Registration Checklist
This page serves as a resource to help you add or drop classes and troubleshoot issues in iROAR — the Clemson student system. Browse the registration checklist and discover a variety of resources to help you navigate the registration process, iROAR registration errors, their corresponding override codes and more.
Meet With Your Academic Advisor
Before you can register for classes, you must meet with your advisor to plan your schedule and, more importantly, to get your registration PIN. You’ll need to enter this PIN each time you open the iROAR registration page until you’ve attempted to register at least once. Please use CU Navigate to schedule an appointment with your advisor as early as possible so that you can have your PIN number ready for registration as soon as your time ticket opens.
Prior to meeting with your advisor, please check your Degree Works audit and make a list of classes you want to take during the upcoming semester. If you need assistance to access your audit in Degree Works, you can submit your specific questions and concerns in the Degree Works Inquiry using the button below.

Check for Holds on Your Student Account
For various reasons such as a past due bill or incomplete immunization records, you may receive a hold on your student account. Some holds can prevent you from registering for classes, so it’s important that you contact the department that issued the hold to resolve it in time to add/drop classes for the upcoming term.
To check if you have any holds on your account, log into iROAR and go to Student Self-Service > Student Records > Student Advising Profile > View holds.
Contacts for Hold Resolution
To resolve a hold on your account, contact the proper department using the information below.
- Comm/Ethical Standards: Grades — 864-656-0510
- Comm/Ethical Standards — 864-656-0510
- Financial Aid — 864-656-2280
- Graduate School Dismissal — 864-656-5202
- Graduate ESL Hold — 864-656-5202
- Graduate School Hold — 864-656-5202
- Redfern Health Center — 864-656-2233
- Legal Presence International — 864-656-3614
- Legal Presence U.S. — 864-656-2305
- Records and Registration — 864-656-2305
- Special Student Max Hours — 864-656-5279
- Undergraduate Studies — 864-656-3022
- Non-Payment — 864-656-5592
- Account to Collections — 864-656-5592
- Check Endorsement — 864-656-5592
- Balance Due — 864-656-5592
- Account Written Off — 864-656-5592
- Undergraduate Admissions — 864-656-2287
- Withdrawal Pending — 864-656-3022
- Update Info @ my.Clemson — 864-656-3494
Learn Helpful Registration Tips
Browse the information below to learn more about prerequisites, credit hours and registration overrides and get assistance with troubleshooting registration errors in iROAR.
A prerequisite is a course or a test (such as the Clemson Math Placement Test) that you need to pass before you can register for another course. Many of the courses you will need to complete your degree have prerequisites, and you must meet them in order to register for the required next course.
You can easily check prerequisites for a course in iROAR; simply log into your account and go to Student Self-Service > Registration > Course Catalog. Then, select the appropriate term and course and click your desired title to view the prerequisites.
If one of your courses requires a prerequisite, we encourage you to register as soon as possible to avoid running into a potential financial aid or billing issue. If you have issues or concerns regarding one of your prerequisites, you may explore the FAQs below to learn more.
Prerequisite FAQs
Can I be exempt from a prerequisite?
Yes, in some cases. If you think you may be eligible to exempt a prerequisite for a course, you should reach out to your instructor or departmental registration coordinator to discuss your options. Once your exemption has been approved, your instructor or department coordinator can provide the PREREQ override in iROAR.
Can I take a prerequisite course at another institution?
In some cases—yes—though some academic departments will not allow you to override prerequisites with credits that you earn outside of Clemson University and will require you to show your transcript to confirm that you have completed the prerequisite course.
Contact your instructor or department to learn more about the options available to you for transferring credit hours to override prerequisites.
What is the difference between a Prerequisite and a Corequisite?
Prerequisites are courses that you must take before you can register for another corresponding course, while corequisites are courses that you MUST take during the same term as another corresponding course. (CE 4110 and CE 4111 are corequisite courses and must be taken at the same time; you cannot register for one without the other).
Will iROAR allow me to register in a future term if I am currently enrolled in the prerequisite course?
Yes, iROAR assumes that you will pass the prerequisite course in which you are currently enrolled. You may also register for prerequisite courses in advance. However, if you do not pass the prerequisite course you need to continue on in that program, your department may decide to drop you from the future course.
What happens when I am registered in a prerequisite course in a shortened part of term?
Clemson has three major terms (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Within those primary terms, there are six shortened terms (two half terms and four mini terms), which are also known as Parts of Term. iROAR checks your prerequisites based on the three major terms (Fall, Spring, and Summer) only. This means if you attempt to register for both a prerequisite course and the next course in the same major TERM — even if the courses are in consecutive PARTS OF TERM (first summer and second summer, for example) — the system will not allow you to register for the second course. In this case, you will need a prerequisite override to register for both courses.
For additional assistance regarding prerequisites, please reach out to Registration Services.
Credit Hours
Browse the categories below to find out how many credit hours you can register for based on your status at Clemson University.
Undergraduate Fall and Spring Credit Hours
You are initially allowed to register for up to 19 credit hours as an undergraduate student. However, the day before classes begin, you will automatically be allowed to register for up to 21 credit hours.
If you would like to take more than 21 credit hours in a semester, you must reach out to your academic advisor to approve the additional hours; your advisor should email Registration Services and include your student name and CUID (C12345678) in order to get these additional hours approved. If you wish to take more than 24 credit hours, your advisor should contact Sean Brittain, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, for approval.
Academic Probation
If you are on academic probation, you may register for no more than 16 credits. To take more than 16 credit hours worth of courses, you must also reach out to your academic advisor for approval.
Credits Earned | Classification |
0 - 29 | Freshman |
30 - 59 | Sophomore |
60 - 89 | Junior |
90 and above | Senior |
Undergraduate Summer Credit Hours
As an undergraduate student, you can register for a total of 19 credits during each Summer term. If you would like to take more than 19 credit hours in a Summer term, you should reach out to your academic advisor to approve any additional classes.
Graduate Credit Hours
Your enrollment requirements will vary depending on several factors. If you would like to check your specific enrollment requirements, you can find them under the topic "Enrollment Limits" in the current Graduate School Policies and Procedures Handbook.
If you want to exceed these credit-hour limits, you must get approval from your major adviser, who will submit an appeal of the enrollment limit to the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the Graduate School, who in turn will assess your record and make a determination.
Understand iROAR Registration Errors
You may see an error in your iROAR registration if you do not meet the requirements or restrictions for a particular course. Most errors, including the following, require an override from your instructor or the Registration Coordinator for the course:
- Prerequisite
- Special Approval
- Field of Study Restriction
- Class Restriction
- Consent Required
- Time Conflict
- Degree or Program Restriction
- Repeat Count or Duplicate Course
Other errors may require action on your part, including the following listed below with the corresponding override codes:
- Registration Hold — Check holds in iROAR
- Student Attribute — Must be Honors, Athlete, etc.
- Max Credits Exceeded — Contact advisor
- Status Prevents Registration — Not active, see Former Students
- Academic Standing — Probation or Suspension
- Level Restriction — Not approved for graduate-level course
Corequisite Error: Must also add the required corequisite at the same time in the worksheet, i.e., CH 1010 and CH 1011 (lecture and lab)
Registration Overrides
To override so you can enroll in a class, you should first check your registration error message to determine the specific registration issue. (Please note that you cannot override a prerequisite or restriction without details from your error message in iROAR.) Once you identify the registration issue at hand, you should contact your instructor or Registration Coordinator for that class.
Explore the override codes and meanings below to determine your next steps.
Override Codes and Registration Errors
CLASS: Course that is restricted by academic class (e.g., Senior).
COLL: Course that is restricted to a particular college (e.g., 4 Engineering and Science).
COREQ: Allows you to add a course without the required corequisite component. This override should only be given if you have already completed one of the courses. Otherwise, you'll need to add the course and required corequisite at the same time in the worksheet, i.e., CH 1010 and CH 1011 (lecture and lab).
DEGR: Course is restricted to a particular degree (e.g., BA, BS, MENGR, etc.)
DEPT: Course is restricted to a particular department (e.g., 1309 Economics).
DUPL: Allows you to enroll in a duplicate course — a course with the same number in the same term (usually courses such as Creative Inquiry, Independent Study, etc.).
FIELD: A course is restricted to a specific field of study (major, minor, or concentration).
PREREQ: You do not meet the prerequisite required.
ATTR: Course is restricted to a specific student attribute, usually Honors or Athlete. Typically, an ATTR override is not given and should never be given for an Honors attribute.
PROG: A course that is restricted to a specific academic program (e.g., BA-ENGL-2).
REPC: Repeat Course Error is generated for a class for which you have already received credit, are currently enrolled in, or are registered for in a future term. This error allows you to repeat a course for which you have already received the maximum credits allowed. (NOTE: You cannot use these credits toward graduation requirements.).
SPEC: Course requires special approval:
- See Dept Chair for Consent
- See Graduate School for Consent
- See Instructor for Consent
- See Registration Coordinator for Consent
- See Study Abroad for Consent
- See Advisor for Consent
TIME: Allows you to enroll in a course that overlaps another scheduled course.