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Final Exam Schedule

The exam schedule is designed for classes that meet at a standard time pattern. Exam periods are assigned based on the start time of the class. If your class has a standard start time, use the exam period below that corresponds to the first day/time of the week that your class meets. If the course begins at a non-standard time, i.e., time not listed below:

  • Students should contact their instructor for details.
  • Instructors should contact their Registration Coordinator for assistance in finding an available room.

Final examinations for Spring 2025 are scheduled for April 28 — May 2 (M-F).

Spring Common Final Examinations

Exams Administered at a Common Time
Course Exam Day Exam Time
MATH 1010, 1020, 2070 Wed 7-9:30pm
MATH 1030, 1040, 1060, 1070, 1080 Mon 11:30-2pm
STAT 2220 Thurs 7-9:30pm
STAT 2300 Mon 11:30-2pm
STAT 3090 Mon 7-9:30pm
ACCT 2010, 2020 Tue 11:30-2pm
ENGR 1020, 1410, 1520 Tue 11:30-2pm
CH 1010, 1020, 2230, 2240 Wed 11:30-2pm
PHYS 1220, 2210 Wed 7-9:30pm
PHYS 2070, 2080 Thurs 7-9:30pm
COMM 2500 Mon 7-9:30pm
ME 2050 Mon 11:30-2pm

Spring Final Examinations

Regularly Scheduled Exams
Class Days, Time Exam Day Exam Time
MWF, 8-8:50am Thurs 11:30-2pm
MWF, 9:05-9:55am Fri 8-10:30am
MWF, 10:10-11am Tue 3-5:30pm
MWF, 11:15-12:05pm Tue 8-10:30am
MWF, 12:20-1:10pm Mon 8-10:30am
MWF, 1:25-2:15pm Fri 3-5:30pm
MWF, 2:30-3:20pm Thurs 3-5:30pm
MW, 2:30-3:45pm Thurs 3-5:30pm
MW, 3:35-4:50pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MWF, 3:35-4:25pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MW, 4-5:15pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MWF, 4:40-5:30pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MW, 5:45-7pm Mon 7-9:30pm
M, 6:15-9pm Mon 7-9:30pm
W, 6:15-9pm Wed 7-9:30pm
MW, 7:15-8:30pm Fri 7-9:30pm
TTH, 8-9:15am Fri 7-9:30pm
TTH, 9:30-10:45 am Wed 8-10:30 am
TTH, 11-12:15 pm Wed 3-5:30 pm
TTH, 12:30-1:45 pm Mon 3-5:30 pm
TTH, 2-3:15 pm Thurs 8-10:30 am
TTH, 3:30-4:45 pm Fri 11:30-2 pm
TTH, 5-6:15 Thurs 7-9:30 pm
T, 6:15-9 pm Thurs 7-9:30 pm
TH, 6:15-9 pm Mon 7-9:30 pm
TTH, 6:30-7:45 pm Thurs 7-9:30 pm
Office of Records and Registration
Office of Records and Registration | 102 Sikes Hall