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Procurement and Business Services

Sustainable Procurement Policy


This policy aims to support the purchase of products that minimize the harmful effects of their use and final disposition upon the environment. Clemson University recognizes that the purchasing decisions of our employees can make a difference in favor of environmental quality. We prefer purchasing environmentally preferable products whenever they perform satisfactorily and are available at a reasonable price.

A collateral purpose is to support markets for recycled goods and other environmentally preferable products and services.


  1. "Environmentally Preferable Products" means products and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products that serve the same purpose. This comparison may consider raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, or disposal of the product.
  2. "Life Cycle Cost" means the amortized annual cost of a product, including capital costs, installation costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and disposal costs discounted over the life of the product.
  3. "Recycled Material" means material and byproducts that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste and utilized in place of raw or virgin material in manufacturing a product. It is derived from post-consumer recycled material, manufacturing waste, industrial scrap, agricultural waste, and other waste materials. Still, it does not include material or byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
  4. "Recycled Product" means products manufactured with waste material that has been recovered or diverted from solid waste. Recycled material may be derived from post-consumer waste (material that has served its intended end-use and discarded by a final consumer), industrial scrap, manufacturing waste, or other waste that would otherwise have been wasted.
Small planted tree growing in dirt


  1. All Clemson University personnel will purchase recycled and environmentally preferable products whenever practicable.
  2. Clemson University should promote using recycled and other environmentally preferable products by publicizing its procurement program.
  3. The University Procurement Department will make every effort to secure contracts with environmentally conscientious vendors whenever practicable.
  4. Procure environmentally preferable products and services where criteria have been established by governmental or other widely recognized authorities (e.g., Energy Star, EPA Eco Purchasing Guidelines).
  5. Integrate environmental factors into the University's buying decisions where external authorities have not established criteria.
  6. Examples of preferable practices or products:
    • Compact fluorescent lamps (Energy Star Seal on package)
    • Made of recycled materials, maximizing post-consumer content
    • Durable, as opposed to single-use or disposable items
    • Non-toxic or minimally toxic, preferably biodegradable
    • Highly energy efficient in production and use
    • Manufactured in an environmentally sound, sustainable manner by companies with good environmental track records
    • Cause minimal or no environmental damage during regular use or maintenance.
    • Shipped with minimal packaging (consistent with care of the product), preferably made of recycled and/or recyclable materials
    • Recycled paper and paper products
    • Re-refined lubrication and hydraulic oils
    • Computers and electric appliances (Energy Star Rated)
    • Re-crushed cement concrete aggregate and asphalt
    • Cement and asphalt concrete containing glass cullet, recycled fiber, plastic, or tire rubber
    • Remanufactured tires and products made from recycled tire rubber
    • Compost
    • Green Sealtm cleaning products
    • Energy saving products
    • Waste-reduced products
    • Water-saving products
    • Office Supplies (marked with environmental sign)
    • Replacing disposables with reusables or recyclables
    • Taking into account life cycle costs and benefits
    • Evaluating, as appropriate, the environmental performance of vendors in providing products and services

Responsibilities of the Procurement Department

Clemson is committed to actions designed to conserve and protect the environment and will continue implementing those actions whenever possible and economically feasible.  It is the responsibility of the Procurement Department, in conjunction with all University departments, to promote the development and use of environmentally friendly products and services through the following activities:

  1. Reviewing contracts, bids and specifications for goods and services to ensure that, whenever possible and economical, they are amended to provide for the expanded use of products and services that contain the maximum level of post-consumer reusable or recyclable waste / or recyclable content, without significantly affecting the intended use of the product or service.
  2. Consulting with all user departments to identify new environmentally friendly products and services and improvements/changes in industry standards that may impact the environment.
  3. Requiring the use of recycled materials and products by incorporating them in bid specifications where practicable.
  4. Purchasing from suppliers that provide environmentally friendly products and services or suppliers that are environmentally sensitive in their daily operations.
  5. Seeking new suppliers and encouraging existing suppliers to review how their goods are packaged. 
  6. Working with suppliers in the areas of reduction and reuse of packaging materials. Using cost/benefit analysis to arrive at the correct sourcing decision, one that remains economically practical, reflects effective purchasing practices and satisfies the requirements of the user department.
  7. Making suppliers aware of the Clemson Sustainable Procurement Policy.
  8. Developing tools to track goals, assist in identifying and financially justifying green products and services, make it easier to measure achievement of goals, and integrate green purchasing into everyday decisions.
  9. Utilizing the Sustainable Procurement checklist for use in University purchasing.
  10. Participating in training to implement and improve the procurement of environmentally friendly products.

Responsibilities of Departments

  1. Departments should use the list in this policy as a guideline for environmentally preferable products specific to their department/mission. They should add or modify this list as necessary. Factors that should be considered when determining the environmentally preferable good or service include, but are not limited to:
    • Maximization of recycled products used in product or service life cycle
    • Environmental cost of entire product or service life cycle
    • Reuse of existing products or materials in product or service life cycle
    • Reconcilability of product
    • Minimization of packaging
    • Reduction of energy/water consumption
    • Toxicity reduction or elimination
    • Elimination of uncertified hardwoods in product or service life cycle
    • Durability and maintenance requirements
    • Ultimate disposal of the product
  2. Inform employees of their responsibilities under this policy; provide them with information about recycled products and environmental procurement opportunities. Check the Procurement Web Page for frequent updates on vendor participation in environmental efforts.
  3. Establish a yearly review committee to evaluate the efforts the department has made to help protect and preserve the environment and determine future goals for the upcoming year.
  4. Submit new ideas or suggestions to Procurement Services.


Nothing in this policy shall be construed as requiring a department, agency or contractor to procure products that do not perform adequately for their intended use or are not available at a reasonable price in a reasonable period of time.

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Resources

  1. EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
  2. EPA's EPP Web Site
  3. EPPNet
  4. Green Seal
  5. EnergyStar
  6. Office of the Federal Sustainability

Clemson University Sustainable Procurement Checklist

When purchasing, ask a supplier these questions. But first, determine if the product or service is essential. Purchasing will need to be balanced with issues of product performance, cost, and availability.

(1)   Waste reduction: Is the product durable? Can it be easily and economically serviced and maintained? Is the product designed to reduce consumption and minimize waste? Is the product reusable? Is the product technically and economically recyclable in the immediate area? Do facilities and internal collection systems exist to recycle the product? Can the product be returned to the supplier at the end of its useful life? Is the product compostable, and are systems in place to compost the product on or off-site? Will the product biodegrade over time into harmless elements?

(2)   Packaging: Is the product necessary? Can it be eliminated? Is minimal packaging used? Is the product packaged in bulk? Is the packaging reusable or recyclable? Are recycled materials used to produce the packaging, and at what percent post-consumer waste? Can the packaging be returned to the supplier? Is the packaging compostable?

(3)   Material source: Are recycled materials used in the product? If so, what percentage? What percentage of post-consumer materials are used? If wood is used in the product, what is its source, and how is it harvested? Is the product manufactured from tropical rainforest wood?

(4)   Energy efficiency: Compared to competitive products, is the product energy efficient? Can the product be recharged? Can the product run on renewable fuels? Does the product require less energy to manufacture than competing products?

(5)   Supplier environmental record: Is the company producing the product in compliance with all environmental laws and regulations? What is the company's record in handling environmental and safety issues? Can the company verify all environmental claims? Does the manufacturer/supplier have a company environmental policy statement? What programs are in place/planned to promote resource efficiency? Are printed materials available documenting these programs? Has the company conducted an environmental or waste audit? Is the product supplier equipped to bid and bill electronically? Has an environmental life-cycle analysis of the product (and its packaging) been conducted by a certified testing organization, such as Green Seal?