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Reporting Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation FAQ
What is Title VI, Title VII and Title IX?
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin at institutions that receive federal financial assistance.
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination by covered employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
- Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions.
- As an educational institution that receives federal financial assistance, Clemson University is covered by Title IX and is committed to these principles. More information can be found on the Office of Access Compliance and Education or at the U.S. Department of Education’s website.
Where do I make a formal complaint/report related to Title VI or Title VII?
Regarding prohibited discrimination by staff and/or faculty in academic or employment decisions: Reports related to Title VI or Title VII should be reported to the Office of Human Resources via email at staffrelations@clemson.edu/facultyrelations@clemson.edu or through the online reporting form.
Where do I make a formal complaint/report related to Title IX?
Regarding sexual violence and/or sexual or protected status harassment: For reports related to Title IX, the primary resource is the Office of Access Compliance and Education.
Students should reference the reporting an incident webpage and/or contact the Office of Access Compliance and Education directly.
How long will employee complaints submitted regarding harassment and/or discrimination take to investigate?
Typically, most complaints are investigated within 60 days. The Office of Human Resources will provide regular updates to those involved in the investigation as to the status of the investigation and next steps.
Who investigates these complaints?
The Office of Human Resources investigates employee complaints. Investigations may be conducted by internal or external investigators.
I want to talk to someone about an incident that has happened at work, but I’m not sure if it’s harassment or discrimination? What should I do?
- If immediate intervention is required, please contact 911 or Clemson University Police at 864-656-2222.
- Find a trusted individual with whom you can share your concerns, such as a Staff and Faculty Relations Manager at 864-656-2000.
- You may file an incident report.
What if I witness or overhear something at work that may be harassment or discrimination?
- Use the online reporting form or email staffrelations@clemson.edu for advice.
- Clemson University Ethics/Safety Hotline
What if I don’t want anyone else to know what happened?
In most cases, your concerns will be kept private. Only those who need to know will be informed. You will be given options and resources to aid you in resolving the situation. However, if a crime has been committed or someone is at risk of harm, the University has an obligation to act in order to keep you and others at Clemson safe.
How will my concerns be resolved?
Concerns may be resolved through informal interventions and/or mediation or as a result of formal investigation. Formal investigations generally take place only when a formal complaint is filed.
- Where can I go for counseling resources?