. Atmos. 2020, Vol. 11, Page 807 11, 807. doi:10.3390/ATMOS11080807

Schulze, B.C., Charan, S.M., Kenseth, C.M., Kong, W., Bates, K.H., Williams, W., Metcalf, A.R., Jonsson, H.H., Woods, R., Sorooshian, A., Flagan, R.C., Seinfeld, J.H., 2020. Characterization of Aerosol Hygroscopicity Over the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Impacts on Prediction of CCN and Stratocumulus Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations. Earth Sp. Sci. 7, e2020EA001098. doi:10.1029/2020EA001098

Abell, J.T., Pullen, A., Lebo, Z.J., Kapp, P., Gloege, L., Metcalf, A.R., Nie, J., Winckler, G., 2020. A wind-albedo-wind feedback driven by landscape evolution. Nat. Commun. 11, 1–9.

Schulze, B.C., Charan, S.M., Kenseth, C.M., Kong, W., Bates, K.H., Williams, W., Metcalf, A.R., Jonsson, H.H., Woods, R., Sorooshian, A., Flagan, R.C., Seinfeld, J.H., 2020. Characterization of Aerosol Hygroscopicity Over the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Impacts on Prediction of CCN and Stratocumulus Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations. Earth Sp. Sci. 7.

Sorooshian, A., MacDonald, A.B., Dadashazar, H., Bates, K.H., Coggon, M.M., Craven, J.S., Crosbie, E., Hersey, S.P., Hodas, N., Lin, J.J., Negrón Marty, A., Maudlin, L.C., Metcalf, A.R., Murphy, S.M., Padró, L.T., Prabhakar, G., Rissman, T.A., Shingler, T., Varutbangkul, V., Wang, Z., Woods, R.K., Chuang, P.Y., Nenes, A., Jonsson, H.H., Flagan, R.C., Seinfeld, J.H., 2018. A multi-year data set on aerosol-cloud-precipitation-meteorology interactions for marine stratocumulus clouds. Sci. Data 5, 180026. doi:10.1038/sdata.2018.26


