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Students Called to Active Duty

If you have been called to report for active duty, you may be eligible to complete your coursework at a later time. Otherwise, please use the checklist below to withdraw from the University.

For additional assistance, please contact the appropriate department from the contacts listed at the bottom of this page.

Options for Completing Coursework

  • If your orders are for annual training, you can officially request postponement until the following term. The School Certifying Official can assist in preparing your request.
  • Meet with your department advisor. Based on your specific courses, you may be eligible for an Incomplete Grade*, or your professor may deem an early examination is appropriate.
    *Students receiving an Incomplete Grade are not eligible for a refund of academic fees.

Withdrawal for Military Duty Checklist

  1. You will need to request a withdrawal for military reasons. Undergraduate students will do this in Undergraduate Academic Studies, 101 Vickery Hall. Graduate students will go to Graduate Enrolled Student Services in 104-D Sikes Hall. Read more on withdrawing from the University.
  2. If you use VA Benefits, please contact Clemson's Certifying Official with your intent to withdraw. She will need a copy of your Official Orders and will notify the VA of your change in student status.
  3. Send an email to Student Financial Services or call 864-656-5592 with refund questions.
  4. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 864-656-2280 for questions on how your deployment will impact your aid and/or loan repayment.
Office of Records and Registration
Office of Records and Registration | 102 Sikes Hall