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Digital Accessibility


Links in PowerPoint

To create a link:

  1. Select the link text.
  2. Right-click the selected text.
  3. Select Link from the context menu.
  4. Enter the link URL in the Address field.
  5. Select OK.
screenshot of the link edit dialog box in power point, highlighting the URL address field
  1. Select the link text.
  2. Right-click the selected text.
  3. Select Hyperlink… from the context menu to open the hyperlink dialog.
  4. Enter the link URL in the Address field.
  5. Select OK.
screenshot of the insert hyperlink dialog box in powerpoint

PowerPoint will automatically convert URLs to links. To provide descriptive link text for a URL, right-click the link and edit the hyperlink. Enter the descriptive text in the Text to Display field of the hyperlink dialog.

screenshot of the link edit dialog box in power point, highlighting the link text field

Authors may also add ScreenTips to links in Microsoft PowerPoint. ScreenTips appear when readers hover the mouse over a link. ScreenTips cannot be used as an alternative to descriptive text. To add a ScreenTip, select the "ScreenTip…" button when editing a link in the hyperlink dialog.

screenshot of the link edit dialog box in power point, highlighting the screen tip button field screenshot of the link screen tip dialog box in power point
Digital Accessibility
Digital Accessibility | Barre Hall