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a pile of Microsoft power point logo tiles stacked on a dark orange solid background
Digital Accessibility


Images in PowerPoint

Alternative Text

To add alternative text to an image or object:

  1. Right-click the object.
  2. Select View Alt Text from the context menu.
  3. The Alt Text pane will open, where you can edit the alternative text.

Updates are immediately applied.

screenshot of a portion of a powerpoint slide with an image of a tiger and the right-click menu unfolded

screenshot of the alt text dialog box in powerpoint

Note: Microsoft Intelligent Services will indicate when alt text is automatically generated. The "Description automatically generated" text will be added to the alt text. Once reviewed and edited as needed, check Approve alt text. Alternatively, remove "Description automatically generated" from the alt text.

In PowerPoint, authors can provide alt text for grouped objects. Be sure to add alt text for each individual object within a group to improve accessibility when exporting the slides to an alternate file format.

a screenshot of the alt text on grouped images of tigers in power point

Decorative Images

If the image is decorative, follow the same instructions to edit the image's alternative text. In the Alt Text pane, check Mark as decorative.

screenshot of the alt text field in powerpoint showing a check box for a decorative image

Digital Accessibility
Digital Accessibility | Barre Hall