Compliance Dashboard: Course Tab
The information below provides a guide for changing the status of a course on the Scheduling Compliance dashboard from the Course tab.
The full guidelines for using the dashboard can be reviewed at Scheduling Compliance.
Update the Status of a Course
Step One:
Hover over the status for the course you wish to alter. You will be instructed to click to make the change.
Step Two:
Click on the status icon and a hyperlink displays to change the status; click the link to initiate the change.
The status now displays as Valid. This also affects the Status filter—once it is changed to Valid, it no longer shows up when Review is applied as the filter.
For this view to persist, you will need to save the view.
Creating a Saved View for the Dashboard
Step One:
To save a view for the dashboard, begin by clicking "View: Original."
Step Two:
From the pop-up window, you can name your saved view for future reference. Click "Make it my default" to cause your view to load the way you saved it when you initially loaded it.
Remember to save the view again to retain the changes.