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Data and Reporting

The Office of Records and Registration provides a collection of reports and dashboards to assist senior administrators, deans, associate deans, department chairs and scheduling and registration teams in making decisions about course scheduling and student enrollment needs. Each online self-service tool is intended for internal scheduling and registration planning purposes and is not to be used for any external or official reporting.

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Tools and Dashboards

Recommended Start Time: 8-10 months in advance of the beginning of the next term.

Fall term: The planning phase occurs from November through early January prior to the beginning of the next Fall term.

Spring term: The planning phase occurs from April through late May prior to the beginning of the next Spring term.

These reports will help departments better determine what courses to offer, how many sections and seats are needed and any resources required if demand appears higher than current available resources.

  • Undergraduate applications, admissions and commitments by week for the current year and the past three years.
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  • Snapshot of course enrollment by term (section view available).
  • Current term data as well as historical terms in easy to view comparison model.
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  • The purpose of this dashboard is to provide a prediction of the total seats required for the upcoming term.
  • Audience currently limited to registration coordinators, associate deans and department chairs.
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  • Projected scheduling/seat demand for incoming first-year and transfer students for Fall and Spring orientation.
  • Current seat availability and unfulfilled course requests.
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  • Courses for a particular term where a student's request to take the course was unfulfilled.
  • Listed by course subject and number with the amount of unfulfilled student requests for that term.
  • Provides total number of registered and unfulfilled requests on demand.
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Schedule Building and Review: 6-8 months in advance of the beginning of the next term.

Fall term: The schedule building and review period for departments occurs after the schedule has been rolled in early January and continues through February prior to the Fall term beginning.

Spring term: The schedule building and review period for departments occurs after the schedule has rolled in August and continues through September prior to the Spring term beginning.

These reports will assist departments in providing an accurate and complete schedule of classes for students each term. Data entry errors, problems in coding and any other issues identified can be corrected to avoid registration issues for students. Departments will be ready for the room scheduling process and any other processes that might need to be run prior to the start of the official advising period. It is also a good time to revisit any resource needs, particularly if a department has sections with no instructor assigned.

  • Compliance status for each department based on their course offerings within prime time.
  • Uses percentages allowed based on the department's size.
  • Review the Scheduling Compliance Guidelines for more information.
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  • Reports used to support the schedule building process and ensure errors while building courses are identified and corrected by the appropriate department(s).
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  • Building and classroom schedules.
  • Filters provide sorting options.
  • Audience currently limited to Registration and Building Security Coordinators.
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Recommended Start Time: As soon as the early registration period opens and through the last day to add.

Fall term: Early registration begins in April.

Spring term: Early registration begins in November.

Departments are encouraged to monitor sections for course seat needs and adjust max capacities accordingly, review course requests submitted by students needing a course, monitor courses where bottlenecks are occurring and working with other departments as may be needed to minimize any negative impacts to students trying to register for a course.

  • Snapshot of course enrollment by term (section view available).
  • Current term data as well as historical terms in easy to view comparison model.
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  • Snapshot of course enrollment by college and program (section view available).
  • Data deliverable by academic year, term and level plus other detailed filters.
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  • Summary of total student credit hours by college and department.
  • Data deliverable by academic year, term, level, instructional method, duration and/or general education.
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  • Daily registration activity for a particular semester beginning with the first day of early registration through census.
  • Includes historical comparisons and optional data views.
  • Displays registration data captured from day prior.
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  • Enrolled student data by term including graduating student information, students limited to 16 credit hours and transfer credit information.
  • Data provided is based on individual students.
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  • Lists individual student records by course section based on prior day's enrollment.
  • For summary information, refer to the Enrollment by Course report, also on the Schedule Planning tab.
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  • An overview of undergraduate advisor resources with Time Ticket codes.
  • Ratio of advising assignments to advisors.
  • Reports active students and advisor assignments by term.
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  • List of courses for a particular term where a student's request to take the course was unfulfilled.
  • Provides course subject and number with the amount of unfulfilled student requests for that term.
  • Displays total number of registered and unfulfilled requests on demand.
Restricted Report
Office of Records and Registration
Office of Records and Registration | 102 Sikes Hall