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Schedule Edit and Review

This checklist serves as a resource for registration coordinators and departments to use in conjunction with the reports on the Building and Review tab on the Data and Reporting page. It starts with the basic forms used to build course sections correctly and references the critical reports registration coordinators should be running each semester during schedule building to check for errors. The dropdown items on this page are matched with the titles of the schedule edit reports for easy reference.

All of the reports are included in the suite of Schedule Edit Reports.

Scheduling Resources

Basic Information


  • The main page for building classes in Banner
  • All courses must be set up here first
  • Other forms you may need are


  • To add comments to a course section which appear in iROAR


  • To add co-requisites, attributes and/or restrictions

What you Need to Know

The reports on the Building and Review tab of the Data and Reporting Site should be utilized throughout the entire schedule building process.

Registration Coordinators should use these tips and the associated reports to ensure courses are developed correctly and all necessary course comments and/or restrictions are applied so students do not have unnecessary issues when registering.

The following sections highlight Banner forms used for schedule building as well as error-checking reports available for each. The reports are presented in order of the stated form's entry fields and the section dropdown titles reflect those of the Schedule Edit Reports for easy identification. Where possible, the field in Banner is noted.

Section Review

Reports to check accuracy in SSASECT for general course information:

  • Course Sections with Variable Title

    Course titles will default from the catalog for all courses and should not be updated except for those classified as variable title courses. Courses with a variable title have a VARI attribute for easy identification.

    Course sections with the variable title attribute (VARI – which can be found on SSADETL- Degree Program Attributes) should have a section-specific title entered when possible. Only change titles on courses with the VARI attribute. It often is helpful to students to have a more descriptive title displayed on their transcript to show the coursework they have completed.

  • Course Sections with Improper Section Number

    Section numbers on all active courses should be three digits in length and must be numeric (ex: 001). We suggest sequential numbering. You can assign any section number to sections you schedule that have not been used for another section of the same course in the same term.

  • Cross-Listed Courses

    All cross-listed courses coded correctly will appear in the Cross-Listed report. If you discover a course that is not coded but should be, you may access the Cross-Listed Codes Report to see what codes have already been used.

    • If a course(s) needs a cross-list code, you must enter it in the Cross List field on the main page of SSASECT. You will also need to put an “O” in the Override field on the Meeting Times and Instructor tab in the building/room and instructor fields to save it.
    • NOTE: You will also need to access SSAXLST to manage the cross-listing once all the section information is complete and the cross-list code entered. Once on SSAXLST, you can click insert to enter the course information of sections to add to the Cross-List. Make sure the Enrollment Maximum in the Cross List Section block matches the Maximum Enrollment number in the Cross List Enrollment block. Also make sure the maximum enrollment on SSAXLST includes the total enrollment capacities of all sections included in the cross listing. Finally, ensure the total enrollment of all sections combined do not exceed the room capacity where the courses will be taught.
  • Course Sections Missing Instructional Method

    Course sections must have an instructional method entered showing whether it is traditional (TR) used for fully on-campus courses or, for online courses, ASYNC, SYNCH, or hybrid/blended (HY).

    DO NOT USE the ONLINE (ON) option.

  • Online Course Discrepancy

    All online courses, whether they are taught on campus or at an off-campus location, must have the correct Campus Code and Instructional Method. The instructional method should always be SYNCH or ASYNC for online courses and HY for hybrid courses. The campus code will vary:

    • For online courses taught from the main campus, the campus code should be AAC
    • For online courses taught from an off-campus location, the campus code should be for that specific location (select from Campus field drop-down select list)
    • Note: For hybrid courses, the campus code should be AAA.
  • Grade Mode Error

    A grade mode should not be entered on any course. This field is maintained by the Registrar's Office.

  • Consent Required-Missing Special Approval

    The Special Approval box should be completed for any courses requiring consent to register. A dropdown box next to the Special Approval field shows you the options. If consent is no longer required for a course, please make the change through the curriculum committee process.

  • Part of Term

    Only the department knows how long into the term they want a particular course to run but it is critical that you choose the correct part-of-term that the course will follow when setting up a section to avoid larger issues. Although this is not a report within the Schedule Edit Collection, always review the Academic Calendar to ensure add/drop/withdraw dates are followed.

  • Credit Field Errors

    Credit hours for non-variable courses will default from the catalog and should not be changed.

    Variable credits can only be set if the course has been approved as a variable credit course. Variable credit courses must have the appropriate credit hours denoted in each of the credit, billing, and contact hour fields. They must also have the hours entered in either the lecture, lab or other contact hour field as appropriate.

    • NOTE: If a course has been approved as a variable credit course, you will see the range of credits the course can be and can set the credit hours for a particular section to be anything within that range. For example, a range of 3-6 credit hours means the course could be set to 3, 4, 5 or 6 credit hours for that section. If a set credit is not determined on a section, each student who registers will have to determine the credit they register for which may or may not be correct. The credit hour you choose should match in all the fields noted above and does impact registration and billing.
  • Sections Not Viewable in iROAR

    The Voice Response and Self-Service Available flag must be checked so the course is viewable in iROAR and students can select it for registration. To see all sections you have created, go to the Section Overview tab under Faculty Services in iROAR.

  • Course Should Be/Should Not Be Gradable

    Course sections with credits assigned must have the gradable indicator flag checked. Course sections with no credits assigned (i.e. 0 credit courses like labs) should not have the gradable indicator flag checked.

Meeting Times and Instructors

Reports to check accuracy for SSASECT > Meeting Times & Instructor Tab:

  • Course Section Start/End not aligned with Mtg Record

    Course sections part of term start/end dates should match the meeting record start/end dates. If not, go to the SSASECT Meeting Times tab and correct.

  • Course Sections Without a Room Assigned

    Main campus courses (campus of AAA) with a meeting pattern but blank building and room fields mean the mass scheduler will try and assign a university classroom to those courses. This report includes all campus codes so departments can double check for accuracy between the campus code and the instructional method as well. For main campus courses (AAA) departments should do one of the following:

    • If you have department owned room(s) that the course will go into, go ahead and assign that location
    • Enter “NO ROOM” (i.e. “NO” in the building field and “ROOM” in the room field) if the course does NOT need a university classroom, does not need a room at all and/or you are unsure of which department owned room (if applicable) it will be assigned.

    NOTE: Assigning NO ROOM will make the mass room scheduler ignore those sections when assigning university classrooms. Allowing your courses to receive a university classroom assignment when it is not needed takes the opportunity away from a course that may need it.

    For Online Courses (campus of AAC), enter Online Course, i.e., "Online" in the building field and "Course" in the room field.

  • Course Section Meeting Time Credits

    Course credit hours that are fixed must match in three places:

    1. SSASECT credit hours
    2. the session credit hours under the meeting times and instructor tab, and
    3. the meeting location and credits sub-tab

    If they do not, adjust the credits under the Meeting location and credits sub-tab to match the section credit hours.

  • Course Section Hours per Week

    Course section hours per week should be in line with the course contact hours and the scheduled times.

  • Instructor Missing

    All courses must have an instructor assigned PRIOR to the first day of classes. Please go to SSASECT under the Meeting Times and Instructor tab to enter the instructor(s). Keep in mind that only primary instructors can issue overrides and only one of the instructors can be primary. If the primary instructor cannot be assigned prior to the first day of classes, the department chair should be entered as a placeholder until the proper assignment can be made.

  • Instructor Percent Responsibility

    The sum of the percentage of responsibility must be equal to 100. You can adjust the percentage for each instructor on SSASECT under the Meeting Times and Instructor tab. For example, two instructors on a course could be 50/50 or 75/25 but the total must equal 100%.

    • Only one primary instructor is allowed per section.
    • Designate primary instructor by clicking the "Primary Indicator" checkbox.
    • Only primary instructors can issue overrides in iROAR.

Schedule Details and Text

Reports for Schedule Details and Schedule Text forms — SSADETL and SSATEXT:

  • Impossible Corequisite Combinations

    Course sections with corequisites must be set up correctly so a student isn’t prevented from registering. Corequisites must reciprocate with one another, except in circumstances when multiple CRNS are linked to one CRN such as in a lecture being offered with multiple lab options.

  • Missing Corequisites

    Course sections that require a co-requisite course must be linked together on SSADETL in the Co-requisite section. If a course section has a required co-requisite, both courses must be offered together.

  • Corequisite Message

    This report lists courses and their corequisites courses and the text added on SSATEXT. Only active sections are included. Check the narratives provided here for mistakes and add narratives on SSATEXT for those courses without one. When CRNs are tied to one another, a message helps to tell the student the acceptable combinations. These should be reviewed for accuracy each term.

Honors Course Setup

Reports for accuracy with Honors setup — SSASECT, SSADETL & SSARRES:

  • Honors Course Set-up Errors

    Honors courses are set up the same as other courses but there are three additional steps that must be done.

    Courses restricted to honors students should have the following characteristics and restrictions on students who can enroll:

    • On SSASECT, (HON) should be denoted at the end of the course title
    • On SSADETL, the HONR restriction should be applied under the Degree Program Attribute tab
    • On SSARRES, the HONR and HONP attributes should be applied under the Student Attribute tab
  • Honors Course with Non-Honors Students

    Courses restricted to honors students but have non-honors students registered. Departments should use this report to contact individual students and have them switch to a non-honors section.