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Office of Human Resources

Staff Misconduct

The prompt and consistent management of issues, like time and attendance concerns, is crucial for a fair and effective workplace environment. The staff discipline process covers behavioral issues. Performance Issues are addressed on the Managing Performance Concerns page.

Discipline is an approach used by the University to modify undesirable behavior. Disciplinary actions should be constructive and consistent in nature. Typically, the lowest level of discipline should be used to modify the undesirable behavior. If that disciplinary measure is unsuccessful, the supervisor may repeat the same discipline or move to the next level, depending on the case facts.

Inappropriate behavior is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and judged by the severity of the infraction. Staff and Faculty Relations can assist in ensuring consistency and make a recommendation on the range of appropriate disciplinary actions.

Supervisors should consult with Staff and Faculty Relations before issuing a disciplinary action.

Disciplinary Actions for Staff

Coaching, Verbal Reprimand, Written Reprimand, Suspension, Termination

Covered Employees

Covered Employees are full-time or part-time employees occupying a part or all of a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) position who has completed the probationary period and has an “improvement needed” or higher overall rating on the employee’s performance evaluation and who has grievance rights.

Non-Covered Employees

Non-covered employees are those not covered by the State Employee Grievance Act (Probationary, temporary, and other employees not covered under the State Employee Grievance Act). A probationary employee is an employee that is in a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position who has not completed their 12-month probationary period within the state system.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ for Staff Misconduct and Performance Concerns

  • What are the disciplinary options available for staff employees?

    Discipline Options

    Informal Counseling: To correct minor deficiencies in conduct or to address a concern that has recently surfaced, the supervisor should conduct a discussion with the employee. The discussion should include a review of the problem, what improvement is expected of the employee and the impact the behavior is having on the department. The employee should be given an opportunity to explain the reasons for the conduct and offered suggestions for improvement. A follow-up email to the employee is helpful to reinforce the discussion and expectations.

    Verbal Reprimand: A verbal reprimand is recommended to address minor misconduct such as tardiness. Again, the supervisor should conduct a discussion with the employee. The discussion should include a review of the problem, what improvement is expected of the employee and why. The employee should be given an opportunity to explain the reasons for the conduct and offered suggestions for improvement. The employee should be issued documentation of the reprimand using the Verbal Reprimand Template. A copy of the verbal reprimand will be filed in the employee’s personnel file. A copy should also be given to the employee.

    Written Reprimand: A written reprimand may be issued due to the seriousness of an offense or if prior counseling has not corrected the misconduct. The template for a written reprimand should be used. The employee should be asked to sign the written reprimand, acknowledging receipt and understanding. In the event an employee refuses or prefers not to sign the document, appropriate notation should be made and initialed by the supervisor. A copy should also be given to the employee.

    An employee should be allowed to explain their actions and may provide a written response to the written reprimand. Both documents will be sent to the employee's personnel file. This employee’s response must be received by Staff and Faculty Relations within 30 calendar days of the reprimand.

    Suspension: A suspension may be issued if repetition of an offense occurs for which a written reprimand has been given, or if a violation of rules or policies occurs that is serious but for which dismissal is not appropriate. Prior to suspension, the department head and Dean/VP for the area must give approval for such action. Staff and Faculty Relations will obtain this approval and administer the suspension meeting where appropriate.

    The employee should be asked to sign the suspension, acknowledging receipt and understanding. In the event an employee refuses or prefers not to sign the document, appropriate notation should be made and initialed by the supervisor. A copy of the University Grievance Policy should be provided to the employee, if applicable. A copy of the suspension is placed in the employee’s personnel file. A copy should also be given to the employee.

    Termination: An employee may be terminated for repeated misconduct or certain rules violations. Prior to termination, the department head and Dean/VP for the area must give approval for such action for covered employees. Staff and Faculty Relations will obtain this approval and administer the termination meeting where appropriate.

    The employee should be asked to sign the termination, acknowledging receipt and understanding. In the event an employee refuses or prefers not to sign the document, appropriate notation should be made and initialed by the supervisor. A copy of the University Grievance Policy should be provided to the employee, if applicable. A copy of the termination is placed in the employee’s personnel file. A copy should also be given to the employee.

  • What is the difference between a coaching plan and a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) (staff employees only)?

    A coaching plan is a tool to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. Specific goals are outlined for the employee and frequent meetings are scheduled for the employee and supervisor to discuss progress. A coaching plan can be used for covered and uncovered employees.

    A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) outlines the job duties, objectives, and/or competencies included on the staff member's planning document that are considered to be at an "unsuccessful" or “unacceptable” level. It also gives an explanation of the deficiencies for each job function, objective, and/or competencies listed as well as actions to take to improve the noted deficiencies. The PIP is a formal tool for covered employees.

    Please contact Staff and Faculty Relations to draft/issue a coaching plan or a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).

    *Effective September 1, 2024, the South Carolina Department of State Human Resources (DSHR) made several updates to the state HR regulations, including the renaming of a Warning Notice of Substandard Performance to a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and the use of the term "coaching plan" for an informal performance management tool. Please reference this OUR Clemson announcement for additional details.

  • I am a supervisor. What type of documentation should I keep and what documentation is needed to discipline an employee?

    Documentation is a vital part of the discipline process. However, supervisors are encouraged to keep notes on positives and negatives for each employee. If you conduct an informal coaching session with your employee, please document the date of the conversation and a summary of the discussion. It is advisable to supplement conversations with email summaries. Any complaints or other documentation on an employee’s behavior should be kept and shared with Staff and Faculty Relations as appropriate. All official disciplinary documents are stored in the employee’s official personnel file.

  • Are templates available for disciplinary actions?

    Staff and Faculty Relations can share templates for verbal and written reprimands with supervisors to aid in the disciplinary process. If you would like an electronic copy of these forms, please contact Staff Relations. However, each new reprimand should be done in conjunction with Staff Relations to ensure consistency.

Office of Human Resources
Office of Human Resources | 108 Perimeter Rd, Clemson, SC 29634