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Office of Human Resources

Managing Transition and Separation

The Guidelines for Separating from Employment document and Separation from Employment Checklist outline the processes and tasks that should be utilized when an employee separates from Clemson University.

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) manages all separations from employment with the University. Separations must be reported to OHR, where they are processed and documented. Contact your HR Service Manager if you have further questions regarding separations.

Supervisor Responsibilities during Separation from Employment

  • Voluntary Separations

    A voluntary separation occurs when an employee leaves a job on their own initiative, through resignation, retirement or job abandonment. In accordance with the State Employee Grievance Procedure Act, voluntary separations are not grievable. For more information on grievance rights, see Clemson's Grievance Policy (PDF) or, when applicable, the Faculty Manual.

    Supervisor Responsibility: Resignation or Retirement

    • Handle the resignation professionally and expeditiously.
    • Receive notice. (If notice is tendered verbally, document the notice.)
    • Provide response to resignation in writing accepting the resignation.
    • Forward the notice of intent to the college/division’s HR partner for processing as soon as is practicable.
    • Complete all items on the Separation from Employment Checklist.
    • Review and approve/deny requests to take paid or unpaid leave during the notice period preceding the resignation; assess whether absence during this crucial transition period will negatively affect the operation of the University.
      • Special Notes: Only when there has been a successful transition (knowledge transfer, closing or proper transfer of work projects and tasks, etc.) should time off be granted prior to the separation. Manage special cases where exceptions to this requirement should be made.

    Review the Guidelines for Separating from Employment for guidance on all voluntary separations.

  • Involuntary Separations

    An involuntary separation occurs when the University removes an employee from a position against the employee’s will as in the end of an appointment or in disciplinary matters. In the case of involuntary separation, an employee with grievance rights retains those rights. For specifics on the grievance process, see Clemson's Grievance Policy (PDF) or, when applicable, the Faculty Manual. All involuntary separations require Office of Human Resources approval.

    Supervisor Responsibilities:

    Review the Guidelines for Separating from Employment for guidance on all involuntary separations.

    Resources for Involuntary Separations:

  • Job Abandonment

    Supervisor Responsibilities: Job Abandonment

    • Days one and two of an unreported and unauthorized absence constitute a disciplinary issue and should be addressed according to the Discipline Policy applicable to the position.
    • Supervisors are to report a no call/no show to Office of Human Resources (OHR) immediately and OHR will work with the department to take necessary steps to monitor, document and address the situation.
      • Proper procedure and documentation are critical should the absence continue to the point of job abandonment.
    • If the employee fails to contact their supervisor and/or fails to submit appropriate leave documentation for a third consecutive day, it is assumed that the employee has abandoned their job, and OHR initiates a voluntary separation for the individual.

    Resources for Job Abandonment

  • Other Separations

    Review the Guidelines for Separating from Employment for guidance on all other separations such as:

    • Expiration of Employment
    • Non-Reappointment
    • Death
Office of Human Resources
Office of Human Resources | 108 Perimeter Rd, Clemson, SC 29634