Adjunct Professor
Ph.D. University of Wyoming, 2017, Geophysics
B.S. University of Nevada, Reno, 2012, Geophysics
Classes | Publications
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Faculty Overview
Dr. Flinchum’s teaching and research focuses on creatively combining near-surface geophysical measurements to improve our understanding of the physical and chemical processes that occur near Earth’s Surface (up to ~100 m depth). He is interested in using these measurements to improve our understanding of the relationships between geophysical, hydrological, and geochemical parameters, elucidate complex processes that shape and maintain the subsurface structure, and improve our understanding of the distribution of groundwater in the shallow subsurface. Dr. Flinchum’s research utilizes field-based measurement and reaches across scientific disciplines to decipher and integrate geophysical data sets with other data collected on different spatial and temporal scales.
Class Information
For current syllabi, please search the Clemson University Syllabus Repository.
GEOL 4090 Environmental and Exploration Geophysics
GEOL 4091 Environmental and Exploration Geophysics Laboratory
Selected Publications
Eppinger, B.J., Holbrook, W.S., Liu, Z., Flinchum, B.A. and Tromp, J. 2024. 2D Near-Surface Full-Waveform Tomography Reveals Bedrock Controls on Critical Zone Architecture. Earth and Space Science 11(2), e2023EA003248.
Flinchum, B.A., Grana, D., Carr, B.J., Ravichandran, N., Eppinger, B. and Holbrook, W.S. 2024. Low Vp/Vs Values as an Indicator for Fractures in the Critical Zone. Geophysical Research Letters 51(2), e2023GL105946.
Phillips, S.N., Carr, B., Zhang, Y., Flinchum, B. and Ren, S. 2024. Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Estimation of Specific Yield in a Fractured Granite Aquifer. Ground Water 62(4), 578-590.
Uecker, R.K., Flinchum, B.A., Holbrook, W.S. and Carr, B.J. 2023. Mapping bedrock topography: a seismic refraction survey and landscape analysis in the Laramie Range, Wyoming. Frontiers in Water 5.
Grana, D., Parsekian, A.D., Flinchum, B.A., Callahan, R.P., Smeltz, N.Y., Li, A., Hayes, J.L., Carr, B.J., Singha, K., Riebe, C.S., Holbrook, W.S., 2022. Geostatistical Rock Physics Inversion for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Porosity and Saturation in the Critical Zone. Math. Geosci. 54, 1315–1345. doi:10.1007/S11004-022-10006-0/FIGURES/19
Flinchum, B.A., Holbrook, W.S., Carr, B.J., 2022. What Do P-Wave Velocities Tell Us About the Critical Zone? Front. Water 3, 187. doi:10.3389/FRWA.2021.772185/BIBTEX
Pasquet, S., Wang, W., Chen, P., Flinchum, B.A., 2021. Multiwindow weighted stacking of surface-wave dispersion. doi:10.1190/GEO2020-0096.1
Callahan, R.P., Riebe, C.S., Pasquet, S., Ferrier, K.L., Grana, D., Sklar, L.S., Taylor, N.J., Flinchum, B.A., Hayes, J.L., Carr, B.J., Hartsough, P.C., O’Geen, A.T., Holbrook, W.S., 2020. Subsurface Weathering Revealed in Hillslope-Integrated Porosity Distributions. Geophys. Res. Lett. 47, e2020GL088322. doi:10.1029/2020GL088322
Enemark, T., Peeters, L., Mallants, D., Flinchum, B., Batelaan, O., 2020. A Systematic Approach to Hydrogeological Conceptual Model Testing, Combining Remote Sensing and Geophysical Data. Water Resour. Res. 56, e2020WR027578. doi:10.1029/2020WR027578
Flinchum, B.A., Banks, E., Hatch, M., Batelaan, O., Peeters, L.J.M., Pasquet, S., 2020. Identifying recharge under subtle ephemeral features in a flat-lying semi-arid region using a combined geophysical approach. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24, 4353–4368. doi:10.5194/HESS-24-4353-2020
Flinchum, B.A., Holbrook, W.S., Parsekian, A.D., Carr, B.J., 2019. Characterizing the Critical Zone Using Borehole and Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Vadose Zo. J. 18, 1–18.
Hayes, J.L., Riebe, C.S., Steven Holbrook, W., Flinchum, B.A., Hartsough, P.C., 2019. Porosity production in weathered rock: Where volumetric strain dominates over chemical mass loss. Sci. Adv. 5, eaao0834.
Flinchum, B. A., Holbrook, W. S., Parsekian, A. D., Carr, B. J. (2019). Using borehole and surface nuclear magnetic resonance to characterize the deep critical zone structure of a weathered and fractured granite. Vadose Zone Journal. doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.12.0209; Date posted: June 25, 2019
Holbrook, W. S., Marcon, V., Bacon, A. R., Brantley, S. L., Carr, B. J., Flinchum, B. A., … Riebe, C. S. (2019). Links between physical and chemical weathering inferred from a 65-m-deep borehole through Earth’s critical zone. Scientific Reports, 9(1).