Audit a Class
Auditing a course provides the opportunity to learn about its subject without having to worry about coursework or grades, allowing you to explore a topic outside your major. When auditing a class, you are under no obligation of regular attendance, preparation, recitation or examination and do not receive credit, though your audited courses will also not be recorded on your academic transcript.
Participation in classroom discussion and laboratory exercises by auditors is at the discretion of the instructor. Please note that when you audit a course, you are ineligible to take that course later OR earn credit by examination.
Who Can Audit?
To audit a course, you must get approval from the instructor.
If you fall into one of the below categories, you may audit classes in the Spring and Fall only without tuition (other fees may apply):
- Graduate assistants
- Full-time Clemson undergraduate students (12 or more credit hours) and full-time Clemson graduate students (9 or more credit hours)
- Faculty and full-time staff who meet the criteria set by Clemson University Human Resources
- South Carolina residents age 60 or over, provided they are not a full-time employee of Clemson University
If you do not fit into any of the above groups, then you must pay the applicable tuition rate to audit a course.

How to Register to Audit
Currently Enrolled Students
- Starting one week prior to the beginning of scheduled classes, go to iRoar > Student Self Service > Request to Audit a Course.
- The deadline to submit a request to audit is the last day to add as posted on the Academic Calendar
- Students will receive an email after the request to audit has been approved or denied
a) If approved, the student's registration will be automatically updated
Students not Currently Enrolled and Senior Citizens
- Obtain a Request to Audit card beginning one week prior to the first day of classes by emailing the Registrar's Office.
- Take the card to the instructor of the class for approval. If they approve, the instructor will sign the card. If the professor is unable to sign but still approves, they can email permission directly. In their email, they need to include your name, the course name and number, and CRN.
- Return your card via email to the Registrar's Office by the last day to add a class as published on the Academic Calendar.
- The Registrar's Office will register you for the class as Audit.
If you have additional questions, please email or call 864-656-7855.